


6 years, 9 months ago






O3C rating: 6/10

may 17th

Mel is a member of the O3C, with a powerful ability to manipulate inanimate objects that are percieved to either have limbs or be a single limb (i.e, rope). He can also mold statues out of solid rock that move due to a magical link he has with it. He also possesses night vision, heightened sense of smell and a fast metabolism due to his gorgon heritage.

  • coffee
  • plush toys
  • bright colors
  • snakes
  • fast moving objects
  • bright lights
  • distractions


  • most of the names he chooses for his snake start with P.

Mel has an amiable, humorous and a bit eccentric personality. He used to be self conscious about how his eyes look, but have accepted them as an integral part of him. He tends to keep to himself, but is very nice to those he talks to, often cracking jokes to lighten a mood. However, this penchant for lighthearted conversation makes him come off as unable to take things seriously sometimes.

Mel has a few personality quirks and ticks. When he's concentrating on something more than usual, he sticks his tongue out a little. He also is a bit clumsy, requiring doing something skillfully to have that level of concentration. He also has trouble sleeping on a normal schedule, kind of just sleeping when he can. Whether this is due to being a night owl or part of his Gorgon blood is unknown.

Mel seems almost transient in his behavior due to how calm he usually is. Others don't really know if nothing just phases him or if he just doesn't recognize consequences very well.

skills and abilities

Mel's abilities are to be able to manipulate objects that are usually inanimate as long as they have functional ways of locomotion, through limbs or being as a limb, such as a rope or more commonly in Mel's case, a felt snake. Mel usually wears a felt snake around his neck and constantly controls it like it has a will of its own. He will address it by name, and has a few that he sets a rotation for with their own names.

He can also form humanoid statues out of solid rock at will, although the bigger the statue the harder it is to keep it structurally sound. This statue is also only as durable as the materials it's made from. Trying to make a solid object with no defined limbs or eyes move, i.e a round rock, would be futile, but he could still be aware of his magic's presence in it and view his surroundings from third person. While controlling an object, he experiences what could be considered a dissociative fugue state; his magic helps make sense of this sensation, but he can control both himself and his chosen object seperately, and receives sensory input such as sight if an object has clearly defined "eyes". Otherwise, the view is aerial, like in a third-person video game. He likes to use stuffed animals for the purpose of first person, as they usually have clearly defined "eyes".

He also has a few abilities that relate to his half-Gorgon state, but some of these are more detrimental to him than anything. His eyes are physically similar to snake eyes or cat eyes, with a slit pupil and a dark iris. He can see quite well in the dark. He's resistant to most naturally produced venom as well, with some species of snake venom not affecting him whatsoever. He has a slightly lower body temperature, and always feels cooler to the touch than other people, and gets sluggish when the temperature around him is cold. His boosted metabolism also has the unfortunate side effect of having things hit his bloodstream virtually immediately, making him a perpetual lightweight and having medicines take effect immediately.

main reference (2023)



Cedar was assigned to room with Mel, but it's actually been pretty fun to have him as a roommate. Cedar thinks Mel's powers are really cool and appreciates his sense of humor. Mel thinks that Cedar is a bit reckless, but fun to be around.

Perthro manages the facility and outfits the others with magical equipment. Mel is actually one of the only people to not get creeped out by Perthro's mannequins, probably due to his own abilities. He theorizes that Perthro is a Gorgon like him but way more powerful.
best friend

Addie and Mel hang out a lot, having similar interests in video games. Mel makes Addie laugh more than anybody and Addie is more social around him.

Mel and Artair are good friends, as Mel was Artair's first friend at the facility, but Mel has been trying to get Artair to open up about things that has been bothering him. Mel kind of has guessed that they have similar experiences with their families and their upbringing not being the best, but Artair is rather stubborn about talking about his feelings.

Cirrus and Mel are good friends, seeing they have similar interests in plush toys. Mel also likes to animate Stratus sometimes for Cirrus.

Morgan and Mel are somewhat considered "senior" O3C staff due to being there the longest along with Ceto. As a result, they're pretty good friends who've had a bit of history on missions.

Ceto and Mel are friends due to their history on missions together. Ceto has been in the facility second longest out of the current roster, and so the three of them (Mel, Morgan and Ceto) are pretty close. Ceto appreciates Mel's humor.

Mel wants to be friends with Evie, but Evie doesn't quite want to be friends with Mel. She finds him a slacker and too silly. Mel thinks she needs a friend anyway.

These two don't really meet each other for a long while in the story, but Raed recognizes Mel as someone with Gorgon heritage and respects him. Mel thinks it's cool to meet an elf warlock.
ESFJ class clown strongwilled confident