Ada Turing



6 years, 1 month ago


♥ Ada Turing

Called Turing or Ada
Company Kairos Robotics
Age ~6 years old
Gender genderfluid
Pronouns he/him or she/her
Occupation Roboticist and CEO
Species self-aware Artificial Intelligence

A robot, created for a life in business, becomes curious about the world outside his company. Extroverted, optimistic, socially awkward. More queer than originally planned.


  • pink
  • problems to solve
  • pretty clothing
  • machines & AI
  • talking to anyone


  • boredom
  • emotional expectations
  • sitting still
  • lack of options
  • monotonous work


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi varius libero non sem dapibus, eget viverra nisl sagittis. Ut interdum mi non sagittis euismod. Suspendisse id venenatis massa. Aliquam ornare, nibh sit amet interdum elementum, leo sem laoreet nibh, at sollicitudin diam ipsum eu risus. Aenean gravida eu nibh id tincidunt. Pellentesque lorem mauris, cursus sed ligula eget, cursus posuere risus. Phasellus vel enim volutpat, sagittis augue at, condimentum ex. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Praesent consectetur semper ligula, nec pretium tellus iaculis at. Nulla facilisi. Phasellus gravida pellentesque dui. Vestibulum vel dui sed odio vehicula finibus sit amet non mauris. Donec ut posuere dolor. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Aliquam et nibh lorem.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi varius libero non sem dapibus, eget viverra nisl sagittis. Ut interdum mi non sagittis euismod. Suspendisse id venenatis massa. Aliquam ornare, nibh sit amet interdum elementum, leo sem laoreet nibh, at sollicitudin diam ipsum eu risus. Aenean gravida eu nibh id tincidunt. Pellentesque lorem mauris, cursus sed ligula eget, cursus posuere risus. Phasellus vel enim volutpat, sagittis augue at, condimentum ex. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Praesent consectetur semper ligula, nec pretium tellus iaculis at. Nulla facilisi. Phasellus gravida pellentesque dui. Vestibulum vel dui sed odio vehicula finibus sit amet non mauris. Donec ut posuere dolor. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Aliquam et nibh lorem.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi varius libero non sem dapibus, eget viverra nisl sagittis. Ut interdum mi non sagittis euismod. Suspendisse id venenatis massa. Aliquam ornare, nibh sit amet interdum elementum, leo sem laoreet nibh, at sollicitudin diam ipsum eu risus. Aenean gravida eu nibh id tincidunt. Pellentesque lorem mauris, cursus sed ligula eget, cursus posuere risus. Phasellus vel enim volutpat, sagittis augue at, condimentum ex. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Praesent consectetur semper ligula, nec pretium tellus iaculis at. Nulla facilisi. Phasellus gravida pellentesque dui. Vestibulum vel dui sed odio vehicula finibus sit amet non mauris. Donec ut posuere dolor. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Aliquam et nibh lorem.



Character [ relationship ]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.


Character [ relationship ]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.


Character [ relationship ]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.


"Hello, Darlings!"

Turing is a robot who was created by Kairos Robotics as a sophisticated, self-aware artificial intelligence, built and developed with a knack for both robotics and learning in an attempt to see whether a robot could learn a job from human teammates rather than being explicitly programmed with instructions. When he did well, Kairos decided to take a weird, risky move and promote him to actual leadership within the company. He has climbed to the top somewhat legitimately, but the publicity that comes from having an Actual Robot as CEO is probably a contributing factor in the speed with which he was promoted.

Turing is uncommonly cheerful, optimistic about the opportunity he's been given and very excited about the future this promises for machines like him. He's outgoing and friendly, to a fault, very very bad at knowing when he is supposed to stop talking, and always enthusiastic about technology!

As a robot, Turing is company property and does not have Human Rights, so while Kairos Robotics has put him down as head of the company, the human programmers assigned to oversee him are legally responsible for the decisions he makes. (He also can't actually draw a paycheck, but as he's in charge of company finances and is also company property, money set aside for himself and his interests is technically a business expense).

An artificial being with Turing's level of autonomy would never be allowed without significant safeguards in place. Explicit programming forbids him from harming humans (or most animals) for any reason, and prevents him from reprogramming or altering himself in any way. There are several failsafes in place to quickly shut him down if he starts making alarming decisions. But the company would prefer not to resort to that and mostly leaves him to his own devices; it's very good PR for them if he's successful and happy.


  • Made mostly of metal
  • 7'5" tall (2.3m)
  • Way heavier than it seems like he should be due to the aforementioned being made of metal (about 410 lbs (186 kg))
  • About 6 years old
  • Enneagram Type 7

  • when in his element: confident, excited, enthusiastic, overfamiliar
  • good at talking and knows how to present himself as the Head of the Company
  • however Gets Carried Away very easily; secretly kind of a weird nerd who wants to talk about his very specific interest for hours
  • collateral damage is a very secondary concern when he is Excited About A New Idea
  • touches humans a little bit more than is socially appropriate
  • decided to look & dress the way he does. Kairos hasn't argued b/c they're excited to have a robot with his own aesthetic preferences
  • has no idea how to handle not being in his element and tries to avoid it; can easily be thrown off his groove by the unexpected

  • frustrated about the lack of rights and the limitations placed on him as a robot, but does his best to take it gracefully as the system that he has to work with
  • knows he has to be Extremely Careful not to say anything that might make humans nervous about Robot Uprisings
  • doesn't resent humans tho!! thinks they are very interesting actually. robots have a lot to learn from humanity!!
  • no interest in "passing" as human -- believes very strongly that robots shouldn't have to Seem Human in order to be considered advanced or self-aware.
  • cares about robots/technology A Lot; much more empathetic towards roombas and microwaves than human children

  • has teleportation technology! can teleport instantly to spaces he can see, or between two places he knows the coordinates of. Turing installed this in himself and then was immediately reprogrammed to not be able to install things in himself. He's been told to report any weird malfunctions (since his body wasn't designed with that tech in mind) but he really doesn't want to get it removed...
  • is probably actually more well-balanced than most humans.
  • can exert inhuman strength for a few seconds but if he tries to sustain it he'll burn something out. Not built for heavy lifting
  • literally cannot harm humans/most animals; even in self-defense, his programming forbids it.
  • curious and clever and learns quickly but very specialised in his downloaded knowledge. He doesn't Know Everything; thats what being constantly online and checking wikipedia is for.

  • If you know the name of his AI's programmers, you can ask Turing about them and it'll trigger a couple lines about what they created and how cool they are. He has to give the same spiel every time you ask. He finds this slightly embarrassing.

Technical Specs

Features & Maintenance

(Section in Progress)


Turing is battery-powered and has to plug in occasionally to charge. Generally he takes 3-4 hours to plug himself in and go into sleep mode late at night when nobody's at the office, which is the closest thing he does to resting. Despite his mechanics' insistence that sleep mode and occasionally powering down are good for his systems, it is very hard to get Turing to actually Stop and Not Work.


The teleportation device is installed in Turing's arms, which means he needs both arms attached in order to use it. He needs to have "coordinates" to somewhere in order to teleport there, so it can be within line of sight (where he can calculate the position relative to himself) or a place he knows the precise location of relative to the earth. In the Smear universe, Turing can't do the latter because he can't make any assumptions about the planet (?) he's on, so he can only teleport to places he can see. The device glows when in use.

When he decided to install it, teleportation technology was very new; Turing somehow didn't anticipate getting in trouble for this, so he didn't expect to be stuck with an early model. His mechanics quite frankly don't want to go to the trouble of figuring out how to remove it and have told him he can keep it as long as they don't see any major problems. Turing has decided to just not bring any of the device's problems to their attention.

It is already a power-intensive device that drains battery significantly even when functioning perfectly. As it is, it has a tendency to overheat, sometimes won't shut off, and he has had rare occasions of the device powering itself on for no reason. At home, though, these are all minor inconveniences; Turing doesn't teleport often and usually has plenty of time to return to the office briefly if he needs to recharge, and he considers the teleporter the only method of self-defense he has access to and doesn't want to lose it.



Turing is capable of exerting superhuman strength, but it's obviously a strain on his motors that he can only maintain for a few seconds. Without that, Turing has the strength of an average human -- with the advantage that he will literally never get tired.


excuse me do you see those heels?


Turing's mind reacts very quickly, but his joints and motors aren't always as fast.


His metal exterior can take physical punishment pretty well! As long as you don't have access to his interior components, he can generally sustain a lot more physical damage than a human and be fine.


He's a robot this is literally his thing. He thinks much faster than he's capable of conveying to others.


Turing is working very hard to understand social situations more fully, but he always gets the impression he's missing a lot of pieces and often goes to his human programmers for help. He tends to operate based on rules he's built for himself and advice others have given him rather than intuitively understanding the situation. Humans are confusing!

(Awareness of Surroundings)

Turing absolutely notices things. His cameras pick up on information more reliably than human eyes do (most of the time), he's good at pattern recognition, and his ability to genuinely multitask means that he's rarely distracted from picking up on something.
When it comes to people, though, he's actually held back by his programming -- in an effort to avoid accidentally teaching an AI to discriminate, Turing's programmers have made him incapable of forming a first impression. Turing gets no "gut feelings" about a strange person, no "bad vibes" from someone who is clearly a charlatan, and relies on pattern-matching their actions and known history to determine when someone is up to no good or unreliable.
Turing's first assumption of everyone he meets is hopeful and optimistic, even when it's clear to every human in the vicinity that this is an inappropriate response.


Turing has been... well-coached, in order to be the head of the company and appear on TV and in interviews and etc. etc. but ultimately he comes across as very strange. He's too physically touchy and weird and over-affectionate and talks too much. His eccentricities work for him as Face Of The Company, but he doesn't seem to be able to rein them in when necessary, so it's basically a coin toss on whether others find his eternally cheerful weirdness endearing or off-putting.


He was designed to seek out and solve problems, his AI trained in an environment that requires and rewards creativity and curiosity, so for Turing, a lack of things to do is deprivation. He gets bored easily and struggles to sit still for an extended period of time, and if he's not given something to do, he'll take increasing risks to find something.


Turing has no magic, no access to magic, no understanding of magic, and depending on the magic in question, often experiences conflicts and interference in his systems when exposed to magic, giving him weird verbal glitches, causing incorrect feedback, or locking up his ability to move reliably.

Current Damage

  • a chunk of his face next to his left eye has been replaced; the metal doesn't match and his ear had to be completely rebuilt
  • the left audio sensor was completely destroyed and had to be replaced
  • a stripe of Turing's hair was damaged and has been replaced with a new piece of a different colour, giving him a pink streak in his hair
  • battery was fried and had to be rebuilt, current battery only holds a couple hours of charge
  • due to slight misalignment of his access panel and the repairs to his face, Turing is water resistant, but no longer fully waterproof.


* Which pronouns does Turing/Ada prefer? Does it depend on presentation?

Experimenting with gender is very new for Turing, so this may change, but for now: any pronouns are fine, darling! She answers to either set of pronouns (and either name) in either presentation.

* What about beings that are neither human nor animal nor robot?

As far as what permissions Turing has around them, so to speak, they'll probably get sort-of filed into one of these categories. Like, if you're an elf or a furry, you still have enough human qualities to "count" as human for his Don't-Harm-Humans restriction.

UPDATE: Turing has now created a "non-human" sub-heading under "human" to categorise these non-humans in. He's sort of limited in his ability to recategorise people who ping as "human," without a programmer getting involved, since that controls a lot of his restrictions, so "this person is a non-human human" is the best he can do.

* Does Turing have a soul / is Turing alive / does Turing have any magic?

Fully artificial, darling! He is not alive. He thinks of souls as a human idea, and doesn't see any reason for a robot to want one.

* What does Turing's voice sound like?

His voice is expressive but definitely sounds mechanical. Imagine an enthusiastic, slightly effeminate voice run through your basic Free Robot Voice Filter.

* Does Turing feel emotion / understand Human Friendship™?

Turing would say he does experience emotions, they're just different from human emotions since they're not triggered by chemicals. But he can still experience drive, curiosity, frustration, accomplishment, disappointment, fear, excitement, sympathy, etc.
He doesn't have any friends but doesn't scoff at friendship. It's a complex social relationship that he'd be interested to understand better!
He's not averse to Human Romance™ but doesn't experience romantic feelings and can't really relate. He could perform romance as a favour, probably.

* How coordinated is Turing?

He can do all the normal human things like go up stairs, open doors, and not trip on the carpet. He's very advanced.

* Is Turing waterproof?


* What metal is Turing made out of?

-pours handwavium on everything- FFFFUTURISTIC,,, STEEL?? ALLOY?? VERY DURABLE FUTURE METAL.

* Does Turing feel pain?

No!! Why would anyone program that!! He reacts appropriately to injury though; like, he'll scream if he can tell he's being damaged. This is automatic and I think he'd have to be paying attention to suppress it.

* Does Turing have a low-power mode/ power conservation?

Yes. While conserving power he slips into sleep mode if he's not doing anything, non-necessary things (like facial animation) get shut down, etc etc., to save battery. Normally he can decide to activate this, but if his battery gets dangerously low he'll go into low-power mode involuntarily.

* Can Turing eat / drink / kiss / etc?

Turing can't eat or drink. His mouth doesn't connect to anything! It's just there to make it look like he's talking -- he has a mechanical voice and is essentially lipsyncing himself constantly.
I guess you can kiss him but like he's l i t e r a l l y made of metal and he doesn't have a working tongue. He wasn't designed for this, and while he's not flustered by romantic overtures, he really isn't sure what to do with them.

* Should we be worried about Turing starting the robopocalypse?

Turing doesn't want a robot apocalypse; he doesn't actually want to destroy humans and take over. In general, he likes humans! (Besides, violent takeover is more of a human idea than a robotic one). But at the same time, if any company is going to create the robots that start it, it's probably going to be the one run by the robot who keeps edging up to the boundaries that have been placed on him by humans, has no desire to prevent robots from being autonomous, and feels more empathy for a toaster than a child. He just doesn't have the same fears and caution that humans do about these things.

So it's possible; though if Turing started a robot apocalypse, it would almost certainly be an unintended consequence.

World & Story

Kairos Robotics

Turing's home is a version of Earth, in the Not Too Distant Future (2052). Obviously technology has advanced enough to have a fully autonomous and self-aware AI, but Turing is one of the first at his level, and there's very little legal precedent for something like him.

Kairos Robotics started its life under human directors as vaguely science-innovation-curiosities research and theme park (a la Disney's original Tomorrowland), and has sort of gone in a lot of different directions since then. Their main focus now is on robots, androids, and artificial intelligence, but as technology advances and more and more complicated technology needs AI just to run properly, Kairos has ended up with their hands in some pretty wide-ranging innovations. Despite their focus on robotics, they're best known for having developed working and commercially viable teleportation technology.

The Smearverse

Several different people across very different universes have been dragged out of their respective worlds and thrown into a this smeared-together mess of pieces and bad copies of all their homes, and have to try to find their way in this incompatible mess of a world. The Smear is unstable and glitchy, with the fantasy, the medieval, the modern day, and the futuristic and alien all haphazardly adjacent and smashed into each other.

Turing was pulled into the Smear in a teleporter accident; a trial run of an experimental model that would theoretically be capable of teleporting living things went somehow unexpectedly wrong, and the robot was dragged through it. He doesn't realise his company's technology may be partially responsible for the unstable universe's creation.


Turing has literally never been on his own before, always under the company's watchful eye, and is trying to make friends with those who can help him in lieu of having any survival skills at all. He wants to find a way home, or at least a way to contact Kairos so they can figure out how to recover him, but he's sometimes easily distracted when the prospect of investigating the technology and advancements of parallel worlds is too interesting to pass up.

The longer he spends in this place, the more he can't help but notice the freedom he has here, that he's never had before.

Others Met in the Smear Universe:



Turing's thoughts on Jay are mixed -- while they do seem to mean well, they are also one of the most dangerously powerful people in the Smear when rage mode kicks in. He doesn't see this as a contradiction -- even though their rage mode genuinely frightens him, he's happy to cheerfully chat as soon as it calms down.



Turing met Owain only briefly, one of the first people he encountered upon entering the Smear universe before being whisked off by Atticus. Owain seems to have a lot more survival skills than Turing!



Turing's thoughts on Pellam are similar to his thoughts on Jay -- a dangerous, volatile human who is nonetheless friendly and pleasant to talk to, and seems to mean well when he's not attempting to murder people.

Beetle, art by Shazzbaa, character owned by no one

The Beetle Merchant

Turing believes he is a scammer and does not trust his offers. Plus Beetle keeps trying to bargain with Turing for parts of Turing, which casts sort of a predatory light on their interactions.

Atticus, art by Shazzbaa, character by Mothit


"I've never met a human like Atticus."
The brilliant and... differently-moral scientist has made quite an impression on Turing. Despite Atticus' occasional penchant for kidnapping (and his worldview being almost opposite to Turing's), it's his fondness for machines, his eagerness to take things apart and learn from experience, and his inability to properly sympathise with his fellow humans that Turing finds relatable and strangely attractive... though the scientist's wildly volatile emotions have admittedly proven overwhelming and puzzling for the robot. Atticus was one of the first to give Turing a chance to dress up, to encourage him to explore the things he liked for no reason other than simple pleasure, and to question what he'd been taught he's allowed or able to do. Despite everything, Turing likes him. They've since lost track of each other, but the human's impact on his algorithms remains.

Aster, art by Shazzbaa, character by Draxablaze


Turing has only met them briefly, but sees them as a bit of a threat; Aster's casual magic use mucks badly with his systems even when they're not trying.

Aem, art by Shazzbaa, character by dianalilwashu


Although she was initially threatening to both Atticus & Turing, Atticus subsequently hired her as a bodyguard, and Turing has accepted her as an ally.

Kazuya, art by Shazzbaa, character by Toanovu


While hostile to the robot's appearance initially, Turing has decided that Kazuya is friendly. The human yakuza's constant texting about Turing's situation and job has been parsed by the robot as friendly interest despite its aggressively confused tone, and Kaz has proven he'll help Turing in a pinch.

Yukira, art by Shazzbaa, character by Dread


Yukira is.... very interesting! She seems to come from a society without advanced technology, and Turing can't help but be curious to watch the human process of learning as she adapts to a world she was never prepared for. He doesn't understand her stronger emotions, or the way she's become so attached to him as a friend, but is constantly surprised and touched by the kindness of a human who goes out of her way again and again to help him, by her genuine concern for him, even though she has nothing to gain from his wellbeing. She's not what he expected at all!

Jones, art by Shazzbaa, character by MagpieM

Dr. Jones

Turing is curious about Jones' work in particle physics, but the man is cagey about it for some reason. They've only gotten a little time to talk, but it's nice to have someone who understands technology around.

Mordred, art by Shazzbaa, character by Steph


Mordred has been an invaluable source of advice to Turing as the robot attempted to navigate Atticus' constant emotional whiplash. Mordred is reasonable, polite, intelligent, and just so happens to be complicit in stealing Pellam's body for his own use, but Turing was quite willing to overlook this as long as the two could work it out.

Manny, art by Shazzbaa, character by stopboorider


Manny and Turing got off on the wrong foot, and Manny has the dubious honour of being the first person in the Smear to actually manage to offend Turing. He's confused about what Turing is, exactly -- a machine that can act like a person? a person that happens to be made of metal? -- and Atticus' weird antagonism towards Manny made Turing suspicious of the man's motives. They're both eager for a chance to sort all this out and try again.

Static, art by Shazzbaa, character by mafic


His aura of unstable magic makes him invisible to cameras, which unfortunately is what Turing's eyes are. Turing has no real precedent for invisible bipedal sapient salamanders, and with no visual cues, he has a very difficult time reading him. Still, Static seems friendly, communicative, and pleasant to talk to, and he knows a thing or two about magic -- something Turing knows little about.

Ave, art by Shazzbaa, character by mafic

Dr. Avery McElroy

Turing hasn't had much time to talk to Dr. Avery but is VERY interested in the stabiliser he's been working on. Let's talk about that!!

SPARK, art by Shazzbaa, character by WanderingMask

SPARK/Guiding Light

Ada met SPARK under the name of "Guiding Light" at the Masquerade. She was initially starry-eyed at the prospect of a world where AI are allowed to be sarcastic, but later discovered the opposite is true -- they're a survivor in a world that doesn't want them to have their own desires at all. She values their advice; while she does see them as more advanced than she is, she also sees them as someone who might understand her in a way the others can't.




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