


6 years, 10 months ago


Regret Ocampo | Gret
Early 20s
December 19
Student, Musician






Friendship . Family . acceptance

Nothing is more important to Regret than strengthening the relationships with those he loves dearly.

Gret is the childhood friend of the Emery and has been close to her since he came back to the States to start fresh.
He has been struggling with the idea of acceptance and the societal norms of his sexual identity. Yet nowadays Gret rarely speaks about it and likely focuses on the better of his friends, family, and lover.
He is loyal to those he loves and would fight to keep them from suffering, especially trying to make them understand what is right or wrong. Especially with Emery's current incident and the development of her counterpart, Elois, has made the friendship between her and every one of her close friends become strained much worse than before.
Regret would work endlessly to piece any shattering relationships back together, when he believes that there is a chance.

Yet he rarely focuses on his own problems: Acceptance.
From here Regret does his best to strengthen the bond between him and his father, who works as hard to make his son feel comfortable.


  • Music, likes to play the drums
  • Dancing
  • Parkour
  • His boyfriend, Vinny
  • Driving

  • Pointless accusations
  • Social debates
  • Hearing the truth about his dad banging his best friend's dad
  • Half-assed/one-worded responses
  • Indecisiveness
  • "I don't know, where do YOU want to go?"
I've spent years hiding away so many things from the people that I've thought had accepted me. Only to feel alone and abused. There was only one single thing in my life that I regret: Not coming back here any sooner. Actually, I should've stayed here with you instead of leaving long time ago.

If I stayed here then maybe I wouldn't have to go through the misery I lived. But then, I wouldn't be the kind of person that I am today.

I want to say thank you for letting me be a part of your life. Regardless of who I am. I want you to know that you're already important in my life.


Regret is a blunt and an honest individual but people still find him likable because of his strong sense of duty, and how he is willing to follow through listen rather than taking action. Just like his father, friends find him easy and flexible and often go to him for advice and for venting issues. He firmly believes at a neutral standpoint to anything and everything; he doesn't have much of a personal response or a opinion when having a conversation with him. However, he will definitely step in to debate towards unjust decisions towards him and his close acquaintances, or when a person's opinions is undeniably stupid. He has a hard time holding onto grudges and is often reasonable with everyone and anyone.
While his father values family greatly (which is just him and Gret), Regret highly values friendship. Because of Emery, he grasps onto the importance of his friends and loves them as much as he loves his father. Gret's strongest suit when it comes to his character is his undeniable loyalty of those he considers as friends.

Gret's personality is greatly influenced by his sexual preference towards men and then the different occurrences of his parent's reactions. His realization of his mother and her family's dislike towards homosexuals did give him a scare when he lived in the Philippines; he was once a very closed-minded person who was weak towards many opinions that regarded his self-character and looks. His only thought was gaining approval by his friends and family back in Manila. Regret only had terrible trust issues, and was heavily opinionated/biased - often argued with people in the end, whether it be an acquaintance or a stranger.
Once his father took him to America to live with him during his high school years, it'd taken a while for him to be able to be more confident. With the help of his father and his childhood friend, who they accepted him right away, his personality changes drastically. He grew tolerable of almost everyone, and his new friends in America was a colorful group that he enjoyed spending time with. However, he still gets into fights but only to defend him or his friends from individuals with unjust motives and doesn't stand down.

He is still sensitive towards the subject of sexual attraction (homosexuality), but he is still is as equally interested/fascinated towards the topic. Instead of getting aggressive, he is still smart enough to go into an hour-long debate if he needs to. He has a small dislike towards people who clings onto their sexuality tightly, or in his words: "It feels like they're thinking that homosexuality is a hobby rather than a preference of gender. I like men, but I'm not going to wave around a rainbow flag or walk around the streets in a thong and scream about how gay I am." Of course, Regret is against injustice of non-equal rights specifically set for people of certain genders and sexual preferences.


  • Regret is the oldest out of the seven friends, only by a few months.
  • Back while still in high school with his close friends, he was the first to have his driver's license.
    > Hence he's the one driving everyone around.
    > He is still the designated driver.
    > Drives a black Chevy Impala lowrider car.
  • Part of the varsity track team, also takes it in University to kill time.
  • Parkour is also his hobbies.
  • Aside from being a musician, he plans to take dancing as a profession as well.
    > Has choreographed a few dance routines with his friends.
    > Has endlessly tried to get Vinny to practice his dancing with him.
  • He and his friends are in a band; Gret is the drummer of the group.
    > Next to Emery, he also partakes in the singing as well.
  • If he asks you "Where do you want to go?"
    > And you reply: "I don't know, anywhere is fine. What about you?"
    > He will fucking lose it.
  • Likes to wear anything with mesh or fishnets.
  • Cannot accept the fact that his father is dating his best friend's dad.
    > It's not the fact that his dad is into guys, it's the fact that it's his best friend's father makes it odd.
    > Although he might appreciate it, he doesn't like the idea of Motto being his step brother.
Design Notes

  • Hair: ##b11808 (Dyed Bright Red)
    > His natural hair color is dark brown but rarely anyone has seen him wear any other hair color other than red.
  • Eyes: #69371c (Brown)
  • Skin: #f8e4c3 (Fair)
  • Has piercings in several places.
    > Nose piercing on his left nostril
    > Lip piercing on his bottom lip, left side.
    > Large black stud earrings on both earlobes; they are not plugs.
    > Other ear piercings only on his left ear.
  • The tallest out of his group of friends.
    >  6'4"
    > Athletic body type and noticeable muscles.
  • Wardrobe always consist with at least one article of clothing involving fishnet or mesh material.
    > Typical red and/or black outfits.
    > Likes to go out for jogs, hence wears leggings with shorts over [Easy reference]. And a plain black t-shirt or tank top. Maybe even shirtless depending on the weather.
  • Other accessories often vary on the outfit he wears. Most often a black metallic or matte finish to match his piercings.

"I know it's kind of funny, but your dad and Emery's mom were best friends elementary? Even today they still hang out? You and Emery are only a few months apart but you guys have been friends since you guys were babies. It's like their friendship passed onto you guys."

- Jackie

Regret was born in America, with parents who had been already struggling maintaining their relationship. He had spent most of his comfort with his friend and their family whenever they visited.

However the the divorce already added onto the problems for Gret, thus having the choice of living with his father in America or move to the Philippines with his mother.
He felt some form of disconnection with his father, only being mostly attached or dependent on his mother. Therefore he had left America behind as well as his best friend.


"Just what kind of father would I be to let my only child sit there and get abused by their mother and constantly bullied by his classmates? The moment I saw you with those bruises on your body, I wanted to curse the world for treating you this way. Even if I am your father, I don't have to rights to tell who you should like or not. You are your own man. I'm just here to keep you at peace."

- Arson

Gret spent the rest of his elementary and middle school years in Manila, where he struggled trying to make friends. But he became connected with only one boy who treated him well. When he thought he was his only friend in school, Ocampo ended up developing feelings for him. He had a crush, and he confessed right after realizing it - one of the biggest mistakes he had made in his lifetime.

He was rejected profusely and his only friend left him. Rumors spread throughout his school and eventually the word spread to his mother, who took it much more than the rest of those that knew.
Not only Gret was bullied every other day by his classmates and ex-friend, but his mother treated him terribly. He'd constantly get into fights, and objects thrown at him wherever he went, while he'd leave home and come home with at least one or two cuts and bruises on his body.

The only one that saw this as a horrid event was when his father finally came to visit since the divorce. Arson's heart was broken into two after he saw bruises that covered him when his mom struck him across the face with a bible.
Arson had to forcefully take Gret back home with him in a shaggy, but decent apartment. Gret's years back in the Philippines only assumed that his father would've treated him the same as his mother, but the next few days were not only peaceful - he felt happy. 


"I used to be scared of you when I first met you in highschool. But now? I think you're probably one of the most coolest people I've met. There are days where I can be just like you. Or rather, I wished there was more people like you. You're radiating confidence and you rarely give two shits about people who don't like you. You're like a wall who won't let people's opinions push you down."

- Elliot

Soon after Gret flew back to America with his father and settled into home quickly, he reconnected with Emery as soon as he could. Emery, regardless of how much he's changed, still welcomed him with open arms.
He enrolled into the same highschool as Emery, soon after the both of them getting along just fine and having the time of his life with their best friends that joined soon after. Even after they graduated highschool, they always had plans to hang out anytime and anywhere.

Regret entered University with Elliot, where they took a couple of elective together. Soon after he met a new man, who he fell for not long after their encounter. He decided that he was going to pursue a career in music, composing songs with Motto and stay in the same wavelength with Vinny - who also plays in his own band.


  • Regret was born in America but his parents divorced during his childhood years. Decided that he was going to live with his mother in the Philippines than staying in the States with his father.
  • Fell in love with his only friend in middle school and confessed; everyone found out and decided to bully him because of it.
  • His mother also was ashamed, and abused him out of hate and regret.
  • Regret's father flew to the Philippines to see Gret. They had not seen each other since the divorce, but his father was particularly upset about his son being abused by his mother and classmates.
  • His father took Regret back home in the states, where Regret lived peacefully and reconnected with his old friends, as well as making new ones.
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