Atlas Thorne



2 years, 10 months ago



Atlas Thorne. he/him. The Star.

Atlas Thorne, the responsible older brother figure who's trying to metaphorically hold the weight of the world on his shoulders. Calm, collected, yet unfortunately very overworked, Atlas is insistent on helping out whenever he can. He desperately needs a break. And a nap.

As part of the void cycles, Atlas ends up living multiple lives in a reincarnation to learn a lesson. Unfortunately, his kind-hearted nature makes it near impossible for him to turn down help for someone in need. He takes and takes burdens from others with no regard for the incredible amounts of stress and strain it puts on himself. (It's his responsibility to do so, after all.) It's a good thing he's found himself two loving wusbands to provide him some much needed support. He cares about them both deeply, but even the best relationships run into hiccups every now and then- mainly, through the reveal of some unfortunate truths. One can only hope that it won't lead to this nice thing they have getting broken in the process.

design + art by sauce.