
General Information: 

Name: فاردا لاسوت | Vardah Lasout (No Middle Name) (Pronounced as: vahr-da Lass-Oot )

• V (Called this by Shizuki Kishii)
• Var (Called this by Fabian Blackwall)
• Lash (Called this by her former military comrades; short for Kalashnikov)
• Commissar (Called this by Parah El-Hashem) 

Gender: Nonbinary (Demi Girl)

Birth Designation: DFAB (Designated Female At Birth)

• She/Her/Her's
• They/Their/Their's

Sexual Orientation: Pansexual

Romantic Orientation: Aromantic (Demiromantic )

Age: 22

Species: Human 

Race: Biracial (South-East Asian/Black)

Ethnicity: Indonesian (Javanese | Abangan )/Jamaican (Black-Jamaican)

Birthday: October 15th

Sign: Libra


Appearance Information:

Height: 5'11'' | 180cm

Weight: 125lbs | 57Kg 

Build: Slight hour glass shape, wide hips with equally wide shoulders. Athletic with slightly toned musculature.

Distinguishing Features: 
• Freckles
• Bright Blue Eyes

Eye Color: Blue

Hair Color: Black

Skin Tone: Medium Brown

Handedness: Right-Handed

Scents: Plant-like

Scars and Injuries:
• Scar on inner right thigh from hip to just short of her knee from surgery following a gun shot wound.  

Body Modifications:
• Pierced Ears


Personality Information:

Personality: Sure of herself, confident, a bit of a meddler, and sometimes too cocky, but kind and tries to do things for the good of others.

Positive Personality Traits: 

• Protective
• Confident
• Loyal
• Observant
• Friendly

Negative Personality Traits: 

• Cocky
• Blunt
• Boisterous
• Ambitious
• Arrogant
• Stubborn


• Has a habit of pacing, speaking in a slightly accelerated manner, and unable to stay in one place too long when stressed out
• Often sits in seats or at tables/booths farthest from various entrances and in a corner with her back to the wall if possible


• Being Seen As Weak
• Letting People Down


• Her love ones
• Books with a slight preference for ones about either political theory or history.
• Humid weather
• Rain; namely extremely heavy thunder storms
• Rain forests and tropical places in general
• Reptiles with the Komodo Dragon in particular being her favorite.
• Meat
• Guns


• Cold Weather; Namely weather in which a wind chill can play a part.
• Snow
• Traffic in general
• Bigots
• When people talk down to her because they assume she won't understand.
• Guns

Pet Peeves: 
She is annoyed when people talk over her and go ahead with something despite her objections and then complain to her about it going wrong.

Mental Health Issues:

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

Speech Patterns: 
Vardah speaks with a thick accent which is a mix between an Indonesian and Pakistani accent alongside a slight lisp when she speaks in English. The lisp becomes more pronounces in moments of high emotion but is rare to hear since she is more likely to slip into speaking Arabic or Indonesian in those moments. Her tone is very firm and in control at nearly all times.

Who are you? 
"Vardah Lasout."

Can you tell me a bit about yourself? 
"Alright, well, I mentioned before. Name's Vardah. I am a marine. Spent four years as one of Uncle Sam's Misguided Children but they drummed me out on a medical discharge after my contract was up. Got in with them under the MAVNI program and that's why I joined. Primarily to become a US citizen. I am, I am proud to say that. Got naturalized a few months back. Before that I'm from Sumatra. Indonesia. Grew up there with my mom and sister. Found out who my dad was when I turned eighteen. Found out I had some brothers too. That was weird to find out. One of them's fine the other is a complete a*shole though. Worked retail before joining the Corps, and now that I'm out I work security at a local firm and I midnight as a personal trainer too. Guess that should be the other way around. Don't get much of a night shift at the gym. I live with my girlfriend Shizuki. We've been together for seven years, met ten or so years back, and we've been living together since a little bit before my discharge. What else do you need to know?"

What is your orientation? 
"I guess pan would be the best way to describe it. Thought I was a lesbian for the longest time, well, not the longest time. I didn't really think about it for awhile since I was with only person I thought I'd be with so I didn't think it mattered. I guess, I thought I was a lesbian, then bi, then pan? If just because it sounded the most like what felt right to me? I don't know. I'm just attracted to people, I guess. Sex and gender doesn't really factor in for me."

How old are you? 
"I am proud to say that I am twenty-two."

How tall are you? 
"I am...Sh*t how tall am I? Five-Eleven, maybe. Fabian's like six feet even I think and I'm just a touch shorter than him. I should probably go get myself measured because I used to know that."

How many languages do you speak?
"Three fluently and one kinda alright. English, Arabic, and Indonesian. Been learning some Japanese and I think I have a handle on it but I'll leave it up to other people to say if I'm fluent or not. Tried to learn Dutch once. Nope. I know better now."

Do you have any family? 
"My mom. She's back in Indonesia with my sister Komel. Bit of an angry old woman, heh heh, but what can I say? She's my mom and I love her. Besides, if anyone's got a reason to be angry it's her. Komel's great too. She can be kind of a nervous stick in the mud but best older sister anyone can ask for. My dad's side? Well, up until a few years ago? I didn't even know who my dad's was. Let alone anything about his side of the family but my mom told me a bit about him before I shipped out to basic and where to find him since he was apparently living in America. His name's Akeem, he's got a wife, well, ex-wife now, named Tessa, and two sons Andreas and Carrtier. Andreas is cool. Quiet but cool. He helped me get my job. Carrtier though? Ugh...F*ck him. He's just a belligerent little f*cking pissant. Sorry. Can I swear? Well too late now, huh? Heh heh. But yeah. That's my family. Bitter mom, nervous sister, cool dad, kinda quiet brother, and the annoying waste of space I happen to be related to."

What about friends? 
"I'm in contact with some of the people from my old unit and I'm on good enough terms with the people I get down with on the regular. One guy in particular but I doubt he wants me to talk about him with any detail. Nice guy. Kinda stuck up and stuffy but he's alright. His kid is an evil little thing. I swear, if she had the power she would kill me. She just has that look to her. Right, right. There's the people from my unit, folks I hang with sometimes, I guess there's Shizuki and Fabian but does that count? I mean, we're dating, so one would assume we're friends too right? Does that work?"

What do you do for a living or what do you want to do? 
"Think I answered that awhile ago but right now I work two jobs part time. I work at a gym, both help people on the floor but I also have clients who I work as a trainer for. I help them not get into shape perse but at least get what they want. Someone wants to get their endurance up? Sure. Someone wants to lose a little weight for summer? Can do. Anything like that. I got one guy. This stubborn short ginger motherf*cker. Had him as a client for the longest time and his main goal is just to be healthy and get his endurance up. He isn't out there running marathons or anything he just wants to be healthy and I help with that. Other that I work for a security company called Ambrose Security. Nothing really special about that. They give me a location, a shift time, and I go there and make sure nothing breaks or gets stolen. That's about it. As for what I want to do? Sh*t, man, I don't even know."

Are you religious? 
"Not so much these days. Sort of had, still having technically, a bit of a crisis of faith. I do Ramadan, Eid, and all that. I've been doing bad at keeping to Salat. I'm trying but my jobs make it hard to give five minutes five times a day. When I visit my mom though? Yeah. Super religious. Even bust out the hijab. As a whole though? I guess you can say I'm equal parts Agnostic as Muslim if that makes sense."

Are you seeing anyone? 
"Two people; technically three. First up, Shizuki. [Subject mumbles to herself for a moment.] God, I love her. [Before correcting herself.] Yeah, mentioned before we met ages ago. That flower barrette she always wears?  I gave her that when we were both kids and she kept it all these years. We didn't start dating until I went to visit her in Japan. Went there as just a friend and when I left I had myself a long distance girlfriend. Hell, part of the reason I wanted to become an American was to be with her. Joined the military since I figured that was my quickest route. It worked. Gotta say. Despite everything it worked and I'm thankful for every f*cking day I get to wake up next to her. Next is Fabian. Me and him have only been going out for about six or seven months. We met at a support group and, I know, I know what you are going to say "you shouldn't date the other people in your support group" believe me I know. He said the same thing. Well, we started dating. What can I say? Well, not at first. At first he was just a hook-up but when I started to get feelings for him I asked Shizuki if she wanted me to put an end to it or was okay with me seeing both her and him. She said she was fine with it but she wanted to vet him a bit. I got a story about a karaoke bar that I gotta tell you because it is amazing. But yeah, she was okay with it, and after that I started calling Fabian my boyfriend rather than a bootycall. Speaking of booty calls. I have a guy named...Nevermind, he probably doesn't want me spilling the details about his name and stuff but yeah. Similar situation although my feelings about him are pretty damn platonic. We hooked up a bit and still do from time to time. He also scratches my back and I scratch his. Namely I watch his kid whenever he needs to work late and he can get stuff done for me if I'm on a time crunch and he isn't. Nice guy. He can be a massive jerk though and really far up his own ass so, y'know, watch yourself."

Do you have any favorite foods? 
"Bulla cake. I only just found out about from my dad but I love it. Granted, I'm a sucker for anything that throws in a little bit of nutmeg. Other than that? Hard to screw up a good kebab or something. My standards aren't super high. I ate freeze dried something for eight months. I can tolerate anything so long as it's edible but if anyone can make a really good meat dish I'm sold."

What do you do for fun? 
"I drink, I f*ck, I read? What else is there. I go to the bar and get a couple of drinks with folks from my unit when they aren't deployed. I go out sometimes, either to Fabian's or y'know's or I just stay at home with my girl and we have fun that way. I read? I've got a whole bunch of books about just about everything. I've got Stephanie Myer and Mary Shelly up these just like I got the bible, quran, and random ass technical manuals. Even got about as much Marx as I got Adorno and Horkheimer. I got a lot of books. Other than that? I fix stuff around the house. Stuff breaks a lot sometimes and it keeps me busy fixing it. I work out although that's more of my job now than something I do for fun. There's a range I hit up once a month. I fire off a couple of shots with a rifle I rent for the hour. [Subject mumbles to herself] ...Therapist suggested it. [Before correcting herself.] Video games sometimes. Mostly with Shizuki or Fabian though. I don't know. I just do stuff and sometimes it's fun. I don't have a good answer for you.

Do you anything you want to say to anyone who might read this?
"Whose gonna be reading this? I mean, if you told me someone was gonna read this I would have curated myself a bit better. Maybe not sworn as f*cking much as I did. Before you say anything? That seal's already been broken. Don't get picky about my language now. As for stuff to say? I don't know. Uh...Unionize at your jobs, don't join the military, get literally any other job than that, be nice to your neighbors and each other. Don't be a d*ck, I guess? That's all I got. I'm sorry."


Other Information:

Languages Spoken:
• Indonesian
• Arabic
• English
• (Some) Japanese


• Indonesian
• (Naturalized) United States


• Personal Trainer (Part-Time) + Security Guard (Part-Time)
• (Formerly) United States Marine Corps

Marital/Relationship Status: 
In a relationship with both Shizuki Kishii and Fabian Blackwall


• Islam (Sunni; Nonpracticing)
• Agnosticism

Current Residence: 
Portgate, California, United States of America

Medan, Sumatra, Indonesia

Immediate Family: 

Dwei Lasout (Mother)
Akeem Jacobson (Father)
Komel Lasout (Half-Sister)
Andreas Jacobson (Half-Brother)
Carrtier Jacobson (Half-Brother)


Criminal Status: 

General Health: 


Blood Type: 

Clothing Styles: 
Dresses in a way that focuses on practicality and comfort. Often dresses in clothing that is multipurpose or clothing with a military/tactical edge to it due to personal comfort. Will not wear skirts or dresses if she does have a choice. She also prefers not to wear a bra unless she's in a situation or going into a situation where she needs to; such as at work. Vardah will dress conservatively and even break her no skirt rule only on occasions when she is visiting family in Indonesian in which case it isn't uncommon to see her wearing her hijab, and while she prefers long shirts and pants that cover everything, she will on occasion wear a dress or long skirt. As a whole in either case though a lot of her clothes are very stark in presentation. For clothes for work or more formal occasions the outfits are clean, pressed, and made to look as good as possible. However her casual wear? It isn't uncommon to see her wearing clothes covered with wrinkles and the occasional errant stain she didn't notice until she put the thing on.

Voice Claims: Faye Kingslee

Miscellaneous Notes:

• Vardah's freckling is thickest on her face, neck, chest, shoulders, rear, and the back of her hands but is faintly present all over her.




Dwei Lasout
MotherVardah was originally raised by and only had knowledge of her mother Dwei for a multitude of reasons. Growing up, Dwei was something of a strict parent, and not only that but she was desperate to impart certain lessons in both her daughters regarding their general survival. Vardah could have easily had a life working in her mother's store but decided to join the United States Marines as a bid to try and get herself US citzenship. A move that resulted in a loud, lengthy, and heated argument between the two. The two didn't talk to each other for almost a year, getting information about each other through Komel, but recently Vardah has begun to both talk to her mother on the phone regularly and visit her old home back in Indonesia. They have a strained and somewhat distant relationship but do still love each other.
Akeem Jacobson
FatherVardah initially didn't have any knowledge about her father's identity. In fact his existence was just something that was assumed but never much though about until Vardah was in her older teenage years when her mother told Vardah that not only did she know who her father was but was also in contact with him. Shortly after moving to the United States she learned that he also relocated and the two met and kicked things off rather well. Spending a lot of time talking and getting to know each other before agreeing to meet again and learn more about each other. They have a good relationship and are working on getting to know each other better to make up for lost time.
Komel Lasout
Half-SisterGrowing up, being the big sister, Komel tended to look out for Vardah. Keeping her out of trouble or if she got into trouble than helping her get out of it. They both have plenty of memories of sisterly pranks, pointless arguments, and heart-to-heart talks however in recent memory Komel has served as something of a neutral third party between Vardah and their mother Dwei following a massive falling out. It was in part due to her efforts that the two got to their current status of even talking again although not without an argument or two of her own with Vardah. Their relationship can be strained at times but Vardah knows that Komel is just trying to look out for her and trying to mend things between Vardah and their mother. 
Carrtier Jacobson
Half-BrotherWhile Vardah tried to get along with Carrtier when they first met. She quickly withdrew that olive branch when she actually got to know him as a crass, vile, jerk who blamed her mother and by extension her for their father and his mother splitting up. The insults and comments eventually reached the point of a confrontation where the two made a bet that whoever won the fight would get what they wanted. Carrtier, if he won, wanted Vardah to leave their father's life and never contact him again. Vardah, if she won, wanted to make it so that Carrtier never mention or blame her for "destroying his family" as he put it. The fight ended with a stand still with both sides bloodied and bruised and Carrtier's lip busted in a way that left him with his current scar. Neither side won but neither side lost as well. They hate each other more than life itself but have a standing armistice which results in almost a cold war between the two.
Andreas Jacobson
Half-BrotherVardah met Andreas shortly after meeting their father Akeem and brother Carrtier. At first their meetings were awkward due to the circumstances Vardah learned regarding why they were currently living in the US but also simply because Andreas wasn't the most talkative person. The few times they talked the conversations were short included following a fight between Vardah and Carrtier where Andreas was the one to physically stop the fight by pulling them away from each other. Feeling guilty on his brother's behalf, and assuming the situation was his fault, Andreas has attempted to make it up to Vardah including vouching for her and getting her her security guard job following her departure from the marines when she announced she needed help scraping some additional funds together. They get along well enough although Vardah is trying to get to know him better even if he isn't the most open person in the world. 
███████ ███████
Grandfather - DeceasedIt was learning about the fate of her grandparents and uncle that proved to put a lot of her mother's teachings and worries into perspective. Instead of simply viewing her mother as a paranoid woman who watched too many American movies she instead saw her mother as a survivor desperate to avoid losing her family again. Learning about their deaths was also a first step towards her current political views as she attempted to understand them. Vardah only knows what she knows of her grandfather through what her mother has told her.
███████ ███████
Grandmother - DeceasedIt was learning about the fate of her grandparents and uncle that proved to put a lot of her mother's teachings and worries into perspective. Instead of simply viewing her mother as a paranoid woman who watched too many American movies she instead saw her mother as a survivor desperate to avoid losing her family again. Learning about their deaths was also a first step towards her current political views as she attempted to understand them. Vardah only knows what she knows of her grandmother through what her mother has told her.
███████ ███████
Uncle - DeceasedIt was learning about the fate of her uncle and her grandparents that proved to put a lot of her mother's teachings and worries into perspective. Instead of simply viewing her mother as a paranoid woman who watched too many American movies she instead saw her mother as a survivor desperate to avoid losing her family again. Learning about their deaths was also a first step towards her current political views as she attempted to understand them. Vardah only knows what she knows of her uncle through what her mother has told her. 
Jonah Jacobson
Learning about Jonah via her father Akeem has left her with an obviously biased and skewed account and she knows this but she also feels that if any of what she did hear about him was true than that was more than enough reason not to like the man. Vardah knows of him, hasn't met him, and has no intention of meeting him sans being their alongside her father if he speaks to him again.
Aisha Jacobson
Grandmother - Deceased
Vardah learned a bit about her grandmother on her paternal side from her father. It was one of the first times she ever saw the normally happy and cheerful man become somber if just for a bit as he recounted her life and her death. Vardah is sad to not only not know her grandmother on her father's side, but to also have never had that chance to meet her due to when she died, however she believes they would have gotten along well. 
Michael Jacobson
Much like learning about her grandfather, Vardah knows that anything she might have learned about her uncle might be skewed and in obvious ways but if he was responsible for her father losing his leg and for the reasons that Akeem laid out than she loathes the man as well just on principle. Vardah knows of him but hasn't met him and has no desire to ever meet him.
Jibril Jacobson
While she doesn't have an innately good opinion about a lot of her extended family on her paternal side she is still neutral on her uncle Jibril. Believing that he has least has a chance to not be as bad as his brother or father. Vardah knows of him but hasn't met him.
Rafael Jacobson
While she doesn't have any innately good opinion about a lot of her extended family on her paternal side she is still neutral about her uncle Rafael. Believing that he has at least a chance to not be as bad as his brother or father. Vardah knows of him but hasn't met him.
Shizuki Kishii
GirlfriendVardah met Shizuki by random chance while the latter was traveling with her grandparents on a business trip. It was a windy day and seeing a girl having issues with her hair? Vardah approached her and offered a barrette of hers. The two continued to meet by random chance until they, without really understanding each other, managed to exchange contact info. Things were silent for a bit while Vardah attempted to learn some Japanese in order to speak with her and shortly after became long distance friends. It was during a trip to stay with Shizuki for a bit in Japan that they went from friends to dating and have been together for several years now. Shizuki was the major motivation for Vardah to join the marines. Viewing it as a way to become an American and be with her. A fact that Shizuki is very aware of following the multitude of issues that arose as a result of Vardah's service. It was via Shizuki that Vardah was able to make a lot of progress. From them agreeing on a way for her to vent her stress and anxiety to Shizuki getting Vardah in her cousin's support group, moves that eventually also brought Vardah and her future boyfriend Fabian together? While Vardah isn't the same person Shizuki knew before she joined the military she has made it a point of proving she loves her just as much as that former self. They love each other more than anything else in the world and feel they are destined to be with each other for the rest of their lives. 
Fabian Blackwall
Boyfriend Meeting in a support group for people suffering of PTSD, Vardah and Fabian hit things off well, becoming fast friends and eventually lovers; something that was against the rules of the group but that they both decided to ignore. At first the two were simply hook-ups for the other or someone to talk to but they eventually started to develop feelings for each other. Something that gave Vardah pause because, while Shizuki, Vardah's girlfriend, and Vardah had agreed on an open relationship? Once those feelings started to be factored into the equation those two needed to sort things out. Eventually what was agreed was a night out between the three, with Fabian basically attempting to earn Shizuki's blessing, a night that eventually ended in a drunk and jealous Shizuki coming up on stage during karaoke and turning Fabian's rendition of Africa by Toto into a duet, something that Vardah had recorded. The next morning, following Shizuki reviewing the footage, and seeing that Vardah was cheering both of them on equally, she felt comfortable enough and agree to let Vardah date Fabian and they have been going out for the past several months. They love each other and are easily great friends on top of that.
Archer Zhu Huang
Friends-With-BenefitsMeeting on campus of Lakeside Community College shortly after Vardah had driven Shizuki to one of her classes. Their first meeting was antagonistic and argumentative but eventually resulted in the two hooking up. A pattern that played out again, and again, and again. Until Archer suggested a more steady agreement of seeing each other on certain dates. Something that Vardah agreed to. It didn't take long before these meetings eventually became more than just hook-ups, in part because Vardah was able to see through a lot of Archer's façades and started to gain insight into his personal life and history. Something Archer began to reluctantly share until it became just something they talked about. Albeit with a love of caveats on Archer's side for his own sake of safety. Shortly after that the two began to associate more, occasionally getting lunch together, Vardah volunteering to babysit his daughter, to simply hanging out. They are close friends and confidants. 
Ana Huang 
Baby-Sitee/EnemyOriginally only agreeing to babysit for Archer once as a favor to her new friend? What became just one babysitting gig became multiple. Both because Vardah could see how chaotic the man's schedule was and because she was desperate for the additional cash to help supplement her income. However, just because Vardah agreed to babysit Archer's daughter Ana that doesn't mean either party like each other and more often than not at best this result in a silent stand-off all night and at worst ends with Ana plotting some kind of scheme intended to bring some sort of harm Vardah's way in the form of a prank here and there. Not that any of them work. They dislike each other but Vardah tolerates her for Archer's sake.
Scott Raneri-Puglia
ClientVardah met Scott shortly after joining the gym that she works at and in particular shortly after becoming a personal trainer. While she had seen him at the gym now and then it wasn't until they got talking that they got properly introduced. The two agreed on a plan that focused on cardio and endurance. Things that, given Scott's fairly sedentary job, he was concerned about having issues with.  At first the meetings were purely business but eventually Vardah managed to get him to crack and talk her on their walks and began to learn more about him and likewise he began to learn about her. They get along very well, often joking with each other and enjoying the other's company, even if Scott's difficult to get to know.


⭐ Vardah initially joined the marines as a path to citizenship via what was known as the MAVNI program (a program that was canceled in the real world but continues in her universe.) which allowed non-citizens to join the US military to serve in roles as translators and cultural experts as a method of fast tracking their citizenship process. She was to assist in naval/anti-piracy operations in the South Pacific but following a need for Arabic speakers she was deployed to Afghanistan.

⭐ Vardah, has a myriad of health issues tied to a hormonal imbalance that, while present all her life, was not properly discovered or at least addressed until following blood-work that came about after she was shot.

⭐Vardah is and openly identifies a communist, both due to her own personal beliefs, but also as a way of honoring her grandparents and uncle who were killed during the 1965-1966 Indonesian Mass Killings. In particular she considers herself a post-Marxist.

⭐ Vardah has a mild obsessive habit of collecting via holding onto them, or just buying them if she has the extra money, random books, pamphlets, and texts for no reason aside from simply having them although she has read about just about everything she does own. Even still she also has a hard time throwing them out and as such she has several bookcases, dedicated and improvised, filled beyond the brim with such texts.

⭐ Vardah openly detests wearing skirts, dresses, and most other traditionally feminine items of clothing. The reason is a mixture of her finding the clothes in question to be less than practical for her tastes, negative treatment during her time as a marine, her own complex feelings about her gender, and in her words it “taking too damn much time and effort to look nice.”.  However she will dress in such clothing in formal circumstances or when she has to dress more conservatively such as when she visits her mother and sister.

⭐ Vardah is extremely observant and often sees small details that most people would not even notice at surprising distances. An example being, seeing the tan a person might have on their ring finger, and knowing that a ring was only just removed within moments of seeing a person. It was because of this talent that she met Shizuki; having noticed her having issues with the strong winds from a good distance.

⭐ Vardah slips into Arabic or Indonesian, mostly Arabic, when emotions are running high or she is engaged in strenuous psychical activity. For example, if she just finishes a marathon and someone asks her a question her first words might be in Arabic and while she switches back to English quick enough for at least a good few seconds her accent comes out in full force and is very thick.

⭐ Vardah has a lisp that causes her S and Th sounds to sound slightly elongated. For example. The word snake might sound more like “ssnake” rather than “thnake”. It is clearest when she speaks English and very much so when she forces herself to speak in an “American” accent.

⭐ Vardah still considers herself Muslim even though she isn't as devout or practices as often as she did when she was younger. Extremely negative experiences relating to her time in the service, in particular comments and attitudes from her fellow marines, mixed to negative reactions from the local populace, her actions in combat, and her nearly dying has led to a crisis of faith and while she does her best to try and be observant stresses of daily life makes such things difficult sometimes.

⭐ Vardah, despite having her GI bill, has no current plans to attend college. Instead her focus has been on maintaining her and her girlfriend's household as is in terms of finances and wants to find a more permanent job option before she even things to commit to schooling.

⭐ Vardah's name was actually thought up long before she was born during the marriage between her mother Dwei and her husband Hamza. The two had actually discussed baby names and had settled on a pair of names for any number of circumstances. In the event they had two daughters the names they had chosen were Komel and Vardah, however, following Hamza's death Dwei decided, when she found out she was pregnant, to keep the name Vardah and gave her second child this to honor his memory.

⭐ Vardah, being a former marine, is extremely good when it comes to matters of improvising. In particular improvising things such as repairing things when they break or finding cheap but effect solutions to problems using either what she has on hand or can easily get. However, most of those improvisations do include duct tape.

⭐ Vardah is extremely proficient and accurate when it comes to firearms; having been around them most of her life and in particular trained to use them when she was younger by her mother just as her older sister Komel also learned.

⭐ Vardah wore braces between the age of 14 to 16 to correct a gap between her top and bottom teeth that, while slight, was able to make it so on rare occasions Vardah's lisp and general pronunciation of S sounds caused her to whistle.