April 2022 | Theme

April 2022

Theme Challenge

April's prompt is to make a code based off one of the provided themes. This time around the themes are based off popular fantasy archetypes - your challenge is to make a code that would fit a character of your chosen class!

In addition to theming your code around a specific class, your code also has to include a section for combat or abilities.

You only need to make one code for the challenge, but if you'd like to make more than one you can - you'll recieve additional points for each code!

The available themes are:






The Challenge:

  • Create a code based off one of the provided themes - "Warrior", "Mage", "Rogue" or "Healer".
  • Your code must include a section for combat, abilities or something similar.

You may not...

  • Frankenstein, copy or take heavy inspiration from other coders. All code should be your own.

Your posted code should link back to this challenge - it can simply be linked in a text block above the preview.

You're always allowed to release your finished challenge as a P2U code!

If anything is unclear regarding the guidelines you can send a comment here!

Submissions will close on April 25th, 8PM CET.

Have any comments, questions, concerns or feedback?


Finished with your code?