Galawisp History

Recommended Reading: Please read the Vaniwisp History before reading this entry.

After some time had passed, quite a lot actually Vanity remembered less and less about his affliction and the hazards of his creation magic. He had grown bored again and after witnessing with his very own creations the Vaniwisps be a disappointment, he wanted something more, something better. Even if his magic and disease might progress further he could just make it go away with layer upon layer of glamour right? In all his hubris and pride he set to making something more impressive more eye catching, than before, he knew what his magic did when he created and with that knowledge he would try to make something to compliment it. But what excatly?

One night he looked up he saw the stars in the night sky, what better to draw peoples attention but the stars everyone obssessed over. He would make new Vanis decorated with the sky, and the stars, planets, and constellations, why even stop there why not make some with weathery abilities and patterns. Everyone loved snowflakes and stars why not take advantage of that and make something that got and kept anyone's attention he would never be happy til his creations were perfect and appreciated the world over wherever they went. His own ambitions not neceassarily that of his creations. He wanted the world and here he could have the stars and shape them, his magic has been banked for so long that it was completly possible with the amount itching to get out he might be able to do anything.