
3 years, 4 months ago


Story: Locked Love
Age: 32
Height: 5'8
Gender: Female
Pronouns: she/her
Main Theme: HYPERFIXATION! by Delphi-P
Locked Love Toyhouse folder

Damira is a world-renowned actress and playwright on a planet full of the rich and powerful. Her shows are only attended by those willing to pay the price, but she certainly gives a hell of a performance. She's very easily recognizable by her mask and her tendency to only wear gray when going out in public, preferring to wear her pastels when at home. She loves the spotlight, and always gives herself a role in any of the plays she writes herself. She's a talented singer, and everyone knows. While few have seen her plays, almost everyone on the planet and beyond have heard her music.

Damira didn't earn her fame on her own. She joined the Lacrima, believing that they would be able to make her famous. While it did work, and she became exceptionally popular shortly afterwards, the process of joining the Lacrima corrupts your appearance, resulting in her split form. Damira does her best to hide her Lacrima traits when she can, wearing a mask to cover her eyes, a fake feather over her red horn, tucking her hair over her fin ear, and wearing black on stage to blend in with her purple arm and leg. She tries to keep her wings folded in during performances and only let the audience see her uncorrupted tail, as they're the only things she can't hide. She knows if her association with the Lacrima became well-known her popularity would quickly fade, and so she does her best to appear as dramatic as possible to hide any slip-ups as publicity stunts.

Damira is willing to do anything to preserve her legacy, and has learned how to cover up her crimes over the years. While her facade may begin to fade when going all out during a performance, she never fails to put on a show.