
.: Overview :.

Pongo is a chill, street artist in Celius city, constantly doing graffiti art and rollerskating across the city. They are well known for being a part of the street gang.

.: General Info :.

Name: Pongo
Pronunciation: Pon-go
Nicknames: Ponny, Pogo Stick
Age: 19
Birthday: May 7th
Birthplace: Celius City
Species: Stick figure
Gender: Non-binary (He/She/They)
Sexuality: Pansexual
Height: 5’5

.:Distinguishing features:.

Pongo is a slim, tan figure thats always seen wearing a black tank top, navy blue baggy pants, a grey beanie, fingerless gloves, and occasionally a grey mask to cover their lower mouth and roller blades 

Current residence: Celius City
Current home: Streets of Celius
Occupation: Street Artist
Relationship status: Single
Social status: They are known to create many works of graffiti art in the city.

 .: Dialogue :.

Voice claim/Accent: Brooklyn Accent
Language: Common
Other languages known: None
Style of speaking: N/A

.: Personality :.

Pongo is known to be a chill person, however they seems very confident and passionate about his artwork and pieces, often searching for new canvases to express her art in.

Likes: Spraypainting, Hip hop music, getting dirty
Dislikes: Dogs, Police officers, School
Hobbies/past times: Graffitiing, Roller blading, Exploring the City
Guilty pleasures: Being complimented with their work
Pet peeves: Siren noises, messing up on an art piece
Personal goals: To become big with his graffiti art
Religious values: None
General intelligence: Extremely smart when it comes to artwork
General sociability: Not too social, only speaks when necessary. 

.: Relationships :.


Rinko - Cousin


Any type of authority figure.

Friends (currently)

Tacer - Looks up to Tacer as a role model
Mandarine - Thinks she is really sweet, and goes to her for opinions of her artwork.
D’Andre - Hasn’t spoken to him often, but knows his intentions are good.

Love interest


.: Combat :.

General Skills: Roller blading, graffiti artist
Peaceful or violent? Peaceful
Weapon(s) of choice: Spray paint, smoke bombs

.: Abilities :.


.: Fears :.

Due to some past experiences, Pongo is afraid of dogs.

.: Health :.

Pongo is healthy for the most part.

.: History :.



As of now, Pongo lives in Celius city.

.: Other Details :.
