December 2021 | Size

December 2021

Size Challenge

i can't believe we've kept this running for 6 months lmao. here is a special challenge to take some pressure off around the end of the year !

have fun! // togo :^]

The end of the year is quickly approaching; Projects need to be finished and the holidays can be stressful. December's challenge will be to take it easy, and make a code that is as small and/or simple as possible.

Use your own perception of what is considered small and simple! There are no set sizes, and you will not be disqualified if you make something "too" big or complex. The main point of this challenge is to take some pressure off, so there are no precise guidelines this time around.


The Challenge:

  • Create a small and/or simple code!

You may not...

  • Frankenstein, copy or take heavy inspiration from other coders. All code should be your own.

Your posted code should link back to this challenge - it can simply be linked in a text block above the preview.

You're always allowed to release your finished challenge as a P2U code!

If anything is unclear regarding the guidelines you can send a comment here!

Submissions will close on December 25th, 8PM CEST.

Have any comments, questions, concerns or feedback?


Finished with your code?