March 2023 | Size

March 2023

Size Challenge


March challenge is up, so sorry about the delay! To make up for the lost time, submissions will close on the 31st this month.

This month we're doing another size challenge! We've done small codes, we've done large codes, and this time around we're doing thin codes!

Your code can not be wider than 600px on desktop. You're allowed to make your code smaller than that, but keep in mind that the smaller your code is, the harder it'll be to slot content into. Your code can be any height!

To set a max width, wrap your whole code in a div like this:

The Challenge:

  • Make a thin code. Your code can not be wider than 600px.

You may not...

  • Frankenstein, copy or take heavy inspiration from other coders. All code should be your own.

Your posted code should link back to this challenge - it can simply be linked in a text block above the preview.

You can't earn bonus points on this challenge.

Submissions will close on March 31st.

Have any comments, questions, concerns or feedback?


Finished with your code?