Yellow Light Districts


0e87901d.png?v=26dffab5 0a9ecd83.gif?v=26dffab5 602331d9.gif?v=26dffab5 YELLOW LIGHT DISTRICTS 602331d9.gif?v=26dffab5 0a9ecd83.gif?v=26dffab5 0e87901d.png?v=26dffab5

42d61387.png?v=26dffab5 YLDS 42d61387.png?v=26dffab5

Yellow Light Districts are Districts in name only, as rather than commerce, a yellow lantern signifies an entrance to the underground Hobeck subway. As such, you won't find them close together, but the inside of these train stations are usually filled with yellow light. The addition of the yellow lights was done to remind Hobeckians of the inherent safety of these locations.

Since the subway is the only form of public transportation in Hobeck, it's long since been an unwritten rule that the subway is safe. No fights or disputes are permitted here, as everyone needs the trains to keep running. Strangely enough, the gangs in control of whatever area the YLD happens to be in act almost like a police force, keeping the peace within these stations and doling out punishments to those who cause trouble. Everyone knows by now to behave while in these areas - even if you spot a member of an enemy gang, both parties will wait until they are outside before they try to shoot each other.

The trains only go to locations in Hobeck and were built long before Hobeck became the crime capital it is today. They are maintained by local gangs and are free to use.