Pine Cones & Earnings

Pine Cones & Earnings

Pine cones are the group's currency, you can use them to purchase items, boosts etc. You can gain them by drawing, writing, and completing prompts!

You may also trade Pine Cones for art or other goods between members, or simply gift some to each other.

Pine Cones go 100% to the artist/writer that created the piece, while all characters involved get an extra bonus of 20%.

Pine Cones are saved in the Player Pine Cone Tracker! Please submit your tracker's link in the correct Discord channel!

Art Earnings

Type of Drawing:

  • Bust: 15 Pine Cones
  • Fullbody: 20 Pine Cones
  • Chibi: 12 Pine Cones


  • Sketch: 5 Pine Cones
  • Lined: 10 Pine Cones
  • Coloured: 10 Pine Cones
  • Shaded (simple): 5 Pine Cones
  • Shaded (complex): 10 Pine Cones
  • Background (Simple – colors don’t count): 15 Pine Cones
  • Background (Complex): 30 Pine Cones

Writing Earnings

  • 100 words: 3 Pine Cones
  • 200 words: 5 Pine Cones
  • 400 words: 10 Pine Cones
  • 500 words: 15 Pine Cones
  • 1000 words: 30 Pine Cones
  • + add 30 Pine Cones for every 500 words written

Prompt Earnings

  • Art Prompts change every 2 weeks, they have a specific amount of Pine Cones and other rewards you can earn by completing them, so make sure to get some done!
  • Writing Prompts change every 2 weeks, same as the Art Prompts, they have a specific amount of Pine cones and other rewards you can earn by completing them, so get writing!
  • Monthly Prompts change every month and have a larger reward than the biweekly prompts.