
1 year, 6 months ago


Glad I snatched that camera :)
aliases:  n/a
gender:  F— she/her
orientation:  unknown
age:  14
ethnicity:  white
occupation:  thief
residence:  n/a
height:  5'2"
eyes/hair:  brown / black
etc: song


Sadie grew up in foster care, bouncing around homes until the age of 13, when her wings grew in. Rather than deal with appeasing more potential families and hiding her wings, she decided to just run.

While on the run, Sadie discovered she had quite the knack for nabbing people's things. Her talent for pickpocketing led her to meet Bailey, and the two made a decent life for each other by scamming clueless adults and stealing their money.

Sadie was never officially brought into the flock, but essentially wormed her way in once she found out that Bailey had wings. She's not entirely sure what to think of the flock, but they do feel more like family than any foster home ever did.

  • Sadie's wings are based off of those of a bluejay.
  • Sadie is the worst of the flock at hiding her wings.
  • The flock is unsure of whether Sadie has powers or not.

Bailey Brother in Crime
Sadie met Bailey on the streets, and the two helped each other out to the best of their abilities. Sadie considers him her closest friend.
Apollo Flock member
Sadie and Apollo tend to butt heads a lot. He feels a bit too authoritative for Sadie's liking.
Jesse Sister
Jesse and Sadie clicked almost instantly since meeting, and have been fairly close ever since.