Taiyo Maizono



1 year, 1 month ago


Role: 4th victim

Age: 19

Pronouns: He/They (transmasc)

Sexuality: Bisexual

Birthday: 8/23 (Virgo)

Title: Ultimate Veterinarian (Class 99)


  • Sayaka Maizono (mother)
  • Mikan Maizono (mother)


Personality: Taiyo is a withdrawn, quiet, yet optimistic young man, often lost in his own world. He’s often silent, and will prefer talking in JSL or writing his comments on his clipboard in environments he’s not comfortable with. He is very kind, especially towards children and animals, though when crossed or his points are disputed, he will get incredibly hard-headed and frustrated towards his opposition. He wears his mask both as a comfort thing, and to avoid getting sick, and the only time most will be able to see his mouth is when he pulls it down for JSL conversations. 

Appearance: 5’10, 145 lbs. Has dark brown hair, styled in a choppy maner like his moms’ when they were younger, though much shorter. He’s thinner than average, with lean muscle built from taking care of animals. They have pale skin with a few moles scattered across their face, all of which are covered by either his mask, or his hair. He wears blue veterinarian scrubs and a white undershirt most often, and a face mask, of which it’s pattern varies on the day. Their face mask most often may be a cat face, a cross pattern like on Mikan’s old apron, animal paws tracking across it, or any other pattern he finds cute. They wear white gloves and white loafers, the latter which has blue clips on them, and under their clothes are bandages on their left arm and right ankle. He has many bows tied around him, including a string tied into a bow on his waist, a bow at the end of his v-neck shirt, a thin bow choker, two bows tying the ends of his pants to his ankles, and a bow bracelet wrapped around his right wrist. Being hard of hearing, he wears hearing aids. He often carries his clipboard with him. 


  • His moms:
  • Aki: They originally became friends as Makoto and Sayaka were close, and the Kuwata’s helped teach the Maizonos JSL after learning it for Aki. Due to spending quite a bit of time together, Taiyo began seeing Aki as an older sister figure. Aki often acts as Taiyo’s translator when he doesn’t feel comfortable speaking in a situation, most notably during trials. She is often able to pick up on his inflections even with their mask on.

Notes: Fluent in JSL. Though a veterinarian, he knows a lot about human anatomy and is useful in trials when it comes to his knowledge of human anatomy, medicine and death conditions.