Mascots & NPCs

  • Homer - Mechanical and technical expert of the leader group, he was an expeditionary astronaut before becoming one of the species and joining the leaders. Definitely visited the S’tan star system before, and is possibly descended from an Alkoline. Can’t spend more than a few hours outside of the suit cause, well, apparent permadeath?
  • Hesiod - The scientist-researcher of the group, when the Mother Cloth stops in a star system he usually steps onto the nearest planet to help them with various researches till it’s time to take leave again. Currently, he's heading research on Nya-XX. Nobody’s seen him outside of his Kigunaut suit.

  • Hesperus - Main interpreter of the direct will/instructions of the Mother Cloth, and does a lot of the public speaking as a representative of the species. Rumored to be a vaguely angelic looking alien outside of the suit.