SunClan Information


Last Edited 14/6/2021

Sunclan Territory

Leader Lives 9

Active Medicine Cats 1

Active Warriors info

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Prey Availability

Sunclan is one of 4 Clans (Sunclan, Rainclan, Snowclan, Breezeclan) that were founded many moons ago. However, overtime only 2 of these clans have survived, SunClan and RainClan..

Sunclan has been through a lot since it's creation all those moons ago. They suffered an adder infestation, attacks from the rogue clan PainClan, a fire, SnowClan's murderous leader Soaringstar, etc. Despite all these challenges the clan persevered and stands strong to this day.

Past Leaders


Sunstar, was the founder of SunClan. She was optimistic and nobel. Sunstar dedicated a lot of time focusing on her clan. She never had a mate or kits, she saw the clan as her huge family. She always found herself caught up in clan work. Whether it being, leading patrols or making sure she asked every cat how their day was going, she never stopped. Leading SunClan was her passion.

After the unfortunate death of her deputy who was slaughtered by RainClan cats after Sunstar sent him to speak peacfully with them, she decided that she couldn't face of losing another deputy and that she didn't need one, she could take on the deputy's jobs as well! At first things were fine, but as she started to get older, it got overwhelming and it left her feeling drained and making mistakes from exhaustion and stress. One night she forgot to set up camp guards and SnowClan cats snuck into the camp and killed her in her sleep, taking her last life. Many other cats were killed during this attack. This taught SunClan the importance of having a deputy to help balance out tasks.


Brightstar was the second leader of SunClan. Brightkit was born an onlychild, therefore she spent her life feeling an immense sense of loneliness and always seeking new friends which led to her becoming quite close to the handsome BreezeClan apprentice Clearpaw. She instantly took a liking him and they soon became more than friends. Brightsky and her BreezeClan lover kept meeting in secret till at last she had his kits. However things took a turn for the worst and Brightsky's kits were still-born. The tragedy of losing the kits created an atmosphere of sadness whenever she and Clearstream met and their relationship deteriorated before long, both focusing on their clans. Brightsky strived to become the best SunClan warrior she could be. She watched Clearstream become deputy, and accepted their love to be a young and naive first love that would never last, soon settling down with a tom named Thunderstorm and having his first kits Sunkit and Shadekit.

Not long after her daughters were born Sunstar was murdered and she argued her case to become leader. She didn't think she had much of a chance but thought it was worth a try. To her surprise, she recieved the highest vote from her clanmates who had a great deal of respect for her and so she became SunClan's second leader. Brightstar was a sensible, smart Leader. She was kind and confident and loved by most cats. She wasn't scared to say her opinion. Brightstar had another kit Forestheart. Unfortunately her daughter Sunstorm became paralised, unable to use her legs after a fight with RainClan over territory which was a massive blow to Brightstar. Sunstorm had been SunClan's deputy and was replaced by Foxtail. Brightstar and her former lover Clearstar remained on good terms. They both had gone on to have their own families but still greatly cared and respected for each other. Brightstar lost a life after she was bit by an adder, she also lost a life to Pain during the fight with PainClan. In the end it was a fox that took her out. She spoke her last words to Foxtail who had killed the fox that had injured her, reassuring her deputy that she would be a good Leader.


Foxstar was born to a litter of 3 with her siblings Nightkit and Moonkit. Foxpaw was a very excitable, enthusiastic apprentice. Very cheerful and bouncy. She was quite cocky too, especially when fishing with Tigerpaw, her best friend. Foxpaw was trained by Thunderstorm, Brightstar's mate and so had very close relations to the Leader's family and her role model was Sunstorm who she looked up to and admired immensely. After defeating a BreezeClan cat in a border dispute, Foxpaw became Foxtail. Foxtail and Tigerstripe also finally admitted their feelings for each other and became mates shortly after. Foxtail became one of SunClan's youngest but bravest warriors, fighting fiercely in the battle of SunStones, and was chosen to replace Sunstorm as SunClan's new deputy after her injury. She promised to live up to the previous deputy and make her Clan proud.

Not long after it was at last it was Foxtail’s turn to step up and become Leader after defeating the fox that had killed Brightstar. She had a litter of 3 precious and very troublesome kits, Darkkit, Lionkit and Tigerkit. She treasured these kits deeply no matter how much they drove her insane. Tigerstripe was more the pushover and lenient parent compared to her. She also in her time as a Leader, reinforced the tight connection between SunClan and BreezeClan when her old friend Icestar became Leader. Foxstar led SunClan with hope though the war with SnowClan, sacrificing a life whilst saving her son in the Sunclan fire, losing another life to Frostclaw among the way, and keeping her Clan standing strong when two-legs started destroying territory. When the war with Soaringstar was finally over it left her exhausted. Upon reaching her last life, Foxstar had seen her family slowly die around her and saw how her devotion to her Clan had given her less time to focus on them while she had had the chance, therefore she stepped down to spend what time she had left supporting the survivors of her family without the pressures of being a leader. She felt pleased with all she had done and felt it was Moonmask’s time to make SunClan shine!


Moonstar was the leader before Elmstar. He was the kit of Sunstorm and Adderfang, he and his twin, Graykit were the last litter Sunstorm had, only at the age of 2 moons they were told their mother had been paralised and lost her ability to use her legs from a battle with Rainclan for the dominance of the SunStones. Once becoming an apprentice he started stepping on the dark side of himself, training in Dark Forest with two of the most ancient villains of the clans. Moonpaw, thought it could be a good idea to get more training than he already recieved, thinking that this way he would help his clan and prove himself as one of the best warriors and always be able to keep his crush Sandpaw safe. The Dark Forest soon influence Moonpaw, covered in mud, to start murdering kittypets and his very own Clanmates in secret. Moonpaw earned the name "Spiritrogue" as his identity stayed secret. Unfortunately, his sister found out about him and Moonpaw understood that he had to kill his sister to keep the truth hidden. It was one of his greatest regrets.

In the Dark Forest, he met Brightstar's son Forestheart who was there as a spy, they ended up battling and Forestheart clawed Moonmask's face, giving the apprentice deep claw scars across his face and muzzle. After saving Sandpaw from a fox, he gained his warrior name, Moonmask, for saving her. As his love for Sandflower grew, he started losing connections with the Dark Forest. This made the evil cats furious and they started using Sandflower's safety against him. Moonmask kept killing cats, including Darkstar's mate, against his will, in fear Sandflower would be killed instead if he didn't. He had to deal with the guilt of turning down his friend Springsong's affections as he loved Sandflower. Then Sandflower was raped by Amethystshine soon after, which made Moonmask furious and kill the tom. After this he admitted that he was Spiritrogue. Sandflower, broken from the truth about her mate, made him leave, threatening to kill him if he ever returned, setting an end in their relationship. He continued to spy on Sandflower and make sure she is okay, one day badgers nearly killed her but he saved her and brought him in his shelter where she forgave him after he promised to never kill again nor return to the Dark Forest.

Foxstar made Moonmask her deputy after becoming leader which surprised many cats, even Moonmask himself but he stepped up to the role as a changed cat, doing his bit and learning from his past mistakes. Soon after Sandflower births two kits. Moonmask had never felt so happy in his life with his small family. However this didn’t last long as Lillykit was killed by an adder. This was influenced by the Dark Forest as payback to Moonmask for renouncing himself from thier ranks. Sandflower fell into depression after her kit was killed, blaming herself. Then his second kit, Hawkkit got kidnapped and Sandflower fell in deeper depression. After a battle with Snowclan, Sandflower died in Moonmask’s paws and he felt like he has lost the will to continue anything, even his life but Springsong was their for him when he needed her. Moonmask soon after found his daughter, Hawklilly, after being kidnapped as a kit by Dawnclaw and Ivyfrost. He was made leader of SunClan after Foxstar retired with her last life to be with her family. He became mates with Springsong and they had a son, Amberkit. He made Elmshade his deputy. When two-legs abducted his son Amberpaw, he left Elmshade in charge of the clan whilst he, Springsong and Hawklily went to search for him. More and more time went past and Moonstar never returned and the clan agreed that it was time to move on. Elmstar recieved her 9 lives and took on the permanent role of leader.


Battle of the Sunstones

One of the oldest conflicts between SunClan and RainClan is which of them should own the Sunstones. The SunStones are a collection of rocks that the sun warms up, creating a pleasing place to relax. After moons of argument, war finally came and SunClan took full ownership of the SunStones. There were many casulties on both sides, including the SunClan deputy Sunstorm who was left paralysed. Due to her daughter's lifechanging injury, Brightstar became more bitter towards Darkstar, allying with SnowClan leader Fallenstar.

Adder infestation

Adders made their way deeper into SunClan territory, led by Dark Forest Spirits trying to fufil the faceless enemy prophecy. There was a fight in the Clan camp itself. The problem was first at the annual Clans Hunting Challenge when an adder was found far into the forest, away from the area they usually could be found, Adder field. The next incident occurred when Goldenpaw was cornered by adders when she was out hunting. Brightstar and Sandpaw, Goldenpaw's sister heard the apprentice's cry for help. Unfortunately whilst trying to protect Goldenpaw, Brightstar lost life, Sandpaw died and Sunpelt arrived too late. The final catastrophe was when the adders found their way, into the Clan camp. An elder was found dead and there was a huge fight, cats died from bites but thankfully all the adders were killed.

PainClan attacks SunClan

PainClan were a clan of rogues. Their leader was Pain with the deputy was Poison. PainClan had been attacking small groups of cats in the Two-Leg place to gain more territory and soon took an interest large amount of territory that SunClan owned. They started off with just killing cats here and there till their Clan was big and powerful enough, and had gained enough knowledge. Then they attacked SunClan. It was a brutal fight, Brightstar lost a life to Pain but in the end Pain was killed. After this the leaderless clan retreated. They were a cruel Clan but some cats from PainClan and didn’t agree with what they did left and joined other Clans after the battle. Poison went on to join SunClan, but managed to cause trouble from within the clan before her death, such as killing their medicine-cat Moonshine.

The Fire

Started by a mysterious burning stick suspiciously left in SunClan territory, the fire caused mass destruction, spreading across the land and creating what is now known as the Grey Woods. Unfortunately the fire eached the gathering site. Respected warriors died from inhaling a deadly amount of smoke, from falling tree branches crushing them or the fire catching up with them and burning them alive. A pregnant queen gave birth during this terrible period, 1 of her kits falling to his death along with Foxstar, who lost one of her lives to saving her son Lionpaw who had slipped whilst carrying the kit to safety. Her daughter Tigerpaw also almost died. Foxstar emerged from the gathering, with chunks of fur missing and nasty burns but alive. She later that night lost another life from smoke inhalation.

Battle for the Meadow

The Meadow is the land that lays infront of the gathering area. SunClan claimed the land early on and for a while it was ignored by all the Clans. However once Pinestar took over RainClan as leader, she brought up the issue of the Meadow's ownership and attacked SunClan to get her paws on extra territory. BreezeClan believed that they had the right to more territory as well so they also joined in this massive fight, their participation did not last long as they retreated soon after and the intense fight between SunClan and RainClan proceeded on it's own. Pinestar lost a life at the claws of Foxstar, ending this fight. Injuries were concerning for both sides but while SunClan may have protected their territory and driven both Clans away, it came at massive cost. Both RainClan and BreezeClan would refuse to ally with SunClan during it's war with SnowClan, at least till Icestar took up BreezeClan's leadership.

Soaringstar's wrath

Soaringhawk and the early Soaringstar was a very brave and wise SnowClan cat and a good leader but his heart was darkened after his beautiful mate Brightpool was killed in a border skirmish before they could ever have kits. Soaringstar was a ruthless dictator that held a massive grudge on Sunclan and Foxstar, this soon spreading to all the Clans after the battle for the Meadow. Soaringstar had no sympathy or remorse for any cats, he didn’t listen to other cat’s opinions and anyone who disobeyed him ended up dead. He used Frostclaw as a tool which he wiped his paws off easily once he was no longer needed. Soaringstar broke the rules by attacking the SunClan camp during a Gathering. The whole thing was planned, showing his evil cunning ways. The Leader slaughtered kits just because he knew it would hurt the Clan most, horrifing them as well as wiping out a whole lot of cats that could have become apprentices. He also killed his own Clanmate during that battle when she failed to obey him, refusing to kill kits. Soaringstar lost a life to Icestar who had come with BreezeClan to help SunClan, and he called his cats to retreat.

Soon Soaringstar became even more obsessed with bringing SunClan down and getting revenge on Foxstar. Almost all SnowClan cats followed him from fear, he manipulated to get his own way. At meetings if cats spoke up or disrespected him, he would simply order Frostclaw to dispose of them publicly. Rainfern was lucky to escape with her life. However, after learning he had a daughter in RainClan, Frostclaw began to lose loyalty to SnowClan and Soaringstar noticed this so tasked him to kill her to prove his loyalty. Frostclaw refused and Soaringstar exiled him. Frostclaw then joined RainClan in return for SnowClan secrets. He later became their Pinestar's new deputy after she made Nightrunner step down for being queer. After the news from Frostclaw that Soarinstar planned to not stop at SunClan, but try to take over the rest of the clans once he was done with SunClan, Pinestar broke off the alliance and sided with SunClan and BreezeClan. Soon Soaringstar launched a massive attack on SunClan. The attack was bloodthirsty and had many casulties. Soaringstar killed Foxstar's grandson Ashcloud, causing his parents to attack him, together ripping all his remaining lives from him. From here, SnowClan would become a democracy without a leader till an avalanche covered all the entrances and sealed the camp, killing all the cats inside. Only those out of camp survived, either becoming loners or joining another clan.


SunClan's main source of prey is the huge forest in their territory, which is full of mice, squirrel, birds and other woodland creatures.

Most Sunclan cats are able to fish, so they instead might visit the Great River or a stream to fish there.

SunClan cats are known to turn their noses up at prey such as frogs and would refuse to eat such a thing.

Traits and Characteristics


  • Average sized, usually with short fur.
  • Skilled at hunting and running.
  • Excellent at climbing trees.
  • More comfortable to be out in daylight.

Fighting Style

  • Warriors perform best as a team and benefit from communication between their peers.
  • They fight fairly, with honour and follow their morals.
  • Prefer to hunt and fight in the open spaces where they can meet their opponents face on.


  • The largest part of SunClan's territory is the Sun-kissed Forest, made up from mainly oak and pine trees.
  • The SunClan camp is located deep in the Sun-kissed forest, with a stream that flows through the centre of it.
  • Their territory borders a Two-leg town, there are various Thunderpaths here which can be very dangerous.
  • They have a huge meadow, Adder Field and Grey Woods, a part of the forest that never fully recovered from the fire therefore there isn't much to be found here besides ash and death.
  • SunClan currently hold right to the SunStones but there is still often dispute over who rightfully should own them.


Elmstar is the granddaughter of Foxstar. She has a sharp tongue and will often say what's on her mind. She does not take any nonsense from anyone. Elmstar has a strong beleif in justice and although she follows her morals, she is not afraid to break them for the sake of the greater good .She was born during the war with Soaringstar to Tigerlily. The litter had 2 fathers, Adventurespark and Shadowflame. Tigerlily wanted nothing to do with Shadowflame after their abusive relationship so the tom tried to kill 2 of her kits to hurt her. Shadowflame lured Elmkit and her siblings Willowkit and Ashkit onto a Thunderpath. Elmkit's brother Ashkit closely resembled Shadowflame so he decided to abduct him and leave the other 2 to die. Unfortunately Willowkit was killed but Ashkit was recovered and Shadowflame killed. Elmshade became a valued SunClan warrior and was made Moonstar's deputy. After he left to find his son, she took control of the clan. However, too much time passed and it looked like Moonstar wouldn't return so she became offical leader and received her 9 lives.

Raspberrypurr is the deputy of SunClan. She is the granddaughter of Icestar of BreezeClan and joined SunClan after twolegs destroyed BreezeClan territory. She is kind hearted, with a natural leadership quality about her that she gets from Icestar. Elmstar and Raspberrypurr easily formed a bond like their grandmothers' and became close friends. After becoming SunClan's leader, Elmstar chose Raspberrypurr to be her deputy. She can have a hard time being tough on unruly clan mates though, as she is non confrontational.

Newtsplash is the medicine-cat of SunClan. He is a cat of few words and can be brutally honest. Despite this blunt manner, he cares a lot about his Clan and will always push himself to be as helpful as possible. Newtkit's mother abandoned him and his siblings to run away from RainClan with Froststar after the leader left the clan. He went looking for his mother but got lost on the way and fell into The Great River. Newtkit was saved by a SunClan warrior who took him back to the camp. He showed early signs of interest in the medicine-cat role and soon became Brokenwing's apprentice.