Lisza Quorys



8 months, 28 days ago


01 — Profile

Growing up under the thumb of her grandfather, Lisza's somewhat lazy and rebellious, finding it difficult to force herself to do any work she doesn't want to do. As the Research Division's only intern, Lisza's constantly worried that she won't be able to meet the expectations of her team. When the pressure's been taken off her, however, she can be surprisingly silly and childish when she's around her friends.

Name Lisza Quorys
Age 21
Pronouns She/Her
Height 5'7”
Birthdate July 2 (Cancer)
Orientation Bisexual
Occupation Intern

Race Human
Element Hydra (rain/fog)
Essence Esper
Alignment Virion Project
  • She has a ring of clouds surrounding her shoulders and two clouds next to the ribbon on her headband, which move with her whenever she moves. They can be drawn either solid or translucent.

  • Her hair is always messy and frizzy.

  • The soles of her shoes are orange.

  • The teardrop shapes on the back of her dress are meant to be holes.

  • Her leggings have a slight gradient on them, getting darker towards her shoes.

  • Wears an ID lace with the Research Division's symbol on it.

  • Original Profile

02 — Personality

Raised solely by her grandfather, Lisza's been told since she was a child that she has a great deal of responsibility put on her shoulders, a great legacy left by her forefathers that she'll have to live up to. Looking at her, however, nobody would ever imagine that she grew up that way. Above all else, Lisza is lazy -- with her grandfather even calling her Lazy Lisza as a semi-affectionate, semi-frustrated nickname. If she doesn't have to do it, she won't do it. If she doesn't have to do something until the last minute, she won't do it... until the last minute, when she'll get appropriately stressed about having to cram a week's worth of work into a couple hours at the end of the day. While her natural intelligence usually helps her get away with it, it's only really reinforced her bad habits: if she can still get an A on a project she did the night before it was due, why bother doing anything in advance at all?

When it comes to actually interacting with others, Lisza can be incredibly nervous. She spent most of her childhood on her own either sleeping, browsing the Internet, or being taught (and lectured) by her grandfather. She usually comes off as awkward, having a hard time keeping up even the simplest small talk with strangers without stuttering and fidgeting her way out of the interaction entirely. Even though she'd love to have more friends -- being somewhat envious of girls who seem to be effortlessly popular -- she finds it too intimidating to start conversations with other people her age, worried about what they might think of her or scared that she'll run out of things to say. That's not even to mention people who are older or more accomplished than her. Her peers are frightening enough on their own!

Whenever she's on her own, however, Lisza can be playful, silly and immature. She loves listening to music, dancing and singing along while acting like she's in a musical. She talks to her pet frog, Laka, pouting at him and acting like he's replying to everything that she says (or even holding fake arguments with him, from time to time). She loves avoiding her responsibilities just so that she can indulge in her interests, reading stories and watching movies and imagining herself in the role of the main character. She'd never show this side of herself to others, though, feeling deeply embarrassed about the possibility of other people ever thinking of her as childish. Lisza wants to be taken seriously, she really does -- she's just not quite ready to let go of all her childhood irresponsibility.

  • Sleeping.

  • Rainy days.

  • Frogs.

  • Water/ocean-themed items and trinkets.

  • Alarm clocks, especially repetitive ones.

  • Dry, excessively hot days.

  • Being ordered around or forced to do things.

  • Jumpscares and air horns.

03 — Background


Lisza's grandfather, the head of a large activist group of essence-users specialized in weather manipulation, had always felt larger-than-life to everybody around him. Ever since he was a young adult, he'd been working closely with other powerful essence-users in order to detect, prevent, and warn people about storms and natural disasters, giving them ample time to evacuate and helping them minimize the damage that resulted from these events. He spent hours out in the crop fields outside of Atriven City, ensuring that local farmers had enough water for their crops, generating rain whenever the summer was too dry or the winter was too crisp. He was hardly ever at home, spending most of his time either training other volunteers or doing valuable work of his own -- but his son always knew that he'd be expected to one day follow in his father's footsteps, taking over the organization as the natural successor to his grandfather's success. Still young, impulsive, and wanting a life for himself, he would eventually convince his father that the life of an activist leader wasn't the life that he wanted to lead. He and his wife would live outside of his father's influence, doing odd jobs and enjoying the time they had together as a carefree couple.

When Lisza was born, however, her grandfather would worm his way back into the family's life, insisting that Lisza be given into his custody for training. Lisza was a natural hydra esper, after all, the same way that her grandfather was. She was clearly very powerful, even from a young age, having inherited the same weather manipulation specialty that ran in the family. And, her grandfather insisted, her father had run away from his responsibilities for long enough. Somebody would have to inherit his position, and Lisza was the natural next choice -- given that her father didn't want to step up to the plate.

As such, ever since she was three years old, Lisza lived entirely under the watchful eye of her grandfather. She was strictly educated and trained when she was a child, being largely homeschooled so that her grandfather could take her on trips and introduce her to the job that she was already being raised to perform. When her powers started manifesting, her grandfather was the one guiding her practice: she had to be just as powerful as he was, after all, if she was meant to command respect. Her grandfather was even the one who encouraged her to apply for college, picking out exactly where she was to send her applications and telling her exactly how she was to write her application essays.

Lisza was naturally smart; she never found the work she was assigned to be particularly difficult. The older she got, though, the "lazier" she seemed to be -- often disappointing her grandfather, given how she would always lock herself away in her room, refusing to do things until the last minute and even outright rejecting his invitations to go "out to work" with him. The fact that her father was nothing more than a distant figure in her life, sending her letters and sometimes showing up to Christmas dinner, after having put so much responsibility on her shoulders... It made Lisza almost envious, at times, how much freedom she felt like she was missing out on. She didn't want to be a great activist leader at all, but she'd been signed up for it before she was born.

Actually moving out to college was a relief, no matter how scared Lisza was that she wouldn't make friends or how worried she was about having to interact with other students for the first time. In comparison to the constant pressure that her grandfather was putting on her to succeed, to use her "natural potential," to stop "wasting her time" and take up the role that she was meant to fulfill... well, any class lecture would be better than that. This was where she would meet her first friend group: Dioe, her favorite person to text for class notes; Yumeno, who always offers to watch movies and anime with her whenever they're free from studying; Celeuxe, who's super cool but also super intimidating in the scariest way possible; and Jaime, who's super cool and super intimidating in the most awe-inspiring way possible. When Jaime brought up the idea of joining the Virion Project, Lisza would hesitantly agree -- half because she didn't want to be separated from her friends, half out of the hope that it would finally make her grandfather happy with her, for once.

Virion Project

Even though Lisza's intimidated by literally everybody that she sees (they're either really old, really smart, really accomplished, or just straight-up scary), she's happier than she expected to be, working at the Virion Project. Even though she was worried about the fact that she wouldn't be in the same Division as the rest of her friends, she has to admit that the transition's been smoother than she imagined. The work is interesting to her and she wants to impress the people that she's working with -- but she has to admit that sometimes she gets a bit too lazy to do things when they're assigned to her, leading to her having to balance her schoolwork and studies and time with her grandfather on top of the research memos and projects that her higher-ups have told her to finish by Friday.

The fact that her grandfather's starting to release some of the pressure that he used to put on her -- now that she's actually making something of her life, she thinks -- is the cherry on top, though. At her core, it's not like she wanted to do nothing with herself; she just wasn't interested in doing what her dad had signed her up to do when she was a toddler. The fact that the other members of the Research Division seem almost like they're getting... anxious, however, certainly does a number on her already-exhausted nerves. Aren't the adults around her the ones that should know what's going on? Forget the fact that she's an adult. They're the ones responsible for her, aren't they?

04 — Trivia

  • She purposefully picked her classes to all be in the afternoon so she could sleep in more often, only for her internship with the Virion Project to force her up in the morning anyway. She hates having to wake up early.

  • Even though she doesn't play in Grimwreck with Celeuxe, Jaime, and Yumeno, she still helps out at concerts by making fog and designing posters to sell as merch.

  • She has a pet frog named Laka that she always tries to sneak to class and to work. While she manages to get him into her classrooms, usually, she's had less success trying to get into the Virion Project building with him.

  • Her fashion sense is awful -- if she was to pick her own outfit, she'd wear a loose hoodie and jogging pants no matter where she went. Jaime's responsible for her looking somewhat presentable whenever they go to work (even though she'll always have perpetual bedhead).

  • She specializes in using hydra essence, specifically in relation to the weather. Whenever she concentrates, she can create rain and fog centered around herself -- with the radius of effect increasing with how much effort she puts in. The ring of clouds around her are a way for her to manifest/release any excess essence in her body (and for her to keep herself cool).

  • Butterscotch is her favorite snack. Lisza loves little pastries and confectionaries -- butterscotch, brownies, muffins, and the like.



05 — Relationships

(weird) division heads

”Oh... I rea-ally don't know what I think about the two of them... I mean, they're better division heads than I could've gotten otherwise, I guess. I think they can be fun sometimes, but I'm not sure?”

Lisza is intimidated by Anya and Pierre -- in every way possible. First of all, they're the heads of the entire Research Division, which already makes her feel scared about all the responsibility that she thinks they're going to make her take on. Second of all, they act really strange, and as somebody who's already not used to having regular social interactions, Lisza isn't 100% sure about how to approach the weird social interactions that Anya and Pierre seem to be putting her through.

At the same time, though, hearing about her friends' division heads make her shudder. At least Anya and Pierre don't make her do much work.

(scary) mentor

”Ugh, I just need to... to stay out of his way, I think. He always asks so much from me, and he's scary when he does! I don't think anything I do will ever make him happy.”

Duncan's intimidating tone of voice, his inability to tolerate laziness, and the serious look that he always wears on his face are enough to make Lisza scared enough to try and leave the room every time he enters it. She dreads being given assignments and tasks by him. He not only gives her way more work than she's willing to take on (admittedly, she's willing to take on very little work at all), he gives her deadlines and checks in on her and lectures her whenever she's taking a break while trying to get it done!

Whenever Lisza's forced to talk to Duncan, she tries to get a different person from the Division to be with her. At least they can absorb some of the damage Duncan's trying to inflict.

(nice) mentor

”She's so cool and so nice and... and so mature! I'm really lucky that she's decided to help me out while I'm working here. Oh, I hope she thinks the same way about me.”

Out of all of the members of the Research Division, Lisza feels the most comfortable around Laverne. Laverne always treats her nicely, offering her a guiding presence that Lisza never had when she was younger: she doesn't give Lisza too much work, she asks Lisza what she wants to do every day, and sometimes she even offers to clean up after Lisza whenever she's left trash around.

No matter how much Lisza would love to say yes, she's feels far too guilty to ever do so. Laverne's just not the type of person that Lisza would ever dare to disappoint. She's way too perfect for Lisza to act as carelessly as she normally does around others.

(quiet) mentor

”I'm so happy Cameron doesn't get mad at me for bringing Laka to work, hehe. They like cats and frogs and little animals just as much as I do! I like watching them work... even if I don't always know what they're working on."

The first thing that drew Lisza towards Cameron was the fact that they had so many little cat trinkets and toys on their desk. As a fellow appreciator of animals, Lisza was happy to finally meet somebody who could share her love for frogs.

She finds Cameron to be the easiest person in the Research Division for her to approach; they don't tell her off all the time, just offering to let her watch whenever they're working on some kind of engineering project that she can hardly hope to understand. Whenever Lisza actually manages to sneak Laka into work, Cameron's the first (and only) person to know. She trusts Cameron to keep a secret.
