August 2023 | Layout

August 2023

Layout Challenge

Open, Solid & Steps

The ever popular layout challenge makes a return! Below are three layout mockups; choose one, and make a code! The layouts are intended to be as "blank slate" as possible - what content they should have and where it should go is entirely up to you.

As usual, the layout challenge comes with three difficulty levels - Open is the easiest to set up, Solid is for those who feel comfortable with gridding, and Steps requires carefully planning out your bootstrap grid and using negative margins.

Pick the layout that best fits your skill level, or challenge yourself!







The Challenge:

  • Create a code using one of the 'Open', 'Solid' or 'Steps' layouts.
  • You don't have to use the exact same sizes, but keep the proportions roughly the same.

You may...

  • Make small layout adjustments, like splitting one box into two or changing the amount of boxes in a group.
  • Alter the style to your liking. Changing border radiuses, margins and colours is encouraged.

You may not...

  • Flip or rotate the layouts.
  • Combine layouts together.
  • Frankenstein, copy or take heavy inspiration from other coders. All code should be your own.

Your posted code should either credit Togo for the layout, or link back to this challenge. The credit doesn't need to be included in the code - it can just be mentioned in a text block above the preview.

You only need to make one code to recieve your challenge point - however, you can make multiple codes using different layouts for bonus points.

Submissions will close on August 25th.

Have any comments, questions, concerns or feedback?


Finished with your code?