Quick Start Guide

  1. Read through the rules.
  2. Decide on your evine's design, making sure to the refer to the traits and design pages.
       It's okay to use a pre-existing design (that was not an evine originally), as long as it fits within the evine traits and rules.
  3. Decide on your evine's thread color and magical abilities, making sure to refer to the magic page.
  4. Create a post in the Masterlist Requests forum using the provided template (pinning in the forum). If you do not wish to use the toyhouse forum, you can also submit your design by sending the template to 8BitBaker on toyhouse, furaffinity, or twitter.
  5. Now you officially have an evine; enjoy learning more about the world and developing your character, we look forward to getting to know you!

Evine Design Request Form

Designer Name (if different from owner):
Evine Name:
Thread Color/s:
Primary Magic Ability 1:
Secondary Magic Ability*:
Secondary Magic Ability*:
Secondary Magic Ability*:
Horn Trait:
Ears Trait:
Tail Trait:
Additional Traits (if applicable):

Link to Reference, Uploaded Reference, or Link to TH Page with Reference.
References must be full body, accurate, and show all markings.

*Evines must have a minimum of one primary magical ability and may have up to three secondary magic abilities. You only need to include these abilities if you choose to have them.