Lin Thorne



2 years, 9 months ago



Lin Thorne. he/him. The Hermit.

Lin Thorne, (or Lin LastName on his ids) is your local cryptid who's currently chilling out in the void. With his bag slung over his shoulder, coffee in one hand, and a bee charm in the other, there's nobody that can stop him from trespassing on private property. By the time you've noticed him, chances are he's already slipped in to start investigating the general haunted-ness of the area for his blog. Lin is known for his tendency to pop up in places he shouldn't with that apathetic, aloof smile on his face. His plethora of fake ids fool nobody into believing he should be allowed to be here. (If Lin is even his real name). He remains nothing more than a stranger to most everyone as a result of his insistence on staying a mystery. Truthfully, he does desire to be known by others, but is afraid of reaching out to only be disappointed once more.

As part of the void cycles, Lin goes through multiple lives in a method similar to reincarnation to learn a lesson- which he's not had the best luck on. Those he meets on his journey seem to simply reinforce the notion that he is unable to genuinely connect with others. Good friends are few and far between for the poor man, but he does occasionally happen to meet a good one... even if he shows his love to his bud by being a nuisance.

design + art by sauce.