


5 years, 9 months ago


Basic info

Full name: Amaralf Virgilius Bertil
Birthday: 14.12.1864
Age range: 33-36
Significant other: Ester
Family: Albrikt, Anastasja - parents; Adalstein, Amelia - siblings; he actually has a huge family but it would take too much space to write about it
Height: 182 cm
Nationality: Norwegian
Occupation: creator of Braivada village, founder of mine, leader of new team that fights with bad ruffians
Status by the end of the main story: deceased

Short description

One of the main characters in The First Glimmers story. Leader of the team that cares about Braivada village and fights with rivals; comes from very big and rich family that was always involved in Hillade city's development. Discoverer of mysterious mine in the mountains next to the Braivada valley, where his team works now. Ester's husband. Ambitious, brave and risky, very curious about everything that is considered as unusual and supernatural. Although he mostly works with his 20 friends, he is seen as an individualist; sometimes he feels misunderstood by them. Very bright and open minded, often has crazy ideas that not always end up well. Clearly has some problems with expressing his feelings and is quite harsh and moody. Amaralf strives to be a hero, but he constantely makes some horrible mistakes.


Amaralf seems to be quite baddass guy, but from the other side he's still a bit immature and reckless. He's the leader of his team that defends Braivada from the bandits and takes care of the whole Braivada village, so he must be responsible and confident. He needs to feel respected and hates when someone undermines his authority or tries to replace him. A lot of team members can't understand some of his ideas, but they know that he's usually right, so they trust him. He is often able to solve mysterious problems that no one else understands and sometimes seems to have some kind of sixth sense. Even when he works with the group, he's still rather individual type, but for most of the time, he dislikes being alone. He's very brave, stubborn, risky and curious about everything that can be considered as supernatural. Has big logic skills and is pretty clever... but sometimes his ambitious...turn out to be a little bit too big. Very energic and active, doesn't like staying in home for too long. In his free time he enjoys parties and funny meetings - when he's left alone, he becomes weirdly serious and keeps overanalyzing things. Hates showing his weakness and deeper feelings in general, he often acts harshly and a bit sassy but also has sense of humour and is very loyal. He's not a bad man, definitely, he just makes some big mistakes sometimes.
Amaralf gets really excited about Silorind's riddles - and he's indeed the only person that can solve them. Has bright mind and can be very focused on something, but some of his ideas may be seen as crazy. In fact, Silorind chose him to some special task. Even though Silorind hates the whole Bertil family, he seems to trust Amaralf and wants to test him. Amaralf is highly involved in the Arevalte's case. He was the first person who actually discovered WHAT hides underground and was very desperated to find a way to fight with this being. Amaralf is not afraid of experimenting with the halcylians' Light energy and gets an idea what to do to get rid of the "underground monster", an idea that is even approved by Silorind himself... but unfortunately... it all went wrong, wrong on so many levels.
In his teenage years he was even more baddass; he wanted to be admired by whole city only because he's the son of Albrikt and is very rich, he became the leader of new team and was just forcing everyone to respect him. He had many lovers (like over 20) and every young girl in Hillade wanted to become his girlfriend, while he never cared about their feelings; but still, even though he was acting like a brat, he did a lot for the city.
He changes when he meets Ester, but sometimes he still acts like a wild teenager and can't always control hisself, even as an adult. He also has his more sensitive side, but it's hard to get know about it. Often feels that he's guilty of something and need to apologize someone, but it's not easy for him. His whole relation with Ester is quite hard, at some point Amaralf even leaves her, but they still never stop loving each other. Despite making an impression of a very proud and confident guy, Amaralf is actually somehow disappointed by himself - more and more with every year. He completely breaks after he discovers that all his actions have (partly) led to releasing Arevalte from his prison, in this moment he decides to leave Braivada and disappear from the society. But maybe...there's still something he could to fight with Arevalte's expansion?


+ being the boss
+ discovering new things
+ magical stuff
+ everything about halcylians
+ ginger haired people
+ fur
+ sweets
+ being admired
+ flirting with girls, but mostly in the past
+ parties
+ family meetings
+ fighting with bad guys
+ mysterious events and riddles
+ winter

- being ignored and not listened to by his team
- being criticized
- showing his deeper emotions
- most women
- being disregarded
- his friends discovering his secrets
- lazyness
- showing any weakness
- working all alone
- reminding his own mistakes from the past


Ester - His wife. They might be not a perfect match, but Braivada would never existed if these two didn't decide to work together. Most of people who don't know them personally wouldn't say that they're an actual couple if they saw them together - they usually hide their feelings. Actually Ester loves him very much and wouldn't replace him with any other man. Even though she knows about all his mistakes and bad things he did, Ester always deeply believes in him. Due to their lifestyle they don't have many opportunities to see each other a lot, so their relationship definitely isn't perfect, they often seem to be better co-workers than lovers. Amaralf is not a romantic type and sometimes he acts harshly and rude, but deep inside he is quite sensitive man. Although he can't express his feelings and sometimes treats Ester in bad way, he still loves her everytime. He makes a lot of mistakes in their relationship, but she's able to forgive him everything, believing that he really is a good man. He admits that he didn't exactly know what he was doing when they were getting married - he learns what is the love just now, after some years. He would do everything for her... but actually he does nothing, not directly for her. All her words are very important to him, but he seems to not care about her personally. He is sure that without her he would be completely lost in his life now, he sees her as the brightest light in his life, but it's really hard for him to admit it just in front of her, even after 6 years of being married. Before Ester became his wife, he had maaany other girlfriends, but he never loved them - everything was simply for fun, he wasn't aware of that he hurts these girls' feelings. Unfortunately sometimes he cheats on Ester because she travels so much that they meet very rarely. He is just pissed off that she appears in her own home so rarely - Amaralf probably would need someone more caring and playful than Ester is. Ester actually doesn't need a lot of attention and doesn't mind the fact they don't spend that much time together, she knows that their relationship is a bit unusual, but in contrast to Amaralf, she is fine with it. He often feels really guilty about all the things he does and is heavily ashamed of that, but he doesn't know how to admit it. Amaralf gets lost in his own feelings, it seems like he's still not mature enough to be with Ester, but she loves him despite everything - and strongly believes he has a good heart no matter what. She tries to help him with releasing his feelings and understands him even without words, but she, just like any other women, has her own boundaries too. Ester won't be always tolerating everything he does - but their feelings will always stay the same. This relationship is quite hard for both of them, though. It may seem like he's more important to her than she to him, but it's not true, he can't imagine his life without her. Amaralf changed a lot due to Ester's impact, but deep inside he feels like...he is...too guilty to be with her. He has some certain reasons to feel like this, because in the past, soon after their meeting, he has done some bad things to her. Ester was the first one who fell in love and came out with her feelings; it took some time for Amaralf to accept it and admit that he's enchanted by her as well. Some people still thinks Ester married him for money, but that's not true - the idea of Braivada was born some time later and it was Amaralf who suggested creating a brand new village.
After Amaralf unconsciously helps the main villain to escape from the mine, Ester avoids blaming him publicly for this. When he admits to it in front of citizens and leaves Braivada, Ester tries to accept it, but it is really hard for her, even though she obviously doesn't show anything. They slowly attempt to get closer again when Amaralf comes back to help fighting with Valte.
*Big Spoiler: In the end, Amaralf feels so desperated to help with the Spirit From The Mine, that when Ester finally finds a way to destroy it, he decides to sacrifice himself and die instead of her (which is very important for get rid of Valte).

Albrikt - His father; his authority, respects him and admires, but usually doesn't care about any kind of rules Albrikt tries to make. In his childhood he really wanted to be exactly like Papa, but it turned out that he is even more baddass than him. Albrikt always cares for him and it seems like he favorizes him over his other children, he worries about him when he gets involved in Arevalte's case. Albrikt is also worried about his relation with Ester, but he avoids bothering them in any way.

Ignis & Irdolf -The twins, closest friends; they know each other since very early childhood, he's the only person (except Marianna) who can distinguish them.

Adam - Older friend; they used to tease each other really often and were quite mean, but generally their relations weren't bad. In the past Adam used to play the role of the leader in his team and kept telling him that he's too young to fighting with bandits - but he also tried to stop him from doing a lot of stupid things, because Amaralf as a teen was a truly spoiled brat. As adults they have rather good relations, but aren't too close, as they have completely different priorities; sometimes Adam still treats him as this spoiled brat and unfortunately - he's right pretty often. They can't understand theirselves very good, but still they cooperate with each other.
By the time of main action, these two stop being friends and Adam pernamently leaves his team. He is not okay with things that happen in Braivada and doesn't want to have anything in common with it. These two even have some serious fights. By the time of the Froilands moving abroad, they apologize each other.

Taris- Friend from the childhood, in the past she was taking care of him; now they still have good relations, but aren't very very close. Amaralf isn't even aware of Taris' sickness, not to mention - of the things that Adam and Alfard have done to save her.

Rest of the team - He has rather good relations with everyone but they're not so close with them all; always wants to show them he is a boss. They often can't understand him but still trust him. Most of the members are actually children of the former team's members, or just Amaralf's childhood friends. After Amaralf commits his biggest mistake, basically the only ones who still respect him or symphatize with him are Ignis, Irdolf and Kieran.

Vivril - The leader of the "bad" team; they're rivals, but not enemies anymore. Since Vivril can't really attack Braivada, Amaralf is less concerned about the whole thing with ruffians, their groups don't attack each other so often like in the past. Amaralf treats Vivril seriously, but is not afraid of him at all and predicts he'll give up soon.  

Adalstein - His older brother; they see each other only on family meetings, they always were very different and never understood each other.

Amelia - His younger sister; they have rather nice relations but aren't too close, after all she's a nice lady and he's a rude badass. Amaralf is a bit shocked when he gets to know that Amelia has a romance with Kieran from his team, but he is positive about this.

Anastasja - His mother; she never cared about their children; she left the family when Amaralf was about 9 and he doesn't even miss her.

Elmo - His grandfather; he really admired him and was intrigued by his stories, but never could understand everything about this man, he knew that he hides a lot of secrets. He died when Amaralf was in his teen years. Elmo was a very rich man who basically developed the Hillade city, and, surprisingly - long time ago had something to do with Silorind and Arevalte...

Klara - The homeless woman he saved some years ago; he brought her to his house and Ester let her stay there as their housemaid. Amaralf really dislikes her and treats very rude now, because he finds her too nosy and suspects that she's a bit too much interested in his wife.

Silorind - Amaralf is really fascinated about this man and his knowledge about halcylians. Silorind seems to not like him for one mysterious reason, but he really tries to know him better. He let him and his team exploring the mine and starting their business, never mentioning about the huge danger that was hidden underground. Amaralf often gets irritated by his weird acting and calls him the awful old duffer, but actually he still somehow respects him - while Silorind has simply no respect for him at all. Sometimes Amaralf gets really angry at him and even wishes him death, he's think that's really unfair that Silorind doesn't want to tell them so many things that they should know. But maybe he had his reasons to keep it as secrets? It's hard to say if their relations are rather good or bad because it's really complicated. Silorind may even hate him (he hates the whole Bertil family for a thing that Elmo had done 30 years before the main action), but he is still important for him. He sends him the hints in his dreams that help him to solve his riddles. From some reason Silorind really wants him to get into Arevalte's case. The old man seems to be very jealous about the fact Amaralf and Ester are a couple, but that's just his personal thing - Silorind really, really dislikes pairs. Accorind to Silorind, Amaralf has very high chances to become mentally ill.

Other info

- Can be drawn with beard or without it; he sometimes has it and sometimes not. He always has his braids.
- Amaralf's name was made up by Albrikt who wanted his son to have unique name and it's a reference to amaranth for some certain reason. Amaralf himself doesn't really like this name.
- He has a REALLY big family. He still has a great-grandmother named Virgilia who is currently 114 years old. He has also 14 cousins; one of them was a wife of Adam's youngest brother.
- His favourite food are cereals with milk and other team members often laugh at him for this reason. He is probably a vegetarian.
- He gets injured pretty often.
- He lives with Ester in a house that was one of Elmo's three residences. The first is Danhild's (his aunt) property, the second one still belongs to Virgilia and the third one is his. He had a conflict with his siblings because they were convinced that Adalstein should inherite this house. According to Elmo's wish, it had to belong to Amaralf since he was his favourite grandson.
- He has 0% of music talent, in the past he was the only one in his team who couldn't play any instrument.
- Years ago, his father wanted to send him to a prestige school for rich kids, just like he did with his older brother, but Amaralf insisted on going to Hillade school together with the twins. He was quite bad student, because he had way different priorities in life, but the teachers were always accepting his bad behaviors because he was a member of very significant family.
- It is possible that Amaralf has a child that he doesn't know about.