Rainclan Information


Last Edited 08/07/2021

Rainclan Territory

Leader Lives 9

Active Medicine Cats 1

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Prey Availability

Rainclan is one of the main 4 Clans (Sunclan, Breezeclan, Snowclan, Rainclan) that were founded many moons ago by a group of lone cats, however it is the only Clan that remains in the present, along with Sunclan.

Rainclan has a vast history of many leaders and traitors, forgotten romances and familial dramas, it is a heavily scarred Clan that nearly dissapeared due to a heavy sickness, however, the grandson of one of the previous leaders returned, bringing with him a small group that would help rebuild the Clan.

Past Leaders


Rainstar was the founder of RainClan, he was a dark and ambitious, yet bright leader that ruled for a very long time. He once had an affair with a loner, which forced him to live a double life to be able to support both her and his now evolving clan. After she gave birth to three kits, two of them died instantly due to unknown causes, leaving only one alive, Darkkit. Devastated, his loner mate left him with their kit and never retured. Rainstar began to raise his only son, Darkkit with the help of the current medicine cat.

Rainstar raised his son in a strict manner, having large plans for his future, Darkkit became Darkpaw and Rainstar began his grand work. He began to introduce Darkpaw to dangerous and evil individuals that made up the higher warrior ranks, training him along with them, he waged wars against the other clans to gain more territory, and made sure the apprentice participated in every and each one of them. However his son got exhausted of the intense training and worried about how sincere his father was regarding the clan's safety, Darkpaw began to avoid his father, much to Rainstar's displeasure. When his son became Darkriver, Rainstar made him deputy not too long after, hoping to get him back on his good side.

Rainstar lost most of his lives in the battlefield, either defending the clan against multiple enemies or by attacking them himself. After a devastating flood with many Rainclan victims, Rainstar lost his final life, making way for his son to undo his father's deeds.


Darkstar was RainClan's second leader. He was born by a mossy fallen tree, his mother was a loner that had mated with Rainclan's founder, Rainstar. His mother, heartbroken of having two of her three kits dead, gave Darkkit to his father and disappeared, never to be seen again. Darkkit was raised by his father and with the help of the RainClan medicine-cat.

Darkpaw spent most of his life silent, his father assigned himself as his mentor, and while Darkpaw was happy to build a closer relationship with his father, Rainstar had other plans. Rainstar slowly started to push his son into darker paths, Darkpaw protested and denied to train with him again, training along with other apprentices and their mentors to avoid his father. While Darkpaw distanced himself more and more from his father, he watched him as he permitted evil cats that were banished from their clans, as well as loners to find a place in the clan, turning the camp into a fearful and unsafe place. Darkpaw eventually completed his training, and recieved his name, Darkriver. Darkriver spent a lot of time with a clanmate named Snowlight, who he fell madly in love with, while she was pregnant with their first kits, she disappeared from the camp and no one knew where she went. Search groups looking for her were sent and they eventually found her by the stream close to the MoonCave, killed by a fox. Darkriver was heartbroken and decided to focus on himself and how he would go on leading the Clan as it's deputy and later, once his tyranical father died, as leader.

Darkstar was a cold leader, only caring about his clan's wellbeing and not about the other clans. While he used to be allies with Snowclan but soon after the two clans broke into a huge hate for each other. Darkstar's second mate, Robinfeather, died by the claws of a SunClan warrior, along with Darkstar where he lost one of his lives. Darkstar found out that a long time ago Robinfeather had kitted but hid her kits from him, that's when Darkstar started his very own personal search about his remaining kin. After some time, he realised that his kits were living in Sunclan, they were both already warriors, named Firestorm and Thornheart, both toms and both alike their father in many ways. Darkstar's third and last mate was Peachpetal, she gave him 3 amazing kits, Magpiekit, Dawnkit and Aurakit. Aurakit however had lung problems that caused her to die shortly after she became apprentice, Magpiepaw was lost during a camp invasion, but returned to the clan as a full grown she-cat with a daughter. As his last kit, Dawnkit, he became Dawnclaw and remained in RainClan as a warrior, but after the death of his first love Tangledpaw, became consumed by darkness. Things started to seem good once more for the leader, his son Firestorm moved to RainClan and they formed a close bond but Thornheart, betrayed and took one of his few lives left. Darkstar became allies with Brightstar for a bit before he died by a landslide along with Fallenstar, the SnowClan leader.


Pinestar was the third leader of RainClan. Pinekit used to be a hypochondriac and generally frightened kit, she would not play with others and she would prefer to stay close to her mother and only spent time playing with her father. She had two siblings that were born dead due to a genetic mutation that badly misplaced and misconstructed their bones, Pinekit also bore the same mutation, but luckily, it was not at a place that would concern her life. Her tail's bones were misplaced and crooked and they would give her hard time climbing or balancing herself correctly. Because of her sibling's fates, she was scared she would also die because of how she was born, however the medicine-cat reassured her constantly that she would be safe. Pinepaw became numb and never grieved or felt bad for any death in her life up until her parents passed away, she would not continue her training with her mentor and later decided to leave the clan to go and live alone in Snowclan's mountains; the High Peaks. There she met and continued her training with a loner, he was a sweet tom who sadly was deaf. They spent a lot of time together and formed a bond, unfortunately he was killed by an avalance he couldn't hear heading his way. Broken by his death, she decided to return to her Clan after she was old enough to be a warrior, birthed 4 kits and named herself Pinemask due to the brown fur colouring around her eyes her eyes.

Long after she re-joined her clan and fought in the battle against SnowClan, her lone training paid off and she managed to kill many SnowClan cats with minimal casualties for her Clan, her leader; Darkstar was surprised to have finally found a cat so loyal to Rainclan after a series of terrible deputies so he granted her the deputy role. Darkstar, soon lost all his remaining lives along with the SnowClan leader Fallenstar due to a landslide, Pinemask became Pinestar and started her first clumsy steps in an unsuccessful leadership. She banned her first deputy after acknowledging she was queer and replaced them with no burden in her heart. As a mother to her four kits she was extremely over-protective. Her daughter, Leafpaw died close to the SunClan borders by Dawnclaw and Ivyfrost, trying to stop them from bringing two stolen SunClan kits Tigerkit and Hawkkit, into Rainclan territory. Pinestar thought SunClan cats killed her daughter so she grew hate for them. She teamed up with Soaringstar, Snowclan's leader against Sunclan and believed it would be easy since the Breezeclan leader wouldn't take part in the war that was declared, but this changed when Skystar died and was replaced by Icestar. After her daughter, Doepaw became medicine cat, a rank that Pinestar thought was completely useless, she started becoming hysterical, judgmental and not really caring about any destruction her Clan was put through. the final straw for her insanity was drawn after she learned that her two last offspring, both had mates from other Clans, she decided that she couldn't take on any more shame, as she believed she was the only cat in the Clan still honoring the Code, and decided to end her few lives left by feeding herself to dogs.


Froststar became leader after Pinestar's suicide. Frostclaw was a warrior of RainClan known for his slippery nature. He was cruel, arrogent and sexist. Darkstar made him deputy after Crowfoot's death which only worsened his attitude. After killing an innocent cat, Darkstar saw his mistake of making him deputy and exiled him. After his exile from the Clans, Frostclaw became a rogue, sometimes known as Frost. He was a vicious rogue, always hating the Clans. Soaringstar invited him to join SnowClan as his deputy. Frostclaw assisted Soaringstar with his plans, punishing those that disobeyed the leader. He spoke for SnowClan at the gathering whilst Soaringstar invaded the SunClan camp. He even took a life from Foxstar at this gathering.

After finding out he had a daughter from an old lover in RainClan, Frostclaw took an interest in her. Seeing that his deputy began to have other loyalties other than to him, Soaringstar told Frostclaw to kill her to prove himself loyal to only Soaringstar. Frostclaw declined, and Soaringstar exhiled him after everything he had done for the leader. Frostclaw went back to his old clan and offered Pinestar SnowClan secrets in exchange for lifting Darkstar's exile and being able to re-join RainClan and get to know his daughter. Pinestar soon needed a new deputy and picked Frostclaw to be her new one. He helped fight against SnowClan and after Pinestar's fall into madness, he became the new RainClan leader. The clan was quite split about him. Some cats thought that Pinestar had disgraced RainClan and Darkstar by letting Frostclaw back into their clan, others were able to forgive his past actions. Froststar refused to let any SnowClan or BreezeClan cats join after their camps where destroyed, and he made a lot of rash decisions. He often bashed heads with SunClan's leader Moonstar. He lost all respect from his clan, they stopped following his orders and there were rumours of a plan to assasinate him. Froststar decided being RainClan leader not worth the stress so left before his inevitable overthrowing. RainClan was on the brink of destruction like SnowClan and BreezeClan, till Darkstar's grand-daughter returned and took on the leadership.


Battle of the Sunstones

One of the oldest conflicts between SunClan and RainClan is which of them should own the Sunstones. The SunStones are a collection of rocks that the sun warms up, creating a pleasing place to relax. After moons of argument, war finally came and SunClan took full ownership of the SunStones. There were many casulties on both sides, including the SunClan deputy Sunstorm who was left paralysed. Due to her daughter's lifechanging injury, Brightstar became more bitter towards Darkstar, allying with SnowClan leader Fallenstar.

Contamination of the Lake

RainClan's biggest disaster struck unsuspectingly. There was a while when Clans thought that RainClan would be unaffected by a prophecy that all clans would suffer by an faceless enemy, but this was not to be true. In fact it is arguable that they got the worst enemy. The Old Lake in RainClan territory became tainted by Two-legs, poisoning the cats and prey that had drank from it. The cause of the problem was discovered just in the nick of time by Moonshine who had came to help after Branchtail had come to find the SunClan medicine-cat for help. Many cats of all ages died, including Darkstar who lost a life.

The Fire

Started by a mysterious burning stick suspiciously left in SunClan territory, the fire caused mass destruction, spreading across the land and creating what is now known as the Grey Woods. Unfortunately the fire eached the gathering site. Respected warriors died from inhaling a deadly amount of smoke, from falling tree branches crushing them or the fire catching up with them and burning them alive. A pregnant queen gave birth during this terrible period, 1 of her kits falling to his death along with Foxstar, who lost one of her lives to saving her son Lionpaw who had slipped whilst carrying the kit to safety. Her daughter Tigerpaw also almost died. Foxstar emerged from the gathering, with chunks of fur missing and nasty burns but alive. She later that night lost another life from smoke inhalation.

Battle for the Meadow

The Meadow is the land that lays infront of the gathering area. SunClan claimed the land early on and for a while it was ignored by all the Clans. However once Pinestar took over RainClan as leader, she brought up the issue of the Meadow's ownership and attacked SunClan to get her paws on extra territory. BreezeClan believed that they had the right to more territory as well so they also joined in this massive fight, their participation did not last long as they retreated soon after and the intense fight between SunClan and RainClan proceeded on it's own. Pinestar lost a life at the claws of Foxstar, ending this fight. Injuries were concerning for both sides but while SunClan may have protected their territory and driven both Clans away, it came at massive cost. Both RainClan and BreezeClan would refuse to ally with SunClan during it's war with SnowClan, at least till Icestar took up BreezeClan's leadership.

Soaringstar's wrath

Soaringhawk and the early Soaringstar was a very brave and wise SnowClan cat and a good leader but his heart was darkened after his beautiful mate Brightpool was killed in a border skirmish before they could ever have kits. Soaringstar was a ruthless dictator that held a massive grudge on Sunclan and Foxstar, this soon spreading to all the Clans after the battle for the Meadow. Soaringstar had no sympathy or remorse for any cats, he didn’t listen to other cat’s opinions and anyone who disobeyed him ended up dead. He used Frostclaw as a tool which he wiped his paws off easily once he was no longer needed. Soaringstar broke the rules by attacking the SunClan camp during a Gathering. The whole thing was planned, showing his evil cunning ways. The Leader slaughtered kits just because he knew it would hurt the Clan most, horrifing them as well as wiping out a whole lot of cats that could have become apprentices. He also killed his own Clanmate during that battle when she failed to obey him, refusing to kill kits. Soaringstar lost a life to Icestar who had come with BreezeClan to help SunClan, and he called his cats to retreat.

Soon Soaringstar became even more obsessed with bringing SunClan down and getting revenge on Foxstar. Almost all SnowClan cats followed him from fear, he manipulated to get his own way. At meetings if cats spoke up or disrespected him, he would simply order Frostclaw to dispose of them publicly. Rainfern was lucky to escape with her life. However, after learning he had a daughter in RainClan, Frostclaw began to lose loyalty to SnowClan and Soaringstar noticed this so tasked him to kill her to prove his loyalty. Frostclaw refused and Soaringstar exiled him. Frostclaw then joined RainClan in return for SnowClan secrets. He later became their Pinestar's new deputy after she made Nightrunner step down for being queer. After the news from Frostclaw that Soarinstar planned to not stop at SunClan, but try to take over the rest of the clans once he was done with SunClan, Pinestar broke off the alliance and sided with SunClan and BreezeClan. Soon Soaringstar launched a massive attack on SunClan. The attack was bloodthirsty and had many casulties. Soaringstar killed Foxstar's grandson Ashcloud, causing his parents to attack him, together ripping all his remaining lives from him. From here, SnowClan would become a democracy without a leader till an avalanche covered all the entrances and sealed the camp, killing all the cats inside. Only those out of camp survived, either becoming loners or joining another clan.


Rainclan is located in the deepest part of the forest where barely any sunlight reaches the wet, muddy ground, the main prey around that area are toads and frogs, voles and small lizards.

Most Rainclan cats know how to fish, so they instead might visit the Great River or the Lake to catch fish there.

Rainclan cats are not afraid to overstep their boundaries at times of hunger to steal prey from their opposing Clan, in that case they usually can catch squirrels, birds, mice and small rabbits.

Traits and Characteristics


  • Dark coated with long to medium fur.
  • Muscular and physically well built.
  • Sensitivity to bright daylight.
  • Webbed paws because the soil is wet and soggy.

Fighting Style

  • Usually perform better in a one on one duel.
  • Sneaky and sly techniques, don't play by the rules.
  • Able to hunt and fight better in dense and camouflaged terrain.
  • Known for their ability to creep up on enemies silently.


  • The RainClan camp is surrounded by bramble bushes and thorns.
  • The MoonCave is located on the western edge of RainClan’s territory, towards the mountains.
  • The Pine Woods are part of Rainclan territory and they are a forest of mainly Pine and Oak trees, located between the camp and the great river.
  • The Marshland is located on the Northern edge of the territory, right beside the Old lake. It is a vast plain of freshwater wetland, dominated by herbaceous plants, such as grasses, reeds, and sedges. It is said that some parts of it can be dangerous, since if a cat gets stuck in the mud, they will slowly sink and drown in it.
  • The Old Lake is located beside the Marshland and above the RainClan camp, it is a large freshwater lake and the main source of water for the Clan. Most cats also use it to cool off in the hot summer days, as well as a food source, though some are still too scared to use it since it got contaminated.




Stygianstar is a bold but fair leader, he is fairly new to this role and doesn't know much about how to work around leading an entire Clan, however with time, and with his lineage's guideance in his dreams, he's hoping to pull through. After all, a purpose was what he was seeking his entire life.



Brightrose is a selfish and outspoken cat, she is Stygianstar's ex-mate's sister and she joined him in the journey to rebuild RainClan for her own selfish reasons. While she might not be exactly nice to others, she has been of great help to the rebuilding of the Clan. While Stygianstar has a soft spot for Brightrose, perhaps even developing romantic feelings for her, it's unknown what Brightrose's true intentions as deputy are.



Cottontuft is one of the few cats that were left in RainClan, after Pinestar's death and Froststar's abandonment, the Clan became chaotic, without a new leader the cats began to migrate to SunClan or becoming loners, a few however refused to leave their home, and Cottontuft could not leave them behind. During a heavy sickness the medicine cat died, which left no one to treat the sick. Cottontuft shared some knowledge of herbs so she took upon the role, trying her best to help the few cats left. When Stygianstar arrived with the goal to revive the Clan, Cottontuft was over the clouds, finally her hard work was not in vain. She looks up to Stygianstar and thanks him for bringing life back into the Clan.