Frost (Sollan Frost)



6 months, 30 days ago



Name: Frost
Birth Place: 
Creation date: 
sometime 2021?
6 feet 

Place of Residence: Ceslora
Occupation: Solaris Gladiator
Relationship Status: With Sollan Michelle (canon wise)
Social Status: Generally secluded unless actively persuaded to mingle


Likes: Food, Games, Excitement
Dislikes: Getting insulted in a non friendly way or ridiculed when there isn't any need for it. Failing.
Fears: Losing Michelle in any way.
Hobbies/past times: Drawing. Working on his adaptation to utilize it more.
Guilty pleasures: 
Pet Peeves: Getting told to calm down when he's in every right to be in an emotional state.
Personal goals: To marry Michelle and settle down.
Religious values: Mid to average.
General intelligence: Slightly above average (He's autistic so its hard to show it.)
General sociability: Below average

Frost is a lovable, friendly, kind hearted goof most of the time who is compassionate and tries not to let the hard times weigh him down. He meets challenges with a smile on his face. But when the going gets tough, so does he. He puts aside his goofy and silly attitude and cracks down, getting rather intense with the situation at hand. Often times, after a situation has been resolved, he feels guilty about his behavior, afraid it reflects negatively on him, and that it pushes those he tries to get close to away. He lets his emotions get the better of him at times. This often results in him being a lone wolf when out on assignments.

Distinguishing Features

Frost is a fairly slim, dull sky blue stick figure with striking light blue eyes, complete with messy dark grey hair. His attire consists of a desaturated navy blue trench coat that's long on the left side, with a desaturated turquoise interior lining, as well as a pair of grey fingerless gloves and deep blue spiked boots.

Abilities & Powers

Sollan Adaptation:
Having been born and grown up in Ceslora, the coldest region on the planet Sol, Frost naturally got used to the frigid environment. He started pretending he could control ice and snow as a kid for fun, and by the time he was 16, he learned he could create tiny frozen particles around him. He went on to learn how to expand upon this ability well into his adult years.

Adaptation: Ice Creation
Frost can freeze water molecules within a short radius around him to create weapons/platforms/objects made of ice. The radius of effect he has to make ice is 2 meters from his body. He is also able to control ice he touches, reinforcing it with more ice or causing it to change form to his will. Ice he touches has no range boundary to his control. Only creating it has a range limit.

Base Strength and Durability
The ice that Frost creates is significantly more durable than that of regular ice, regardless the thickness of any ice that he creates having a minimum thickness of 1 inch. It also requires more heat than ice normally takes to melt in order for it to start melting. (normal ice melts at 32°F. Frost's ice starts to melt at temperatures close to 300°F) 


  • Heat
    Intense heat can get to Frost, causing him to lose focus.
  • Lack of Water Molecules 
    The presence of water molecules depends on his effectiveness at creating ice. If Frost has to resort to using the moisture from his own body to create ice, that process can leave him dehydrated. This is an emergency use process only.
  • Physical Contact
    Frost cannot control ice unless he is physically touching it. Even though Frost was born in Ceslora, his natural resistance to the cold can only do so much. Prolonged exposure to touching ice can lead to possible frostbite or other cold induced problems. 

Fanon History

Fanon history exist as Frost is non canon to the overall story of Syamo.


  • Red Storm: TBA 
Current: TBA