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7bad122c30c31a5631c3d52447fa6337bc80c95d WELCOME TO EDEN 7bad122c30c31a5631c3d52447fa6337bc80c95d

Eden is often referred to as the city of dreamers. Situated in the middle of the Azure Beaches and Hobeck, it acts as a levelling ground between the two locations and is generally considered an area for the middle-class.

The tropical weather and close proximity to beaches make it a popular tourist destination, especially when combined with the party culture that comes with being right next to Hobeck. But it is the permanent home to a great number of people, and is generally populated by people with their own start-up businesses - usually, the people who set out to the Azure Isles who wanted to start a new life, and actually made a success of themselves unlike their neighbours, the Hobeckians.

Property is more expensive here than in most countries, but affordable enough that it can still be inhabited by middle-class citizens. It's considered fairly safe, as almost all crime is contained within Hobeck, and the residents generally have little worry.