


1 year, 7 months ago


Basic info

Full name: Viktor "Vivril" Morgensen
Birthday: 30.01.1849
Age range: late 40, early 50s
Significant other: *big spoiler* Ester (after 1900)
Family: uknown, Valeria- lost twin sister
Height: 173 cm
Nationality: unspecified
Occupation: leader of big ruffian group
Status by the end of the main story: alive

Short description

Vivril, the boss of bandits who fight with Amaralf's team. Taciturn, mysterious, weird person who lives alone in old dark mansion. After 15 years of acting as the boss, he seems to be slightly bored with it and his actions aren't so spectacular anymore. He is not interested in Hillade city, which was the main target for the former leader, Yngvar; Vivril states his main goal is to take over Braivada, the village created by Ester&Amaralf's team - yet, for some reason, he doesn't attack it directly anymore. Never fights in person, only set up the plans and rules. Stoic and harsh, but sometimes he shows how dangerous he can be. Not all of his people respect him. Deep inside he is completely torned and doesn't see bright future for his group. Vivril is portrayed as an evil character, but is he really that evil? No one really knows what is inside this man's mind.

Personality + story

At the beginning of the story, Vivril is presented as a an evil figure, but it seems like he's not the biggest danger for the society, at least not anymore. Gloomy, taciturn and very introverted, unapproachable and slightly sarcastic. For long time Vivril enjoys his role as a boss, but he's not really proud with his groups' achievements. Vivril hates when he has to obedient to someone and never joins the groups' actions himself, he's just the strategist who lives alone in big, old, neglected mansion. Doesn't let people get close to him and avoids speaking about himself, doesn't allow discovering his secrets or talking about his past. While it looks like Vivril has a new brand evil plan against Braivada, it is not sure what he really wants to achieve.
Vivril's past is not clear; he spent his childhood in orphanage, he joined the ruffians' team when the leader was still Yngvar Reistad, but never liked to be just one of the bandits who has to fulfill the boss' orders. He quickly become of the most independent and charismatic men there, so when Yngvar died, the other bandits picked him for a new leader. At the beginning of his carreer Vivril was much more energic and passionate, but the more time was passing by, the more stoic and reserved he became. At the beginning of main action it's visible that he recently started to lose his bandits' respects.

Years ago when Braivada village was created, Ester casted an experimental curse on Vivril's group, making it nearly impossible to discover about Braivada's true nature - so yes, Vivril doesn't know about halcylians. This is probably why the ruffians were never able to get too close to the village. Around September '97, Vivril made a pact with a mysterious man named M. "Rigel" Hegermann who offered him big number of weapons (and one very special weapon) in exchange for informations about Braivada's peculiar element; halcylians. Rigel had his own group that for some reason wanted to discover more about these beings and become certain that Braivada is the right place where they gather - but they couldn't approach it themselves (not just the Braivada - the whole topic of halcylians was completely unaccessible for them). Vivril forced his ruffians to investigate Braivada, but it turned out... like they also can't approach the mystery. Soon Vivril started to lose his bandits, who became more and more annoyed by the new rules and pointless goals he set for them. The fact is that Vivril's whole group got cursed by Ester... and Rigel's group ALSO is under someone's "curse" with the SAME results. Who made it impossible for them to reach halcylians? Well - Alfard Kallevig, 20 years ago, on his Master's command. Neither Vivril's or Rigel's group can access the truth Braivada's halcylians, no matter what they would do. When Vivril brings some wrong informations to Rigel, Rigel accuses him for not lying and being too late with his mission, and threats him that he's going to get rid of his bandits if he won't be obedient to him now. Vivril, who is not sure anymore if he still wants to continue the whole thing with bandits, is still too proud to give up, and sends his people to attack Rigel's group in order to get their "prize". The special thing that Rigel promised Vivril was actually... the Second Wheel, similar to Alfard's one, that even used to belong to Alfard in the past, the most prized possession of Rigel's group. The Wheel hadn't direct connection to Arevalte, but it could kill from the distance and also could collect energy. The truth was that Rigel NEVER wanted to give it to Vivril. Making the pact with Vivril was partly some kind of Rigel's way to take a revenge on ruffians for something they had done with his beloved person many years ago, when their leader was still Yngvar Reistad. Rigel secretly wanted them to disband, but it wasn't really his goal since the very beginning of his acquaintance with Vivril. When Vivril's people tried to get the Wheel for themselves, Rigel used the tool to kill almost ALL of them, saving only a few of them. In early 1898, Vivril loses his whole team... and surprisingly doesn't feel really bad about it. He even... gets rid of the last team members personally. When the curse over Rigel's group was cancelled by Alfard, Rigel finally could visit Braivada and realize his plans, that turned out to be even more evil than Vivril's. In that moment Vivril arrives to Braivada and makes a shocking decision. He shots Rigel, saving the whole Braivada society, and Ester herself. Vivril, the bad guy, literally saves his biggest enemy, and the society he wanted to ruin once. No one knows why, but he in fact does it. He is not a leader of anything anymore. He disbanded his own group partly on his own wish and now doesn't seem to have any remorse. Vivril realizes that he never lived the life he wanted to live.


Amaralf - The leader of Braivada's team; they're rivals, but not enemies anymore. Since Vivril can't really attack Braivada, Amaralf is less concerned about the whole thing with ruffians, their groups don't attack each other so often like in the past. Amaralf treats Vivril seriously, but is not afraid of him at all and predicts he'll give up soon.  

Ester- Ester has very interesting relation with the leader of ruffians team. They consider themselves as enemies, but don't try to personally disturb each other, don't try to fight directly. Due to the "curse" that Ester casted on Braivada, he just can't discover the secred of the village and he keeps thinking that Ester is the only one dangerous "witch", which is quite beneficial for Braivada village. Vivril claims that he hates Ester and wants her death, but treats her in very reserved, even polite way. Secretly he's really fascinated by her - he always was, just since she had appeared in Hillade. He was absolutely envy when he found out that his  rival, Amaralf, got married with her - but Vivril never admits to it. He always claims he strives to destroy/take over Braivada, but actually, since some time, he does nothing to achieve that. It might even look like Vivril wants to get rid of...his own team of ruffians. He probably has enough of the life as a bandit. Later it's said that he indeed has some kind of a crush on her and he can't live with these feelings. Even more surprisingly, Vivril saves Braivada from a man he made a pact with, Rigel Hegermann (he used to believe they will destroy Braivada together).
*Big Spoiler: After Amaralf sacrifices himself to get rid of Arevalte + Vivril disbands his team, Ester slowly becomes closer to her ex-enemy. They become a couple after year 1900 (which is absolutely shocking for society), however, their relationship is more platonic, not sexual based.

Taris -  In the past (1878) young Taris was urged to pretend to be in love with him, just to gain his trust and force him to tell her about his teams' plans. Vivril actually fell in love in her and hoped that she'll become his partner, but well, she accidentaly broke his heart. 20 years later he no longer feels anything towards her, but still despises her a lot.

Yngvar - the former leader of the ruffians' group. When Vivril joined the group, Yngvar was already a well known bandit with a horrible reputation, who was mainly focused on Hillade city. Vivril didn't liked Yngvar personally, but still had to listen to his commands. After Yngvar died - killed by young Taris - the group slowly started to leave Hillade and find other places to attack, but they also were interested in freshly created Braivada. In fact, the bandits missed the moment of Braivada's start - in these years they were focused on completely different areas.

Ulrich - the bandit from Vivril's team who also joined long ago, when Yngvar was the leader. Ulrich perfectly remembers times when Yngvar was he boss and always favorizes him over Vivril, criticizes him and states that he shouldn't be the leader. The main reason of Ulrich's reluctance towards Vivril is that... Ulrich actually hoped to become another boss. It was even said that Yngvar promised him to make him his deputy, but it was already too late when he died, so it was not officially approved - the band had to choose new leader, because Yngvar didn't manage to indict his succesor on right time. This is also why Ulrich hates Taris so much - if she didn't kill Yngvar in that moment, he could become new boss soon.

Gerhart - one of Vivril's most faithful bandits. Gerhart seems to know something about Vivril personally and he's probably the closest with him, if it could be called close at all. When the team is gone, Vivril lets Gerhart simply go as a free man and never attempts to get rid of him.

Rigel - the man that Vivril made a pact with in order to ruin Braivada together, leader of a group called just the Lodge, obsessed over the specific form of energy they want to possess for their invention. Rigel offered Vivril big number of weapons (and one very special weapon) in exchange for informations about Braivada's peculiar element; halcylians. It was the first time when Vivril decided to make a pact with someone and it ended up horrible - for both sides, despite that the task seemed to be quite easy. The whole contract leds to both groups' spectacular end.

Marcel - [wip]

Other info

- Vivril absolutely hates Christmas, he's such a Grinch.
- He was created in late 2015, just like Amaralf.
- His hair should be more curly than just wavy, like on the 1st ref.
- He lives in a big mansion that is heavily neglected and full of mold and rats.
- After Vivril loses his team, he leaves his place and travels with no particular goal. He will eventually come back... in right time. With someone.
- Vivril is not aware that he has a twin sister; they probably were separated and put into two different orphanages when they were children.