Aki d'Balka



2 years, 10 months ago



Aki D'Balka. she/her. The Moon.

Aki is a very nervous kiddo. She tends to assume the worst case scenario every time, and jumps to specific and irrational conclusions. She's over-prepared for just about anything to go wrong, and her backpack is stuffed with items prepared for a plethora of potential (and improbable) disasters. Has a bad habit of judging books by their covers. She really just wants to be cared for and protected by someone, but assumes that either she'll get taken advantage of, or be rejected and laughed at for asking for help. As a result, she tries her best to handle everything alone to avoid burdening anyone.

Through the void cycles, she lives multiple lives in a method similar to reincarnation to learn a vital lesson. Unfortunately for Aki, the majority of the cards are stacked against her. What little time she spends in her cycles seem to simply reinforce and validate her fears, rather than help her move past them. Maybe she'll get lucky someday. Who knows! On one hand, she's found a place to stay with a rather kind and caring lady named Flurry. On the other, there's someone looking for her... someone dangerous.

design + art by sauce.