Concepts & Terminology

  • Kemonaut - The species one identifies as once the Kigunaut suit is donned.

  • Kigunaut Suit - Combination of a kigurumi made of still living Hagoromo Siphonophores, and a glass dome made from an astral dragon scale. Once worn, the dome worn as a mask and the kigurumi as a normal onesie, the wearer becomes a member of the species. Return to original form once the dome is unworn.

    Wear of the suit has been compared to wearing an exoskeleton/suit, or even old Earthling myths of a selkie wearing a seal skin to return to their true form, stories of werewolves having to pull on a wolf pelt in order to transform...

  • Dome - An commonly translucent piece of thick glass made from an astral dragon scale that's been ground down and melted into glass. It can be opaque/one-way/reflective and entirely clear too, through other refining processes, but aside from it's transformative properties when combined with the kigurumi made of Hagoromo Siphonophore, it's virtually indistinguishable from a very nice glass.

  • Built-In Bags - Due to the adventurous nature of a Kemonaut, built-in bags and pouches are handy for when objects of interest are collected.

  • Life Energy - Life blood of the species, which likely has different forms in their original species, it’s largely meant to be kept inside of the suits…its visibility when the suit is worn is dependent on the malfunction or feature of the suit. Life energy can be anything between galaxy with glittering stars to single color with objects floating in it.

  • Hagoromo Siphonophore - Rare long, cloth-like space entities that grow to be the length of almost a small moon’s diameter. Translucent for most of their lifespan, they take on a solid color when they are ready to be made into a ‘Kigunaut Suit’.

  • Mother Cloth - The oldest Hagoromo Siphonophore who speaks the will and future of the Kemonaut species, and helps direct them to and on their goals. She is described as looking the same as the Hagoromo Siphonophores, just bigger and invisible. Just largely isn't perceivable except by those wearing the suit as one of the species, they have said to only perceive her as a compelling feeling.

    Most of leaders of the Kemonauts move with her, and when it’s time to move on they just grab on, letting her bring them to the next area of the universe as she moves.