

It is extremely important that you read these rules when you join this group, by submitting a character you confirm that you have read and agreed to following the rules bellow.

Last Updated15/06/2021.


  • Be respectful to each other, accept the other's opinion and views.
  • Do not start fights. If you are to argue, bring it to PM or talk to an admin, we're always happy to help.
  • If we catch you sexually/mentally harassing/bullying a player you will be instantly banned.
  • Swearing is okay to an extent and always meant to be light hearted against other members. If a member asks you to stop, stop.
  • If you are to say something that includes sensitive topics, remember to place a Trigger Warning and hide your text with the || text || spoiler setting.
  • This is a 15+ server, mature themes, please make sure you're okay with it if you decide to roleplay with us.
  • This is an rp group for semi-literate writers, please make sure to write around 2-3 lines on average
  • Be patient. This group is about character development and storylines. It will take time for your character to have a lover, a family, best friends, and absolute enemies.
  • Follow the dice and item guidelines, and remember to update your character tracker, where you store your pine amount and items.
  • Do not try to trick the admins by putting false information in your Pine Cone tracker, if we find out you did it on purpose you will be kicked.


  • Please try to seperate the character from the player, an evil character doing unspeakable things does not mean their player supports these acts.
  • Do not attempt to create ships between characters that are kittens or apprentices. Apprentices may have light hearted crushes, but no ships will be allowed until they are of age.
  • On the subject of ships, please try to make sure the player your character is crushing on is okay for a ship to be developed, do not go around forcing every player to be your character's mate.
  • Do not powerplay, try to be fair and don't portray your character as un unstoppable force that no one can stop.
  • Private roleplays are okay, however please know that unless you publish the story in the channel, it will not be counted in the official progress of the server.
  • Your character will be punished according to their crime, refrain from killing and commiting crimes here and there, because there will be consequenses for the character wether you permit it or not (plot storylines between members and monitored by the admins can pose an exception).
  • Controlling someone else's OC is not fun for the roleplayer, the only OCs you can control are yours.