Orange Light Districts


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Orange Light Districts are an anomaly among Districts, as the orange glow signifies that you can’t just be a simple Hobeckian to enter. They arose out of a demand for ‘more’ within Hobeck, as some people still choose to stay in Hobeck after making their fortune. Orange lanterns are hung on higher class entertainment establishments.

An orange lantern isn’t just a pretty light, as anywhere that hangs one will require ID and an entry fee to prevent the entry of lowlifes. Orange Light District IDs are individually produced, and people will have to be manually approved to receive one. The requirements wager on your wealth status and reputation. Orange Light Districts talk, and falling out of favour with one will probably lead to a blanket ban across all of them, so good behaviour is a must.

They have a good relationship with Green Light Districts, as many bodyguards have the status required to enter, and also they’re often paid to guard Orange Light Districts. Despite being of a higher quality than Blue Light Districts, some people who technically have the qualifications still visit Blue Light Districts. Mason is one such person, for two reasons: you’re more likely to meet your enemies in Orange Light Districts if you have any, and some think they’re pretty stuffy and enjoy the rowdiness of their Blue cousins. They’re typically far away from Purple Districts, as while many customers visit them, Orange Light Districts don’t want the violence and the association.

A more recent phenomenon is the gladiator pits found in many OLDs, where the rich will pit their champions against each other for entertainment.