How to Join

How to Join

Make sure to follow these instructions carefully so that there's no issues with your submission.

Before you begin the form

Character Design

  • You can create up to 3 characters right now, it is advised that you begin as a kit or apprentice to enhance your character's development, however you may start as a warrior if you wish so.
  • Designs have to lean on the more realistic side, however as long as your character is not fancy bright colours like neon or full of rainbows, they are most likely to be accepted!
  • Your character can not have a gene that is included in the Gene Ban list, unless you have purchased said ban with Pine Cones.
  • All characters created are “blank”, meaning they have no scars or disabilities caused by them (ex. eye loss, lost limb).
  • Do not make your character extremely large or extremely small, cats in the group are sized as DSH Average Cat in the following chart with some variations (unless a gene is bought):
  • Characters need to have both positive and negative attributes, no Gary/Mary-Sues, no one is perfect.
  • No pure-bred cats are allowed, unless you have purchased a slot with Pine Cones.
  • All eye colors are permitted, except extremely unnatural or neon colors.

Form & Tracker

  • Make sure your form contains all of the required information (Name:, Age:, Clan:, Rank:, Personality:), other than that, you are free to add anything more you'd like (voice claim, horoscope, relationships etc).
  • When you are accepted, please submit your Player Pine Cone Tracker in the respective discord channel!
  • The tracker must list all Pine Cone gains, as well any transfers or expenses along with the day and reason they were made.


  • Submit your desired character to the group and in the reasoning for the submission, fill out this form: 1. Player Name: 2. Character Form Link (Can be a Toyhouse page, Doc, Site, etc): 3. Player Discord: 4. Small 2-3 line RP example:
  • If your character is accepted, you will be granted your respective roles in the discord.