Laverne Carier



8 months, 28 days ago


01 — Profile

Laverne is the picture-perfect image of a refined, elegant lady. She deeply cares for others, spending her shifts as both a nurse in the Containment Division and an analyst in the Research Division in her hopes of curing viscerosis just a bit more quickly. You'd be hard-pressed to catch her with a hair out of place... even though she has the tendency to get lost in her imagination.

Name Laverne Carier
Age 29
Pronouns She/Her
Height 5'8”
Birthdate Sept. 12 (Virgo)
Orientation Lesbian
Occupation Data Analyst Part-time Nurse

Race Human
Element Pyro
Essence Esper
Alignment Virion Project
  • Her belt is asymmetrical, hanging over her hip towards her left. The slit on her dress is on the opposite side, on her right leg.

  • Has a pair of oval-shaped reading glasses which are optional to draw.

  • She wears two X-shaped hairclips specifically on the left side of her face.

  • Usually has her jacket on, only taking it off when she's off of work.

  • Has a rose-shaped clip-on ID attached to her cardigan's right lapel.

  • Original Profile (and AUverse profile)

02 — Personality

Elegant, refined, and perfectly well-mannered, Laverne is the near-perfect personification of a high-class lady. She always speaks with a delicate tone, looking calm and collected no matter where she goes or what's going on around her; it's difficult to catch her with a single strand of hair in the wrong place on her head, a single wrinkle in her clothing that she didn't intend to be there. There's almost a natural gravity to her: people can't help but be drawn towards her presence, given how gracefully she acts and how kind she is towards others. Her casual charm, combined with the dreamy air that surrounds her wherever she goes, can sometimes make her feel almost untouchable.

Having gradually emerged from the private, inner world that she shared with Cameron when the two of them were younger, Laverne cares for others as wholeheartedly as she can. She genuinely wants nothing but the best for everybody she knows; it's hard to offend her, and even harder to get her to break any of her ties. Scared of growing apart from the people that she cares about, Laverne actively reaches out towards others, checking in on how they're doing and lending a listening ear whenever they need to talk. She's the kind of person that people can trust with secrets. The idea of losing a friend upsets her more than anything else; if people trust her, she's careful to maintain that trust, no matter what the personal cost might be.

Despite how worldly and well-connected she seems, Laverne has a tendency to daydream, imagining herself in different scenarios and musing about all the things she has left to experience, all the people she has yet to meet. She can be somewhat oblivious towards the real world, almost always wearing a pair of rose-colored glasses when she talks with others. It's hard for her not to romanticize things, wanting her life to fit into perfectly-story-shaped arcs and perfectly-story-shaped themes: the gentle yearning of love, the melancholy of a bittersweet daydream, the homeliness of a good cup of tea. Her sense of responsibility for people's well-being pulls her back down to earth, though. She'd love nothing more than to have her friends and family experience the same contentment that she feels whenever she's with them.

  • Taking care of people.

  • Drinking tea.

  • Creative writing, poems and short stories.

  • Romance novels and movies.

  • Dubstep music.

  • Cliffhangers in stories.

  • Being talked over.

  • Spiders.

03 — Background


Laverne and her twin brother, Lucius, were born to a family of espers and EQE-users that expected both of them to grow into capable essence-users, just like their parents were. Laverne, a natural pyro esper, didn't have a significant affinity for essence -- but she still awed Lucius with her powers when they were younger, given that Lucius didn't have any ability to channel essence on his own at all. The two of them were loved and cherished as children, growing up incredibly close to one another even as they entered elementary school. Laverne dreamed of their eighteenth birthday, always wondering whether what element Lucius would end up being. Pyro, to match her? Or Hydra, to be her complement?

At the age of 10, however, both of their parents would contract fatal cases of viscerosis; given that both of them used essence regularly, neither realized that their flu symptoms were more than a particularly bad case of essence poisoning until it was far too late. Laverne watched her parents torn away from her in the blink of an eye, irreversibly transformed into Vessels that neither resembled her former parents or recognized her as their daughter. Abandoned and alone in a matter of days, both Lucius and Laverne were isolated from their former friends and school as they were checked repeatedly for signs of the disease that'd taken their parents. Left in an orphanage with only each other to depend on, their sense of siblingship wouldn't last for much longer.

Even at that age, Laverne could already feel a strange tension developing between herself and her brother. Lucius drew further and further away from her, even as she became more and more fascinated with figuring out why her parents had died -- and how she could work to prevent it in both herself and others. Seeing how painful their passing was, Laverne made a vow to herself: she would, in the future, find some way to alleviate the suffering that viscerosis caused to people even outside of her own family.

Laverne was overjoyed to be adopted by the Carier family -- another family of espers that she hoped would help her develop and train her powers. While her step-sibling, Cameron, initially shied away from her, the two of them became closer than ever as time went by. They quickly lost themselves in a private world of their own: Laverne would write and tell stories of fantastical worlds to Cameron, while Cameron would bring her tales to life through their illustrations. While Laverne reached out to Lucius from time to time, trying to maintain the same relationship that she'd had with him when they were younger, she quickly realized that her advances were futile. Lucius had little interest in her and Cameron's imagination, particularly given the fact that they were both espers. By the time the two of them entered high school, they were nothing more than cordial acquaintances; by the time they entered college, Laverne was a virtual stranger to her own brother.

Throughout her college years, Laverne studied diligently to be a nurse -- sans essence, hoping that her restraint would miraculously convince Lucius to be her brother again. Her drive was partially because of how sickly her parents had become, especially with age; Lucius certainly wasn't willing to help, being almost entirely estranged from the Cariers by the time he graduated and moved out. She and Cameron lived in the Cariers's mansion for several years on their own, developing their stories while taking care of their parents and entertaining the idea of one day writing and illustrating children's books together. Her parents would eventually pass peacefully -- after which the two of them were entirely free to pursue whatever passions they'd had during their school years.

Still holding onto the promise she'd made herself as a child, Laverne would ultimately apply to work for the Virion Project as a nurse in the Containment Division, convincing Cameron to join her as a member of the Research Division. She finally decided that she was ready to broaden her own horizons, moving out of the insulated home that had made up the bulk of her childhood.

Virion Project

Laverne couldn't have joined the Virion Project at a more opportune time: only a few weeks after she'd finished her training, the Outbreak Incident came to pass. Laverne was immediately thrust into some of the busiest hospital work that she'd done in her life -- all four members of the former Investigation Division had been significantly affected by the damage that Vessels and extensive essence use had done to them.

It was in the course of her work here that she would first meet Aaron, Duncan, and Chanto: two members of the Investigation Division, as well as their close friend, who was in the hospital wing every chance she could get to check in on them. While she was also assigned briefly to the other two Investigators, Kay and Clarence, the two of them disappeared into the ether after only a few weeks, much to her chagrin. She knew for a fact that they hadn't recovered enough to be let back to do their normal work, but there was hardly anything she could say if they were out of the hospital.

The PR disaster that the Outbreak Incident caused within the Virion Project caused the Containment Division to shrink significantly as more resources were directed towards finding an immediate cure and treatment for the ravages of viscerosis. Laverne moved with it, joining her sibling in the Research Division as a data analyst. She's happy to know that her work is going towards an actual goal, but she still hasn't been able to entirely give up her nursing career: she alternates shifts between the Research Division and the Containment Division's hospital wing to pick up any extra time that their leanly-staffed medical team might need to fill. It might be awkward for her to brush by Lucius in the hallways, at times, with Lucius acting like Laverne doesn't even exist... but the fact that she's with her only sibling, working towards the goals that she's been dreaming of since she was a child, is enough to overcome any misgivings she might have.

04 — Trivia

  • She keeps paperback and pocketbook romance novels at her desk to read whenever she doesn't have work to do. Even though she's almost in her thirties, she still reads YA novels, enjoying them the same way that she did when she was a kid. (It embarrasses her to talk about it with anybody except for Cameron, though.)

  • She can be somewhat of a hopeless romantic, daydreaming about being in love or in a relationship. At the same time, though, she's completely oblivious whenever somebody actually does show any kind of interest in her.

  • Her Tumblr blog is incredibly normal, filled with light/pastel aesthetic photos; quote compilations (mostly about love); and books (so she can remind herself to read them in the future).

  • Would unpromptedly clean up after people, hating dirt and trash. It always makes people feel bad whenever they notice.

  • Always carries around a parasol with her, whether it's rainy or sunny, to protect her from the weather. She's been using the same one since college.

  • Because of her time spent as a librarian, she used to have dreams about writing her own books or making children's books with Cameron. Once she became a nurse and a member of the Virion Project, however, she transferred a lot of this energy to reading (even though she still keeps her hopes in the back of her mind...)



05 — Relationships


”I'm so happy that, out of all people, Cameron could be my older sibling. They're truly my best friend, no matter what other people might think about them. I love them with all my heart."

Laverne looks up to Cameron a lot, having admired them since they were young for their skill with art and engineering and their willingness to let Laverne into their inner world. She's used to accompanying Cameron almost everywhere. If she had to admit, the first few months she worked at the Virion Project, she was almost lonely -- just because she and Cameron were working in separate divisions (Containment and Research, respectively).

Now, they're just glad to be back with their older sibling... even if Cameron's messiness sometimes frustrates her. There's nobody else that she can confess all her secrets to and talk with about her romance novels (without being embarrassed, of course).


”Duncan always takes himself and his work very seriously. He's very intelligent. It's really admirable... I wish that I could do half the things that Duncan does, sometimes!"

Even though the first time Laverne and Duncan met was in the Virion Project's hospital, Laverne's always felt a sense of awe and respect thinking about how quickly Duncan managed to recover -- and how much he's managed to make of himself, ever since. Even though she worries about his well-being, she's glad that Duncan seems to be (mostly) back to his old self, given the stories that Chanto tells her about how Duncan used to act.

Laverne always offers Duncan book and media suggestions, wanting to share her interests with him. It makes her happy every time Duncan takes time out of his day to talk about them with her, knowing how busy Duncan usually keeps himself.

division heads

”I think the two of them are very charming. They make for wonderful conversationalists, once you get over all their little oddities. I don't think they mean any harm, though. Everyone's wanted to have a sibling bond as close as theirs, at some point.”

Given that Anya and Pierre act like characters straight from Laverne's favorite books and plays, Laverne's always had a soft spot for their company -- even if she knows that her opinion isn't exactly a popular one to have. She can't help it; their dramatic speeches and perfectly-mirrored actions all just seem so fantastical!

She enjoys asking them about the plays that she's read, given that they seem to know nearly all of them... and if she was less shy, she'd ask them to perform them for her to watch. At the same time, though, it always makes her feel somewhat embarrassed every time they allude to her writing, though. She's never mentioned it around them, so they can't actually know... right?


”Lisza has a lot of maturation to do, but you can see her potential. I'm glad that I can be here to help guide her... but I wonder if I acted like that, too, when I was younger?”

Laverne often takes on a very motherly role when it comes to Lisza's internship -- she's very attentive to her well-being, ensuring that she's always taking her lunch breaks regularly and guiding her to explore different aspects of the work that they do as part of the Research Division. She knows that when she was younger, she'd have enjoyed having the same type of guidance, so why not pass on the favor to somebody who needs it?

Laverne hopes that one day, Lisza will be able to get over her shyness and blossom into who she's meant to be. She can see just how smart Lisza is and how much she'd be able to accomplish if she just applied herself a bit more.
