
2 years, 10 months ago



Mo Noctis. he/him. Death.

Mo is the crooked mortician who’s never seen without his trusty shovel by his side. He's something of an irritating fiend, with that smug smile that makes him very punchable and a large enough ego that can and has gotten him literally killed. His aims are somewhat of a mystery. He sees himself as the judge, jury, and executioner, and takes his twisted form of 'justice' out on others. Currently, he's got his eye set on tracking down this elusive spider lily...

As part of the void cycles, Mo goes through multiple lives in a method similar to reincarnation to learn a lesson- one he refuses to even acknowledge as a possibility. Each new cycle simply serves to strengthen his belief that his deeds are justified. He has a knack for being a snarky antagonist and a problem for others, so if you see an odd black cat in the corner of your eye.... consider it a sign of impending bad luck.

design + art by sauce.