
.: Overview :.

Lowa is a shy, brown zephyr that works in a syndicate. She acts as the healer and messenger of the group with her ability.

.: General Info :.

Name: Lowa Baum
Pronunciation: Low-ah Bah-um
Nicknames: Lu, Low-low
Age: 19
Birthday: January 14th
Species: Sollan
Race: Zephyr
Gender: Female (She/Her)
Sexuality: Bisexual
Height: 5’5

.:Distinguishing features:.

Lowa is a slim figure with a winter-like color palette. Having a soft brown skin color, followed by a light tan color on her wings, chest, tail and ankles. Accompanied by soft blue eyes.

Current residence: N/A
Current home: N/A
Occupation: Syndicate Member
Relationship status: Happily taken
Social status: Well known for being a part of the Borioth’s Ice Syndicate.

 .: Dialogue :.

Voice claim/Accent: N/A
Language: Common
Other languages known: 
Style of speaking: Very quiet and reserved, tends to not speak much.

.: Personality :.

Lowa is known to be extremely shy around others, even around her fellow syndicate members. She tries her best to socialize, however, most of the time she is unsuccessful in her endeavors.

Likes: Snow, Fruit, Music, Grapes
Dislikes: Arguments, Loud noises
Hobbies/past times: Delivering messages for the Syndicate, observing people from afar, Brushing her soft wings
Guilty pleasures: Physical affection
Pet peeves: Rude individuals, Windy weather
Personal goals: N/A
Religious values: None
General intelligence: Lowa is a lot smarter than she looks
General sociability: Barely social

.: Relationships :.





Friends (currently)

Mia -
Dyna -
S!Theodora -
S!Saska -
S!Yuki -
Kori - 

Love interest

Dieras - Loves him to bits, and trusts him with all of her fluffy heart.

.: Combat :.

General Skills: Flight
Peaceful or violent? Pacifist
Weapon(s) of choice: None

.: Abilities :.

-Homing Feathers-
Lowa is able to fabricate special feathers from her wings that are extremely warm to the touch.

.: Fears :.

Lowa is afraid of confrontation and arguments.

Lowa has a fear of public speaking.

.: Health :.

-Social Anxiety Disorder-
Lowa suffers from social anxiety.

.: History :.


Not much is known about Lowa’s past.


As of now, Lowa is in Borioth’s Ice Syndicate, helping deliver messages for her syndicate.

.: Other Details :.

- She tends to cover her face with her wings when flustered or scared.