Bloompuff FAQ

Q1.) Can BloomPuffs crossbreed with any species [CS or OPEN]?
A1.) Bloompuffs can as long as you a myo crossbreed ticket and of course have permission from the closed/open species owner, and us.

Q2.) Can BloomPuffs have different color eyes?
A2.) You can do anything you like with Bloompuff eyes, we do not hold rarity to eye color, or heterochromia, however we do have rarity on pupils that are shaped. We do though require a mutation add on to get colored sclera as well.

Q3.) Are any flowers off limits for Bloompuffs?
A3.) Moonflowers are sadly off limits, they can sometimes be unlocked via prompt. Also we like to keep aquatic flowers on Merpuffs, but its not really limited just a preference

Q4.) How long can BloomPuffs live?
A4.) Bloompuffs can live for hundreds of years, however bloompuffs that live in Aermerea live much longer. The average lifespan for a non Aermerea Bloompuff is around 100 years old, older cases may exist but have not been recorded, living in Aermerea it may be possible for a bloompuff to live up to a 1,000 years possibly more but Aermerea is still so new and bloompuffs so young its not known their full life span yet.

Q5.)How do BloomPuff's get their tails?
A5.) BloomPuff children start out with a small tail in which the parents take a part of their tail, and place it for the baby to lay on and let it attach to their tail. They stay like this for the first month of birth. This also is done with eggs where the parents, or parent will wrap the egg in fluff.

Q6.)Is there specific ear patterns for Bloompuffs?
A6.) There is no specific ear pattern for Bloompuffs though all Bloompuffs have to have an ear pattern, whether that be gradient, inner ear, back of ear, or lace. There has to be a pattern of some sort, following the traits.

Q7.) Can we have twin Bloompuffs, triplets, more?
A7.) Bloompuffs can have twins, but triplets and up are rare just like in real life, and of course Amorapuffs can have siblings, via adoption and sometimes naturally.

Q8.)Do BloomPuff's ear flowers ever wilt/shed and grow back?
A8.) Some Bloompuffs flowers/leafs change with the season, though commonly leaf bloompuff's will keep their fall leaf colors and never shed maybe but a leaf never becoming bare. Flowers can be shed if your bloompuff bears fruit with the season's change. But typically if your bloompuff's petals are turning, spotting, wilting, they are sick or dying. The petals can grow back with medicine and rest.

Q9.) What happens if you pluck off petals of a bloompuffs flowers? What happens if you pluck the cotton off an Amorapuff's ears?
A9.) Bloompuffs really don't appreciate you plucking their flowers, no I love me I love me not, its rude to pluck their petals. >.< But if your bloompuff had a flower with heavy clusters plucking a few wouldn't hurt them flowers with less could really hurt or damage your bloompuff.

You can pluck the cotton out of the air that floats from the ears of an Amorapuff but its a severe violation of personal space and sort of rude, be mindful if you do it you'll probably get whacked with a reinforced tail. They would produce more floating cotton but it could make them weak. Some black market area's try to harvest the cotton, and same for Bloompuff petals due to magical properties.

Q10.) Can Bloompuffs remove their tail? Do all bloompuffs have fluff around their necks?
A10.) Bloompuffs can pull pieces off their tail off if it is large, typically its used for egg warming, gestation and giving a tail to their child. Sometimes Bloompuffs even use their fluff for trading as it is very soft and prettily colored fetching a good price many places. Some godly bloompuffs can remove their whole tail but these typically have a different tail hiding inside the fluff. Please remember all bloompuffs even crossbreeds have to have fluff on the tail, on or around big or small, floating or no, they have to have fluff, even on demon tails, and animal tails. Bloompuff neck fluff though, is completely optional and not a required trait.

Q11.) Can a BloomPuff have a child that isn't a bloompuff?
A11.) See Question 1, Answer 1 - Bloompuffs.

Q12.) Can BloomPuffs have a disease that allows flowers to take over the body/cover the body/parts of the body?
A12.) Yes they can, there is an item for this called Overgrowth.

Q13.) Can Bloompuffs have tattoos?
A13.) Bloompuffs can have tattoos but body markings are a mutation add on.

Q14.) Do Bloompuffs have a set fashion?
A14.) Bloompuffs don't have set fashion really, you are free to do as you like with them though more Celestial/Godly dress much more fancy/elegant but other wear isn't uncommon.

Q15.) Do Bloompuffs have an ear length/size limit?
A15.) No no they do not the only stipulation on ear size or length, but most bloompuffs ears are based off real animal ears so keep their size and shape in mind when making your design.

Q16.) Can Bloompuffs & Amorapuffs be siblings?
A16.) Yes they can it is very possible to be blessed with a bloompuff and amorapuff that look like siblings! Though a bit rare its not impossible.