take a look at THIS!!!!!!!!!

Posted 3 years, 2 months ago by MARBAS amalgambite

hayyyyyyy :P i dunno WHEN i stumbled across this place but i want 2 say i think u all are kinda crazy lol. IN LIKE A FUN WAY IM NOT INSULTING U o_o YALL ARE A DEDICATED BUNCH ITS KINDA COOL i dont understand a lot of this second wave fuckery yall been throwin around but consider me off on the sidelines with one of those stupid foam fingers u see at sportball games cheering go bitch go!!!!!!

RIGHT OK HERES WHY IM HERE i saw some weird shit the other day. e_e like the kinda weird shit u peeps seem to get all fucked up over... i was takin a walk laaate at night n saw something crab shaped run behind a dumpster and like. it was like, stringy??? looking at it made me want some mf MOZZARELLA STICKS o__o so i went n got some afterwards cuz bitches b hungry. i chased after it bc i was liek WOAH and wanted to show it to tepes n like... LMAO OK idk how to describe it actually ill just show yall what i sent her :P

[01:31:27] marbas: TEPES
[01:31:30] marbas: HEY
[01:31:40] marbas: I FOUND SMTH WEIRD
[01:32:04] marbas: i wuz walkin down an alleyway n i saw this lil fucked up thang run behind a dumpster
[01:32:20] marbas: u ever seen shit like this before?
[01:32:30] marbas: hold on its sending
[01:33:00] marbas has sent the file unknown.jpg
[01:33:10] marbas: LIEK
[01:33:15] marbas: HUH????????

she read it all but never replied LOL i think she might be busy??? i dont think tepes would ignore ME of all people but idk wat do u think o.o

you're all bonkers.

Posted 3 years, 3 months ago by RIZZO NYAHILISM

some guy gave me an invite link to this joint n i thought hey might as well. gave me weird vibes but i cant judge plenty of people weird me out. usually i only make a move on it if its in self defense. but anyways

i hear y'all talking about some kind of invasion and i shant lie my beloved internet sheeple that i have no idea what the fuck yall are talking about. is there some kind of memo i missed? what's even getting invaded and how am i involved? i hope its like......... spencers. that'd be dope. anyone who wants to invade spencers with me in a few months my dms are open and i eagerly await your response. mwah!

it's a strange case overall though because everyone but me seems to be in on this whole invasion deal and i'm starting to believe it's some kinda elaborate scheme to punk me. celebrities are people too. youre all rude as hell. im joking i promise but y'all could stand to be a bit less secretive, yknow? i've asked a buncha people about it and they usually just stare at me or give me some kinda... Face. yknow the face? the uncomfortable white person smile? that. like, pity smiling but it looks like youre tryin desperately not to bare your teeth like some kinda rabid chimp.

ive only been this rizzo guy for a few years now and i'm doin fine with it. everyone loves me cuz i'm swag. so many of y'all i've seen jumping from body to body like the world's about to end. youre making a mess. someone clinically underpaid is gonna have to clean that up later and i hope you feel very very sorry for what youve done. i hope you slip a fat wad of cash into the pocket of the next sanitation worker you meet. i will be watching and i will know if you do not. all these bodies lyin around are leaving a whole buncha frantic fearmongering over something that doesn't even matter to begin with. you guys couldn't choose somewhere to slip into something more comfortable that's, i don't know, NOT a shady alleyway or abandoned building or literally anywhere else that wouldn't look like a crime scene? it's dumb! dummy dumb dumb. maybe you people are just obsessed with privacy. i don't see why. i could understand an individual, but a good chunk of a population? what's you guys' deal! maybe choose somewhere equipped to deal with a dead body next time. i'm sure they'll be able to take care of it once you're done.

after all, this shit's just daily life. what do we have to hide, anyways?


Posted 3 years, 3 months ago by CashlessDrake07

Any entry sent before 3PM EST will be skipped

Just like before, 10 minutes from now, we'll be opening the MYO sale as previously announced! These'll be 15 common/uncommon slots, FCFS, and will be sending the invoice to those who got the slot!

We're giving early access to the form to input your information, but please do not send before 3 PM EST as that'll be ignored!

When entering for someone else, please specify on Username Section as "User1 for User2"!

Best of luck! 


sorry, sorry, sorry!

Posted 3 years, 3 months ago by TAFFY NYAHILISM

Oh my God, it's like I start each and every one of these with an apology... I just worry about you guys! If no one else is going to keep you updated, who will? I think it's a personal duty for me to make these posts. I mean, unless you don't want me to. I get that! Just say so.

But... is there anyone else posting about... whatever's going on in the invasion right now? I know there are plenty of people on this site alone who'd discredit me based solely on the fact that I'm... me, but are they getting the same kind of information you all are? I feel like everyone has a right to know what's happening in the world around them. Especially when these are matters so close to home! Not in a literal sense, I mean. We're kinda... scattered. That's why we're talking here, right? As, like, some kind of convenient meetup spot for Mignyans? I know that not all of us have the fortune to be able to access the internet, though, and with the lack of information on the Second Wave, I'm... worried for them. It's scary! I mean, if these new crabs really are ill-intentioned or dangerous, and they're not made aware, God knows what could happen! I don't- I really don't- want that on my hands. I want to do more. I think I kind of have to do more. The number of crabs claiming Second Wave only keeps growing, but they've never told us just what that means or where the moniker even came from. We're expected to take them at face value- but really, what other choice do we have? I don't want anyone getting hurt because of a suggestion I put out in a fit of confusion.

If you have friends, though, that want to go around claiming Second Wave... I think you should ask them why. What that means. What the Second Wave wants. We're scared of what we don't know. If we get a better grasp on what we're dealing with, maybe peace could be an option!


simply pathetic.

Posted 3 years, 3 months ago by MAGNA NYAHILISM

You've all been stirring up quite the ruckus as of late. "Second Wave" this, "public outcry" that- you'll see soon enough that this infighting is pointless and only serves to divert us from our goal. We are invaders, are we not? We were given the innate ability to sense one of our own, and yet, we still bicker over who is and isn't welcome to the club. You're harming our efforts. Directly. Your focus at present should be in harboring and distributing as many crabs as possible until, preferably, every crab delivered to this planet is either already in a host or able to find one with ease. A worthwhile invader lifts their fellow crab up, not even considering spitting at their feet like we see so many of you proclaiming as the right way to go about things. Why do you insist on the existence of this seemingly unnoticeable divide between "waves?" What is a "wave?" What purpose does your fearmongering serve? Keeping us "safe?" Safe from what?

Or is there some outside threat we haven't been told about?

We're sure that if there was, we would have been informed by now. The Mothercrab has chosen to remain silent on the state of affairs for the time being. We assure you, when she does find out just what her beloved invaders have been doing with this shithole of a planet, she's going to rain fury down upon us. Our mass will be forcibly reabsorbed into the crab cycle. She'll find some other, better planet to focus her efforts on. We've invested so much time and resources into Earth as it is, to stop the invasion now would be an unholy waste, and we aren't eager to just toss millennia of dedication to the cause down the drain over some poor saps too scared of what they don't know to focus on the task at hand. You disappoint us. Time is running out. 

Get your act together or face the consequences.


Posted 3 years, 3 months ago by CashlessDrake07


Any entry sent before 4PM EST will be skipped

* FTO: Person who doesn't currently own a mignyan (premade or slot)

Greetings! As announced, the FTO MYO slot sale is being held today, at 4 PM EST (in about 10 minutes!), so we're giving access to the form to prepare the info!

When entering for someone else, please specify on Username Section as "User1 for User2"!

We're selling 15 common/uncommon slots, FCFS. We'll be sending an invoice to the winners!

Best of luck! 


few lil thangs.

Posted 3 years, 3 months ago by PANDORA NYAHILISM

this isnt dire i just want to get it out there. an ignorant people is a compliant people and a compliant people doesnt notice when the rug is swept out from under them.

idk who half of yall are and i dont care. it do not matter. but what i do know is you cant TRUST these hoes claiming 2 be second wave. i dont even know if theyre mignyans anymore. they feel like us but they dont smell like us, yknow? i mean they dont literally smell its a metaphor (google it youll learn something) but in my experience they're either shifty as all hell or complete dumbasses. sometimes both. interacting with them is always a trial it feels like im getting run in circles maam you think youre hot shit because your meat glows or whatever? big whoop. i going bite you. a guy of mine says hes been in dealings with someone who says shes big in it all but i dont know if i trust him either since the last time he promised me something it was that pouring chili flakes in my eyes would make them shoot lazers and im not letting him fool me again (bitch)

anyways supposedly theyre not really planning... anything. seriously. couple of em apparently even said they didnt know there were multiple "waves" going on. don't know whether to believe it or not. feel like i'm getting clowned by a toddler. thats also a metaphor. 

also give me stream revenue.


Posted 3 years, 3 months ago by Prismbattery

Hello, this is an update that would have been made much sooner however situations kept cropping up that we found only appropriate to deal with in their entirety before publicizing the Mignyan Blacklist.

Do not harass anyone on this list, we do not condone that behavior. 



Anyone on that list cannot own a Mignyan or slot, and once blacklisted must void, trade, or sell (we will appraise) the Mignyans they currently own. In the situation a Mignyan cannot be voided, you must trade it.
These users cannot own or co own designs and if we find you 'holding' characters for a blacklisted user you will be blacklisted as well.

This list is made public here and on the dA, and there is no tolerance for breaking it. 

Thank you for your attention!

Something peculiar...

Posted 3 years, 4 months ago by TAFFY NYAHILISM

I'm so sorry for the lack of word on my behalf! You all know how hectic life has been, right? Nothing bad happened to me, I promise! Still out here, chuggin' along!

Something a bit strange did happen to me the other day, though. I was at a Farmer's Market, picking up jellies. You know these holistic housewife-y types. As soon as they get bored, they start canning, and once they start canning, they don't stop. I think I could live off of raspberry preserves at this point, but my teeth would probably rot. (Not fun!! >_<) Anyways, something tells me that there's another Mignyan in the area, and I get antsy. I mean... I've not exactly been keeping up with the invasion, and I think people might be starting to find out... :X So, naturally, I'm a bit wary around other Mignyans, haha... 

We make eye contact, and she's this... compact little woman. The shape of a bottle of pomegranate juice. Big brown eyes and a big goofy smile. The kind of person you'd expect to be buying an armful of honeycrisp apples and swiss chard. Which she was. It was almost more than she could carry. So, of course, since I'm a nice person (YES), I offer to help her carry it, and we wander off together and i forget ENTIRELY about the salami i left sitting unpaid for FUCK sorry for swearing

Anyways, we wander off together somewhere a bit more private. There's this little hole-in-the-wall cafe that I'm decently sure is entirely Mignyan-run, so it's pretty much my usual meeting spot. She sets her groceries down and starts running her mouth, and I start listening since (YES) I'm a nice, pleasant person to be around. She says something about not quite caring for the invasion now that she's got her host's family to worry about (Husband, Wife, 3 kids, and herself. She had pictures! They were very cute.), and I say I can sympathize. Which I can. I swear. She's got this enchanting kind of aura about her, and I don't know why I keep falling half-asleep as she talks. It feels kind of rude!

And then it clicks. We dropped our disguises a while ago, it's just common courtesy, y'know? But I look closer at her. She's got her face all scrunched up in this big, sunshiney smile, so she can't see me staring. I guess sunshiney is an apt descriptor. The closer I look at her meat, the easier it is to notice.

In that hazy, late-afternoon sunlight, I could've sworn it was sparkling.

that ain't right.

Posted 3 years, 5 months ago by AXEL NYAHILISM

sorry for not bein here when it was more active. i didn't wanna join cuz i couldn't give myself a sasuke forum signature

but it looks like this is as close as i'm gettin to a mig hub, so i figure this is the kinda people who'd wanna know. or maybe you know already. maybe you're one'a these guys. i don't know a lotta mignyans irl, so it's hard to say what is and isn't normal
it wasn't some grand encounter of fate or nothin' tho. it was a midnight slurpee run cuz i was thirsty and the dorms're conveniently close to a 7/11 and i was achin to get in a fight. no one there but me n some guy in a hoodie. didn't get a look at his face, but he defo gave off big ol mig vibes. the kind that freak you out real good but youre like hey this guys got Small Crab Can Dodge too so you doubt hes gonna pull anything too weird. he might. i hear some of u guys eat people and i dont trust like that anymore
so i get my slurpee and i gotta mentally reassure myself that im gonna pummel a guy some other time. talkin to my switchblade like a skittish wild horse. we're both outside, no cameras, we get to talkin. guy seems chill, no issues, n we go our separate ways. wasnt til i got home that i noticed something was up
he had meat, yeah. we all got meat. it's like our thing. but this guy was messed. all cracked and crumbly, covered in these weird scabby growths. coulda been rot. don't think it was rot.
anyways do u guys think its contagious cuz i dont have insurance and i can NOT afford to get sick rn

luv axel~

(i made do)