What songs do you HATE?

Posted 1 year, 9 months ago by Glowstickknight

I know we all have our favorites, but what songs can you not stand hearing? What are you sick of? Or what have you never liked?


I basically just hate any explicitly sexual songs, or just ones that are completely bland and tasteless (like 90% of mainstream radio songs this year.. they're so generic that it doesn't even feel like music, it's just.. brain fog)

Edit: ⬇️ Yeah I agree. I wish there were more songs that were about platonic bonds/friendships. I find it really difficult to find songs for my OC's playlists, like I have one playlist that's meant to be about 2 OC's friendships, but since there are so few wholesome friendship songs, most of the songs in the playlist are just romance songs that are subtle enough to be able to be interpreted as being about friendship instead. (You know, if you just ignore all the lyrics that have to do with kissing and calling each other "baby" and stuff.. eck). Also it's really hard to find "strong female empowerment" songs that aren't just about being sexy or whatever, which sucks because it's like.. so close yet so far, yknow? 


I hate to jump on the Ed Sheeran hate bandwagon but yes Shape of You is infuriating. I really only ever had fun with Don’t and that’s it

Also ugh yes I wish we had more like.., asexual representation in the music industry? If that makes any sense?


"Ya Nauchu Tebya" by Galasy Zmesta

it's a song from Eurovision 2021

all i have is a two words, just no


Bi representation is very few and far between too :’/ I have like maybe two songs I like that reference being bi

Also oh my. I’ve liked a few songs from Eurovision but I love checking out the most hated ones. Those are more fun


Going to be dead honest: most modern pop songs (2016-now). I love all pop music, and I consider myself a big pop song fan until 2016 or anything above that... Once in a while, there's a good song, but most pop songs today are just so?... I don't know how to phrase it, but none of them are unique anymore, and they all sound the same. Why do sm of these 'pop artists' sing in the same tone? I'm not trying to be edgy, but it actually hurts my head, it's just so painfully generic. 

Also,, songs where they fetishize wlw... Like please stop


dance monkey by tones and i

this song is funny in a really bad way, like tbh i wish it never existed


okcomputr If you thought that was bad, wait till you hear "Never Seen The Rain" by the same artist, it physically hurts my ears, and since I'm in Australia they play it here 24/7 even though it's been years since it came out...


Paradise by Coldplay.

I don't really hate this song, but it was one of those big hits that got overplayed pretty much everywhere to the point I got sick of hearing it.


german rap songs. (English rap is good. but--  rap in my language is boring in every way sorri)
well.. I generally dislike most german music actually.

Other than that I can't think of any specific song I don't like.


The "this is my fight song" song. It's such a bland, nothingburger of a song, and all I can think of when I hear it is it 2016 election cycle.


I hate songs with slow starts, they drive me crazy. It could be the best song I've ever heard in my life, but that 20 seconds of empty backing track at the start is like a cheese grater to my brain. Another is Len's voice, or male vocaloids in general, Len just sounds the worst to me. Some sound okay but I don't think I have ever listened to a male vocaloid song I've liked. 


Drivers license bro wtf is that