Green Light Districts


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Green Light Districts are one of the rarer districts in Hobeck, but their services are highly sought after. In a lawless city like Hobeck, protection is something everyone needs and wants, so Green Light Districts can earn a lot of money quickly from their services. Not only do they supply the men you need, they’ll also sell you weapons you can use to protect yourself.

Most workers in Green Light Districts are independent from any gangs and will generally take on any job you ask of them. Some gangs, such as Cartel, offer their own men for hire but are banned from taking on jobs that go against their bosses’ wishes. They generally have a good relationship with most Districts, especially Purple Light Districts, since crossing a Green Light District would put you at a major disadvantage. At best, they’d refuse to protect you, and at worst, they’d attack you themselves.

Walking through a Green Light District often isn’t too dangerous, as you’ll mostly just be ignored if you’re passing through. You can’t expect to walk away unharmed after acting suspicious, though. Many street rats tend to grow up into Green Light Districts, using their talents to make their fortune later in life. The smartest, and often the richest workers tend to not take on jobs that oppose the main gangs, even if they’re not affiliated with one in particular. Mason and Deimos worked in a Green Light District before helping Kryvel take over the gang.