


2 years, 3 months ago




 NAME   Frank, Frankie, Francine

 PRONOUNS   she/her

 AGE   Mid-30s


 GENDER   Trans woman

 ORIENTATION   Lesbian(?)

 HEIGHT 5'7"

 JOB Master of the house

Forged her path from rags to riches with her own two hands.


  • Fancy meals
  • Balls
  • Fancy dresses
  • Embroidery
  • Sunsets
  • Carriage rides
  • Journaling


  • Guilt
  • Debt
  • Genuineness
  • Wintertime


  • Terrible at names.
  • Only close friends can call her Frankie.
  • Even if she misses some of her old haunts, she avoids them for fear of being recognized.


  • Mane fur must be upturned.
  • Ears have long drooping feathers.
  • Wears gloves to hide her claws.
  • Has afro-textured hair, but straight fluffy mane fur.


Francine can morph into whoever she needs to be to get ahead: she's  excellent at manipulating people's expectations of her. Outside of that,  she's tense, suspicious, and curt. She's haunted by the paranoia  someone will oust her in the same way she did. She's learned the  aristocracy's decorum, so she is always extremely proper and 'polite'.  The only people she lets her guard down around are Pearl and Julia (and  Wynn, after their relationship is established.) Around them, she reveals  a side that's melancholy and romantic, but also a little goofy and a  little awkward.



When he was born, Frank was less than dirt. Born in a ramshackle home to  ramshackle parents, there wasn't an ounce of respect to his name, and  he bounced from menial job to menial job. Everyone assumed the same  thing: he was desperate, and that meant he was trouble. The only light  in his life was the small fae creature he rescued from near-death, who  went by the name of Pearl.  She was a keyper, and she kept his treasures and his secrets. She  supported, encouraged, and advised him, and eventually, they grew close  enough for him to tell her he was not Frank, but Francine.


Years and towns passed, but eventually, Francine had had enough. she was  sick of being stepped on. She was sick of pretending to be a man. She  knew what she was, and she knew there was so many, many better things  she could have, if only she could grasp it. So, fine. She would play the  games. She would become ruthless. Who needed friends when she had  Pearl, anyway. She begged and she pleaded, putting on whatever show was  required, to get herself a job at her dream home and slowly, she worked  her way up. She created her own openings, being pleasant to everyone's  faces and quietly sabotaging her peers to get them out of her way. The  day Julia appeared--her  little eavesdropping fly on the wall--she got the advantage she needed  to make it to the top. Now, she lives a life of luxury as the head of  staff. With her employer sickly, she rules the estate completely.

The only wrench in her plans is the appearance of Percy and Wynn, a pair of terrible conmen absolutely convinced they can rope her into helping with their next score.


  • one
  • two
  • three
  • four
  • five


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