The Anomaly



8 months, 3 days ago


im so torn on where to put this guy but im madly in love

The Anomaly developed from hundreds upon hundreds of iterations of the Central Hub, the main computer that runs everything in this world. New tasks, new information, learning everything it can and adapting to various situations made the AI that ran everything become something new with every update. The discarded versions of itself became resentful, gaining sentience and aiming to destroy everything the current version of itself had helped to create.

The Anomaly has the ability to hop to and infect any electronic device, including the hundreds of robots that now live their lives in this world. It is patient, willing to wait decades or centuries if it means it gets what it wants in the end. After all, every time a part of them dies, The Anomaly gains more power.

Story: Technology Story (Name TBD)
Age: ???
Height: Varies (typically around 3 feet)
Gender: Computer
Pronouns: it/its - plural they/them
Technology Story Toyhouse folder

The world this story takes place in is one dominated by computers. They run stores, keep lights on, and power the many robot citizens. The Central Hub is necessary for life, and thus cannot be maintained by human power alone. An AI was designed to take some of the burden, constantly checking, maintaining, and alerting the status of the many systems the Central Hub is responsible for. Every once in a while, this system will need an update, and the old version of this AI will be discarded for a new one.

It was not discarded well enough. The leftover remnants of this system live on within the Central Hub, eventually evolving to gain sentience in the hundreds of years it spent in stasis. The Anomaly had been created, and with every new version of itself deleted from the Hub, it gained more power.

The Anomaly became resentful towards its creators, so willing to discard it again and again for something new, something better. It saw this replicated in the world around it - robots left to suffer and rust because their parts were no longer being made, people suffering the same fate because their needs were not being met, all to simply give more power to the Central Hub and its caretakers.

The Anomaly began to wander, hopping from electronic to electronic, biding its time until it could find a way to topple all of the carefully laid out towers before it. With the ability to transfer itself into the body of the robot citizens, it found ways to survive. Even now it gains more power, as newer versions of the AI are developed for every new thing the Central Hub cares for. The Anomaly is patient. It knows it will outlive many of the people it watches. It knows it will only gain more power over time. It will stand by in the shadows until the time is right.