


2 years, 3 months ago




Risque' is a smooth talker, a ladies man, and very proud of his years dedicated to Red Dragon, and the gang life as a whole. Risque taught Mizuki everything there is to know about the ins and outs, and is the oldest member of the group. However, he is not the leader type and allowed Mizuki to take over his part of the group when he felt he was ready. Risque's personality is very calm and relaxed, but knows when to enjoy the good things and how to handle the bad. Very strong and powerful due to working out constantly, its his favorite hobby in his downtime. Overall, Risque' is like the ace in the hole for the group, a master of every job and weapon available. He prefers to fight with his bare claws and fangs though. Risque' likes to believe he is not the leader type, but he is a naturally driven leader and when Mizuki and Tozoku aren't around, he unknowingly takes charge with Yuto at his heels. The two are a good team but, unlike Yuto, Risque' would rather stay and watch the operations from the side lines.

While Risque'is an ace when it comes to gang life, he has a hard time functioning outside of that life. He does not know what it means to live a normal life, he has a hard time forming bonds with kems that are outside of his work life and every relationship he's attempted to make always ends in failure. He intentionally keeps himself busy with work so he doesn't have to think on his loneliness and that he will never feel comfortable with a "normal" life. He does feel like he has a blooming friendship through Marsh, the young kem that joined recently and seems to want to always gain his approval. He sees the good and the bad that Marsh brings to the table and he feels a sense of pride watching the kem work so hard to be a good member of the group. He really wants to work hard to make this relationship mean something and sees it as a stepping stone to many others.


Risque' had been apart of Red Dragon for what seemed like forever. Before he and Mizuki struck out to their own branch, Risque' was the leader of a different branch, the kems there were much more rough and ragged. When Mizuki joined, it really changed Risque's perspective as a leader, and a gang member. The goofball of a kem reminded him that Life was more than beating ass, giving orderers, and following them. Mizuki's idea of being a leader varied greatly from how Risque' was taught. He admired the kems motivations and determination, taking him under his wing as his right hand and teaching him all he knows, but also learning. Eventually the way they felt about the branch changed and the two left, not without punishment though. Blood in, blood out, as they say, and the two struck out to start their own branch. Picking their own mix bag of kems who shared the same ideals and goals as them, who didnt take this gang life so seriously, and just wanted to enjoy life to the fullest. Once Mizuki found his left and right hand, Risque handled full leadership to him, and watches him from afar with pride.


Mizuki Golden Dumbass
Risque' loves Mizuki like a brother, a husband, and a best friend all tied into one, its hard to explain the level of love he has for Mizuki, so he considers it unconditional love. Love without no title and doesn't really need to be more than just that, Mizuki reminded him how to live life to the fullest, and in turn, Mizuki learned a lot about being a leader through him. The two are practically inseperable and are often found lounging around the hideout on chill days. If you asked Risque' what his least favorite quality about Mizuki was, it would be that he keeps trying to get more and more ear piercings but never takes care of them properly so they always end up infected. Mizuki will sneak out of the hideout on days when he knows Risque' would be busy then show up with another. It drives Risque' up a wall, but he still loves his stupid friend. He also knows he can turn to Mizuki for anything, a day of relaxation, a kem to vent to, and kem to eat strange things with, and even one to have a friendly sparring match with. He truly values his relationship with Mizuki and doesn't know how he ever got along without him.

Marsh Lil Broski
Marsh is Risque's apprentice, the kem joined the group after Risque' saved them from a rival gang who attacked the innocent kem unprovoked. Risque' really wasnt in it to defend the kem, he never even noticed him there. His sights were just set to the kems that were wrongly on his territory! Defending Marsh was just a side benefit. The kem has been ever so faithful since then, following every order given by Risque' and listening with full intent. He hangs on every word that Risque' gives and never questions on if what he says is right or wrong. Risque' takes his loyalty to heart and is currently working on teaching the youngster to relax and allow himself to be...well himself. Risque' thinks that if he was still his old self, he would very much take advantage of this kems fierce dedication and would run him into the ground with work and tasks. But Risque' knows that the current him wants to build a valid and strong relationship with this kem, something he really struggles with. He learns a lot about patience through him, and wants to learn more. Kind of seeing Marsh as a little brother. He feels strangely protective of this kem and once snapped the arm of a rival gang member when they injured him.

Ret Hard Ass
Ret is one of the few kems that Risque' has a hard time getting along with. Ret thinks he is above everyone, even about Risque, just because he's been in the gang scene and with Red Dragon since he was a kit, way longer than any other kem. His self proclaimed seniority drives Risque' up a wall and the two will often argue when New members try to speak their opinion in front of Ret, with Risque' coming to the newbies defense. Ret does give Risque' his loyalty and works with him with no issues, but will make situations awkward or frustrating if a newbie is with them, he especially likes to pick on Marsh who follows Risque' around like a baby duckling. Risque' has snarled many times at Ret and warns him to watch his mouth with Marsh around, and that he won't be afraid to rip out one of Ret's claws if he gets too cocky with Marsh.
species Kemata
gender Male
pronouns He/Him
orientation Straight (closeted Bi)
demeanour Natural Leader
job Ace
Age 40

designed by 0097
species creator King-Monhwa

  • Loyalty
  • Adventures with Mizuki
  • Going on dates with pretty kems
  • Fast food Resturants
  • Triple Cheese burger, cheese and mayo only, with extra salty fries
  • Being rejected often
  • Fighting without cause
  • Stuck up kems
  • Jokes about new members
  • Dating Apps
  • Working out
  • Playing classic games
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