Jesse Anderson



5 years, 2 months ago


All together!
aliases:  none
gender:  F — she/her
orientation:  asexual biromantic
age:  15
ethnicity:  irish
occupation:  runaway
residence:  n/a
height:  5'4"
eyes/hair:  teal / red
etc: song


Jesse ran away from home at a young age, refusing to stay with their father after their mother mysteriously disappeared. Her wings grew in not long after, and she's used them to stay on the run ever since.

While on the run, Jessse began to meet others like her- others with wings. They decided they would each have a better chance if they stuck together, and thus the flock was born.

Jesse found Avalon in the city one day while stopping for supplies. Unable to believe she had finally be reunited with her sibling, Jesse brought Avalon into the flock, where they were finally welcomed home with open arms.

  • Jesse's wings are (very loosely) based off of a varied Bunting.
  • Jesse is the best flier in the flock.
  • Jesse was the second one of the flock to develop powers (umbrakinesis).
  • Jesse and Avalon are the only two blood relatives in the flock.

Avalon Sibling
Jesse and Avalon were separated when Avalon was still little more than a baby, but are closer than ever now that they're back together.
Apollo Brother
Jesse and Apollo are the two oldest members of the flock, and tend to get along the best.
Mr. Novala Late Father
Once Jesse learned what had been to done to Avalon all the years she was gone, she made sure that they would never have to endure that again.