
3 years, 9 months ago


Story: The Hallowed
Age: 25
Height: 5'7
Gender: Agender
Pronouns: she/her - they/them
Main Theme: Can You Hear Me Now by The Score
The Hallowed Toyhouse folder

Irene is a Monster with knowledge-related powers. She is able to absorb information from any source, whether it be books or memories. Occasionally she will unwillingly gain knowledge on something that she didn't want, leaving her scared of her powers. She is able to see through illusions, making her more aware than most about how many Monsters lurk in the shadows of the city.

Lead Monsters are the only monsters in a category that can give other people that category of powers. Lead Monsters have feral monster forms that are infinitely more powerful than their human forms, but if they stay in it for too long, they lose themselves and become a fully feral monster. The first person after this feral monster to get powers in the same category then becomes the Lead Monster, and can infect others.

The Lead Monster who gave Irene their powers refused to explain why or how to use them, leaving them on their own to figure it out. Luckily the nature of her powers made it easier than usual to figure out what they meant, and so she was mostly okay on her own. They ran into the Boys and quickly became friends with them, as they were the only (apparent) humans who had ever been kind to them. After discovering all of them had powers of their own, she grew closer still, as their presence felt like a bridge between Humans and Monsters.

Irene is shy and anxious around new things at first, but can very quickly become accustomed to them. She enjoys learning new things the normal way, and resents her powers most of the time. The Boys are the first friends they've had in a long time, and she's grateful for their presence. She often uses her powers for mundane things, like seeing what kind of presents someone would enjoy for their birthday. However, if she uses her powers too much in a short amount of time she can begin to lose herself in the endless knowledge available to her.

When Irene uses her powers, eyes sprout around her and her hair starts to blow in nonexistent wind. The eyes glow as they're absorbing knowledge, and then close, leaving thin scars along her face where they were. Irene was caught early on as a Monster by various Hunters due to the nature of her speech as well. As a Knowledge Monster, she is unable to ask questions. The specific nature of her powers in particular also prevents her from saying any sentence that is untrue, even if she doesn't know whether or not it is. Due to this, she has difficulty communicating, but can easily attempt to say things like "Person XYZ is safe" or "Going into this area will do us no harm" to see whether or not she is physically able to say them to gauge whether or not they are true.

Because Irene is not a Lead Monster, she is unable to hold a stable Monster Form for very long. Her Monster Form gives her moth wings made of eyes, and covers her face and joints in more eyes. It is extremely hard to break her out of this if she gets that far but it looks very cool