character: Ferris

what kind of animation: happy tail wag 

anything else?: ur art is so cute ty for the chance :3

is this still oin ? just in casee ..

type of animation : little wings flappin and maybe a tail wag

So sorry for being inactive !! I’ll be rolling later cuz I’m not home rn ToT u can still enter !! :3

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Type of animation: winking and sticking tongue out while wagging tail maybe

anything else: i get it hes a feral but you can draw him as an anthro too, that's all thank you for the chance ^^

i entered btw take the link

link of the character:

type of animation: tail wag idk what more can I say

anything that i want to say: idk if my character is allowed (since she has a human form but is half demon/fairy) if so please tell me and if it is allowed I'm glad about it! And btw from what I have seen, u are very good at animating, congratulations^^!


what kind of animation: crazy laughter would be nice!

anything else?: thank you for the chance!

Character: or

What kind of animation: It can be similiar to the example.

Anything else?: I can say what type of personallities they both have. Gabriel is the type of person that is kinda too serious but he can be agressive some times. Alcraz is ellegant, romantic and nice. Sometimes he is too unpatient. For the last thing...thank you for the chance and good luck to everyone!

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character: craigster :3

what kind of animation: mayb similar to example? and the chat bubble could have little doodles of planets/stars and etc! but really anything is fine and i’d be happy with anything you think would fit for the character :D

anything else: tysm for this opportunity!!

character: Nimune 

what kind of animation: something similiar to the example but anything is fine!

anything else?: maybe them holding a cup, , oh and tysvm for the opportunity! :D

character: Beimos

what kind of animation: something similar to the example is fine ! honeslty just animate what you want haha

anything else?: his wings can be chibified if you need ! also, your art is really cool :)

Character : 🥰

What kind of animation : A tail wag *-* (or her holding a little star moving between her paws 🌟, you can choose the most easy for you 🙏🏻)

Anything else : Nope, except, thank you very much for the opportunity, your art is so sweet and cute (it’s taste like marshmallow) 🥹

character: Api Ignis

what kind of animation: Prob a tail wag :D

anything else?: noo

Biggest thank for the chance! and goodluck to everyone! :D

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I've faved and subbed! :D

character: Sterling, Januarie, Powderpuff, Minte or Sakura

what kind of animation:  Sterling, i would like to see a star floating up and down above his hands as it shines and his ears flicks. Januarie would have her ears flick and tail curl slightly. Powderpuff's ears flicks, wings open and closed behind her!
Minte, a warm smile as her ears flicks and for Sakura. I would say annoyed expression as her tail wags

anything else?:  Thank you for the chance and good luck to everyone! :D

faved n subbed >:]c

character: !! or alt anyone else in this folder if you dont wanna draw him :]

what kind of animation: literally anything is good!!! i will collapse and cry over anything /pos

anything else?: ahmm wings/halo option, the ring pattern in michaels eyes is not optional lol. and tysm for the chance!!!! these are so so so cool and your art is AMAZING OTL

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character: [insert chara link] (ur free to link multiple charas !! ill only be animating one though :3 ALSO will only be doing humanoid/kemonomimi/anthro charas srry !) any of these two

what kind of animation: [ur free to request anything as long as it’s not sexual ! example: a lil short animation meme, tail wag. etc. just not something that’s too much!] Jumping left and right maybe?? :D

anything else?: [just anything yah wanna tell me :D] nothing, but thank you for making this awesome raffle!!!

Character: or 

Something you think fits (can clarify)

Character(s): Purge, or Xolo!
What kind of animation: for Purge, his extra eyes opening and closing, and for Xolo, a toothy grin, but whatever is more fun for you is absolutely okay!
Anything else?: thank you for the opportunity, your style is SUPER cute! ^^

Character: IC, but if you find them unpleasant i will accept literally any critter that i own.

What kind of animation: i think caramelldansen would be silly, but truthfully i would like you to do whatever would be the most fun for you!

Ik it’s at 66 favs but I’m at school rn so I’ll spin the wheel when I get home ! You can still join in for this next spin rn ! :D

Character: IC :D
What kind of animation: im fine with anything! maybe a gif or animation meme i dont mind

character: IC^^

what kind of animation: Onigiri smiling and closing his eyes, with little hearts floating in the air :D

anything else?: Nope!


What kind of animation: I was thinking her head turned away, then looks at the forward while smiling sticking there tounge out and give a peace sign then going back! :] 

Anything else: nothing really! Thank you for the chance! 

character: Eid!!!

what kind of animation: a sigh + glance away? he could  be flustered or frustrated with his sigh — whichever looks best to u! (extra cookies for a little ear twitch, but no pressure on that!!)

anything else?: tysm for the chance!!! 


What kind of animation: a head turn with a smirk

Anything else?: thank you for the opportunity! 


what kind of animation: just flapping his wings please ^^

anything else?: I love your artstyle and have a nice day/night!! 


what kind of animation: Whatever you feel like doing!

anything else?: Tysm for the chance!

hihi i faved, subbed and using the form!! :]

character: a few to choose!
ANTHRO: Ghost, Kori, cook on medium heat

what kind of animation: Really anything! Maybe ear(s) twitching or maybe winking? :]

anything else?: nope!! but tysm for the chance :DD

hi! tysm for the opportunity owo)b


what kind of animation: a short little animation meme, or whatever piques your interest!

anything else?: if i get picked and you don’t feel like doing the character i linked you can do any of my ocs!

character: Rust (he can be drawn anthro as seen in this pic

what kind of animation: I would love if he were tilting his head left and right with a grin on his face like like in this gif

anything else?: thank you very much for the opportunity! 

character: [ alcor ] 

what kind of animation: id love to have her ears flick! :D she has very expressive ears (which can be found here) and seeing them move would be amazing!

anything else: thank you so so much for doing this! :D your work is incredible!

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character:  IC , willing to pick someone elze 

what kind of animation: tail wag/ear twitch

anything else?: amazing first animation! very impressive 💥💥


what kind of animation: Smiling with teeth 

anything else?: Wings are optional! Thanks for the opportunity ^-^


What kind of animation: Tail wag would be cool!

Anything else: thx for the opportunity :3

character; (whoever seems most animation friendly! Also added another option in IC)

What kind of animation; feel free to experiment! Most have bios so whatever matches works

Tysm for the opportunity!

character: Angel or Grimace ! alby on Toyhouse <-- they are the front page chars!

what kind of animation: Honestly if i get picked just do whatever you want to do and you think you'd enjoy ^^!!

anything else?: Ty for the opportunity ^w^!!

did all !!

character :

animation : anything is fine really!!

others : ty for the opportunity !!

entering, ty for the opportunity! any of these would be cool so you can pick which ever you like the most: (Tail swaying and/or winking) (Lowering sunglasses) or (Laughing mischievously with a hand over their mouth)

good luck to the winners ‼️

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kind of animation: i’m pretty loose with what i want, it could be a simple head tilt/shake, a smirk, tail wag, ear twitcj/swivel, etc!

extra info: he’s a very exciteable character! He is generally very happy and confident! He’s also very fidgety and his hands, tail, ears, and eyes are usually moving or doing something!

Faved and already subbed!


what kind of animation: a little idle bounce, maybe their scarf fluttering a bit

anything else?: you can make them flat-faced if you want!

character: Lewis!

what kind of animation: idk, maybe a little dance?

anything else?: they wear black jeans, they're just naked in their ref (he's usually shirtless tho lol)

character: IC most preferred but have these!

what kind of animation: a tail wag or a blink would be awesome :3 

anything else?: hi you :D your art is rly cool,, thank you for the opportunity!! 

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Animation idea: Intense zoom on his face, then it zooms out quickly with a bleh face and loops 


what kind of animation: blushing and/or looking away embarrassed

anything else?: her blush is blue

Thank you for the chance!

Faved and subed!


Thank you for the chance!

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hihi yayayyaya !! ur our next winner >0< cory is literally the sillest billy ong,,,, i’m actually sosososoosso excited to animate them ,,,,:3

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what kind of animation: a tail wag maybe? his tail can be lifted upwards if that makes sense too 

anything else?: the blue parts on his ears are water so theyd flow like it but you dont have to animate that

 ty for giving everyone this chance :)


what kind of animation: Zeraphyx growling and/or snapping/biting at something 

thanks for hosting, your art is really cool :D

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What I want: just a simple blink and smile looping gif 

Anything else?: if the hair on him is to complimented I can give another sona

character: ic!!
what kind of animation: wheres your head at or drunk dance meme (i can change this if yw!!)
already subbed btw!

Faved and already subbed 


what kind of animation: an old nostalgic animation meme from the sleep with me animation meme era!! (He’s already been animated in sleep with me lol)

anything else?: if doing an animation meme where the trend is two characters u can add them: (Ik you said you’d only be animating one character but just incase lol) also their tail fur only points down 

character:[ or]  

what kind of animation: tail wag or expression change

anything else? You can simplify them in any way if you need 

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what kind of animation: Fine with anything :)

anything else?:  he has two designs but am not bothered which you choose! also he has no tail 


What kind of animation: Anything you feel like!! you could probably do a tail wag with him holding an ammonite, that would be cute!! :)

Anything else? Simplify him as needed! :D thank you so much for the opportunity :)


what kind of animation: caramelldansen i hope its not too much HELP 

anything else?: FEEL FREE TO SIMPLIFY HIM i know he's a bit complex 💔 ty for the opportunity!!

character: or

what kind of animation: an animation meme would be cool but honestly just do whatever! love your art

thanks for the chance!!


what kind of animation: A animation meme would be neato

anything else?: Since she isn't much of a humanoid, you can use her Halloween Outfit since she has the appearance of a kemonomimi with it :] if you don't wanna do her lmk and I'll change it!

hey!! love ur art sm <33 thank u for the opportunity to enter!! :)


what kind of animation: She's a very emotional little gal, so maybe a rotation of different reactions? (crying, startled, smile, sigh, etc)

character: in character!!

what kind of animation: im not sure? maybe her putting up a peace sign? or just like, finger guns? anything tbh! anything else?: i absolutely love ur art -- ty for the chance!


character: !! or <33 

what kind of animation: an animation meme would be so cool :D

anything else?: TYTY :3333

Character :

Animation : a wink or tail wag would be cool!! :D 

This is such a cool idea!!<333 I love your art!!


what kind of animation: Maybe chuckling to themself (theyre very smug,,) or tail wag?? ^^

anything else?: Tysm for the chance !! ^^

congrats ur the first winner !! >0< they look sososo silly to draw i’m so excited !! :D it should take a week or more depending how busy i am !! if u have any questions or want to change anything before i begin just lmk !

AHHH YAYY TYSM !! And take ur time!! No changes or questions on my part, tysm !! ^^

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 what kind of animation: maybe a tail wag or something vampire related like a chomp/bite ^^ 

 anything else?: Your art is so squishy i love it 

what kind of animation: maybe like waving a knife around idk LOL
anything else?: tysm for the chance <3

Woo I would like to enter, i don't have a character in mind so just anyone from my TH, doing anything you'd like because i love for people to do what inspires them

Stunning art style! I’d love to join :D

character: in his transformed state 

what kind of animation: maybe a tail wag as he pulls a annoyed face

anything else?: let me know if anything’s wrong with the character I picked!