The Tinkerer



2 years, 10 months ago



The Tinkerer. they/her. The Magician.

The Tinkerer (or Tink for short) is the prodigious inventor always working away on a project or two. That dauntless ambition of theirs was all fun and games until it ended up with them dying and in the void. The Tinkerer is extremely focused on their goals, to a rather selfish extent. They aren't above doing amoral actions or sacrificing others for their own personal benefit. It's based on a fixation they have on doing something noteworthy in their life so they’ll be remembered by others. That doesn't stop them from reminding you of their genius intellect every now and then. Tink tends to take everything as a personal challenge against their skill. They're pretty mild right now, as they haven't locked onto a set objective. But when they do... whoops!

The Tinkerer was created to be yet another addition to the void cycles! As part of the void cycles, they live multiple lives in a method similar to reincarnation to learn an important lesson. It seems they'll never learn that their actions have consequences, and instead spend their time in their cycles selfishly pursuing their own goals. Didn't anyone warn you it's not good to play god? But every now and then, they sometimes slow down to see the world around them. Sometimes.

design + art by sauce.