Nordock Eilnala



7 months, 22 days ago



An elven adventurer who decided to set up his own mercenary guild after traveling the world.


A 385-year-old elf who decided to set up a mercenary guild after traveling the world for many years, he is known as "The Gambling King" for his penchant for taking big risks and making most of them successful.


  • Exploring
  • Keeping control
  • Risks
  • Helping people
  • Living the moment
  • Strategy games


  • Corruption
  • Not getting out for a long time
  • Taking care of the paperwork
  • Surprises
  • Waking up early
  • Getting bored


  • He's right-handed.
  • His birthday is on October 29th.
  • He can often be seen playing with a coin in his hands.
  • On his office desk there are two framed photographs: one of the current guild members and another of a younger Nordock and Othorien wearing the uniform of the guard.


[Chaotic Good Alignment]

Nordock is an adventurous elf who enjoys thrills and excitement. He likes to explore all kinds of places both alone and in company. He doesn't like to stand around the guild for too long, so it's not uncommon for him to go on missions himself and leave Narael in charge in his absence. He treats the people in the guild very familiarly as if he were just another member, there aren't too many occasions where he adopts the role of "boss". Although he seems like someone extremely carefree who doesn't take his duties seriously, his demeanor changes completely in situations that really require it.

He has always been someone willing to help people, and has no problem using unconventional and even illegal methods if necessary to achieve his goal. He doesn't like people in the guild to get their hands dirty if he can avoid it, so he usually takes care of those situations himself. He has many connections with people in the underworld and knows their methods well, this includes some rather influential nobles.

Known as "The Gambling King", he likes to take big risks that, thanks to his luck, intuition and calculating mind, usually turn out well. It's not unusual for him to show up one day declaring that he has bet all the money available to the guild, or to send a group on a mission that at first seems like suicide. He is a charismatic and unpredictable man who knows how to read people very well, and he takes advantage of this to benefit his people. As a veteran at gambling, he is an expert at hiding his true intentions and emotions and showing people only the part of him that interests him, keeping control of the situation at all times.


  • Carefree
  • Perceptive
  • Observant
  • Intelligent
  • Adventurer
  • Charismatic


  • Calculating
  • Manipulative
  • Unpredictable
  • Unethical
  • Nosy
  • Cunning
  • Introvert Extrovert
  • Intuitive Observant
  • Thinking Feeling
  • Judging Prospecting
  • Assertive Turbulent


  • Hair Color Dark purple
  • Eye Color Amber
  • Skin Color Light
  • Height 179 cm / 5'87"
  • Clothing Style Groomed
  • Skinny Large
  • Curvy Flat
  • Frail Muscular
  • Groomed Messy

Nordock is a middle-aged elf with light skin, droopy amber eyes and short curly dark purple hair. His posture is generally relaxed and he has a slender body taller than average.

He usually dresses in comfortable dark clothes with a certain elegant touch, combining them with purple colors. It isn't common to see him very messy, as he likes to take care of his appearance.

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Othorien (346)

Paladin who used to be one of the highest ranking soldiers among Iris' guards and a much admired and loved man. He took his duty very seriously, to the point where it took his own life 32 years ago. Despite his status, he was always a rather folksy man who treated everyone as equals. He and Nordock were very good friends, and over time he even ended up falling in love with him. Their methods often diverged, but they both had the same goal of helping others. Although his feelings were unrequited, he always held a special place in his heart and was willing to assist him with whatever he needed. A part inside him regrets not being able to spend more time together.

Narael (113)

One of Othorien's children. A very devoted elven paladin who always had a pronounced sense of responsibility. His father had a close relationship with Nordock and decided to send one of his children to assist the guild and act as a connection. There he was trained and became very famous with the group he once worked with, led by Markus. He is currently Nordock's right-hand man, although his tendency to risk the well-being of the guild stresses him greatly. Although Nordock was a bit reluctant to have him around at first, he has grown fond of him and even sees him as if he were his own son. He tends to hide much of the work he does behind the scenes from him as he knows well that he would disapprove of it. He plans to make him his successor as head of the guild in the future.

Laryna (28)

One of Nordock's most trusted people. A talented mage with noble blood, belonging to a secondary branch of the von Hayrim of Firia. Tired of the constant power wars among the nobles, she left home when she turned 18 and eventually ended up in the guild. She is a straightforward woman who doesn't hesitate to speak her mind when something doesn't seem right to her, although she doesn't meddle in his affairs beyond that. She is used to her boss's eccentricities and simply goes along with it. Nordock has kept an eye on her family for the past few years despite having shown no signs of showing up at the guild.

Ryouga (47)

One of Nordock's most trusted people. A barbarian shivari with amazing strength. He is very friendly and easygoing and possesses a laugh so powerful that it can be heard from the other end of the building. He is very protective of the people of the guild, whom he considers his family. Nordock found him wandering aimlessly shortly after the shivari lost his family and gave him a new purpose in the guild. Ryouga has held him in high regard ever since and is among his most loyal men, not hesitating to give his life to protect him if necessary. He trusts the elf's judgment completely and is one of the people who knows the most about his actions among the shadows. They often meet to drink and laugh together.

Clarissa (33)

The person in charge of the clinic and the sale of potions. A talented scientist and alchemist who performed immoral experiments. Nordock captured her during a mission and they made a deal for her to work in the guild, allowing her to experiment on some of the villains he catches. Other than them, only Ryouga and Laryna have knowledge of this. Although from the outside they seem to treat each other quite familiarly, even flirting with each other, Nordock keeps an eye on her and is prepared to take her down the moment he notices her deviating too much from the terms of their agreement.

Stellan (103)

A moderately older eun'or expert in elemental magic, once part of Markus' crew. He continues to work in the guild, but currently takes care of the library and no longer participates in missions. He is a quiet and calm man who doesn't stand out much, but has a big heart. He was kidnapped many years ago and was about to be sold on the black market, but the people of the guild managed to rescue him in time. Since then he feels a great debt to Nordock and the others. On occasions the elf has asked him for favors knowing the difficulty he has in refusing, being later reprimanded by Narael. In addition to his duties in the library, he asked him to help Clarissa from time to time with the potions and to make sure she didn't spill anything strange on them.

Markus (58)

Retired member of the guild who works as a hunter. He joined the guild when he was just a teenager, where he was trained and educated. Eventually he teamed up with Narael, Stellan and Guonyu, with whom he lived countless adventures and gained much fame in the mercenary world. He is a rough and foul-mouthed man who tends to intimidate people at first, but he isn't a bad guy. From time to time he visits the guild, sometimes with Naoko, his adopted daughter. He and Nordock clicked well from the start, and he's the only one who knows about the feelings he's been holding in for so many years. He always appreciated that he spoke his mind frankly, even if his delivery was a bit rough. He would have liked him to stay in the guild for a few more years, but it's not like him to hold people back.

Guonyu (67)

Former guild member. Shivari elder versed in druidic magic who once worked with Markus' group. He is an intelligent and wise man, admired by many renowned scholars, but is rather grumpy and sullen. He arrived at the guild while traveling to expand his knowledge, and ended up staying to work there. He retired from mercenary work years ago, and spends most of his time engaged in research locked up in his house, which is isolated in the middle of a forest. Guonyu appreciated that the elf helped him and showed interest in his research, even though he sometimes found him to be an annoying person. They haven't seen each other many times since he left the guild.


Originally from the elven land of Suvgoria, Nordock spent a normal childhood and teen years with his parents. He was always a mischievous and adventurous child who often got into trouble, so it wasn't unusual to see him getting a scolding. Though on many occasions those mishaps stemmed from trying to help other children that bullies picked on. The young elf was not bad-hearted, but his methods did not always please the adults.

Towards the end of his teenage years he met a man named Othorien. Nordock had gotten into a fight while trying to save a young girl, but things had quickly turned ugly. And at that moment he appeared, an elf with a certain elegant yet imposing air. He confronted the thugs and defeated them in a way that made Nordock look like a weakling. What he didn't expect, however, was the scolding he was going to get after those thugs fled in terror. This man, Othorien, seemed to be someone very respectful of law and order, and although he recognized Nordock's good intentions, he insisted that he should have gone to the guards before doing anything foolish. But hadn't he just done the same thing? Nordock sighed, and decided to buy him a drink to thank him for the rescue after escorting the girl to safety.

It turned out that the two elves became good friends since that day and began to see each other more often. He learned that Othorien had been training since he was a young boy to become a paladin and was even aiming to enter the Personal Guard of Iris herself. Nordock had never... aimed for anywhere in particular really, so seeing how big a goal the young blue-haired boy had set for himself and how determined he looked made him have a certain amount of respect for him. He had never been overly devoted, but he did respect that the guards risked their lives on a daily basis to help people. While their methods may have differed from his, their values were similar. And it was because of this that Othorien proposed that he too train to join the guard. Nordock couldn't help but let out a small chuckle at the offer, but his smile quickly disappeared when he saw that the man was talking seriously. The purple-haired elf hesitated, however he saw something in the intense gaze of the man next to him that... made him think that maybe it was worth taking that risk.

The two elves began to train together. Othorien was clearly superior in combat, but Nordock was quite good at thinking and strategizing. Over time they became closer and... at some point Nordock's feelings evolved into something more. However, he knew well that such a relationship was impossible. Othorien had already had a partner for a few years, and they certainly looked very happy. He was honestly convinced that they would end up getting married. He was not the one to stand in the way of that relationship, he was not cruel enough to hurt the man he loved the most because of his selfishness. So he decided to keep those feelings deep in his heart and carry on as usual. Although sometimes it was quite difficult to pretend that he felt nothing.

They both managed to enlist together as soldiers. Nordock was initially very happy, however... it didn't take him long to realize that this lifestyle was not for him. Although he wanted to help people, he often felt incredibly constrained by being forced to follow the law to the letter. Not to say that he was only a private, he really had almost no authority to do anything when it was really necessary. He felt like he was in a cage that he desperately needed to get out of. So it wasn't long before he resigned. Othorien looked somewhat saddened by his decision, but at no time did he judge him. Still, that didn't take away the pang he felt in his heart as he looked at him. He felt that if he stayed there for too long he was going to end up in a hole he would have a hard time getting out of. He needed... a change of scenery.

So young Nordock packed his things and left Suvgoria. He began to travel all over the world, visiting everything from the most important and crowded cities to the most isolated wastelands of humanity. For the first time in a long time he felt truly free. He spent many years traveling from one end of the world to the other, meeting people and gaining contacts of honest living... and others of not so honest living. Nordock enjoyed gambling very much, and came to share a table with some pretty influential people. Between gambling and his occasional jobs as a wandering mercenary, he managed to get by. It wasn't a bad life, but deep down he still felt that something was missing. After so many years had passed, how would his old friend Othorien be doing? Never in all that time had he stopped thinking about him.

One day, Nordock came into a rather large sum of money in a bet with a nobleman. At first he wasn't sure what to do with it, whether to just blow it or think bigger - could he invest it in something that could help people? And then the idea came to him: a mercenary guild. He had felt much freer to work in his own methods in those odd jobs than when he was a soldier. The risk was great, but... he himself knew he loved to gamble.

It took a while, but he constructed the building in the western area of the Aesuria continent. During the construction he spread the word to old contacts and got some men willing to work for him. Although it was a slow start, little by little the guild grew and gained reputation. During that time he also decided to get back in touch with his old friend to find out what had become of him during all that time. He had achieved his dream of becoming a soldier in Iris' guard, and it seemed that he was quite a respected man. Well, setting up a mercenary guild by himself was no mean feat either. Still, his heart shrank as he read about his marriage and his... children. Huh, so he had settled down completely. Well, he could do nothing but show his support.

Years passed and the guild became quite well known on the continent. He had formed his "own family" so to speak, and he really felt satisfied with what he had achieved so far. One morning, Nordock received a new letter from his old friend. In that missive, Othorien proposed to send his youngest son, Narael, to work in his guild. Nordock would have to take care of him and train him while Narael would act as a connection between the two places. The elf frowned. Well, the manpower wasn't bad, and he certainly appreciated the trust Othorien had in him, however... Well, he'd be lying if he said that having a constant reminder of what he couldn't have around thrilled him. But he couldn't just tell him no.

Othorien arrived with his son at the guild some time later. Already at first glance the physical resemblance between father and son was remarkable. Their personalities also seemed similar on paper, although the young Narael was much more rigid than his father. Nordock was well aware of how difficult it was going to be to deal with him, but it was not as if the boy was to blame for his frustrated feelings.

Narael was a very diligent young man, although his formal manner made it a bit difficult for him to deal with the other people in the guild. Nordock assisted him in any way he could to help him integrate, and in time it seemed that he finally found a group with which he felt comfortable. This group, consisting of four people, began to stand out quickly and their accomplishments and reputation brought much more fame to the guild. Was this something like what a father would feel seeing a son achieve his goals? He had to admit that he was growing fond of the boy.

One morning, as Nordock was glancing over the paperwork, the door to his office suddenly opened. There stood Narael, unusually upset clutching a letter in his hand. When the older man took it and read the contents, he could feel his heart skip a beat. Othorien, his best friend and the person he had never stopped loving, had passed away. And his son Narael, who used to be so stoic, looked devastated. He had to keep his composure for him.

Nordock decided to accompany the young elf to Suvgoria to attend his father's funeral. It was the first time in several centuries that he had set foot in that place, and that it was under those circumstances felt strange. He could see how many people appreciated Othorien as a soldier and as a person. His family looked devastated, and no wonder. He knew that Narael was mustering all his willpower to show himself steadfast, but he was really just as defeated. Nordock felt like a stranger in that place.

When they returned to the guild, the old elf was tremendously exhausted, both physically and mentally. It had never been so difficult for him not to let his mask fall off, and that night he ended up collapsing. He found himself in the canteen practically alone with the bartender, with an unusual number of empty glasses around him. He had rarely felt so miserable as he did at that moment.

The doors of the local opened, but the elf completely ignored the noise. Footsteps approached and sat down beside him. Nordock's tired eyes turned to the man next to him as he ordered a mug of beer. It was Markus, one of Narael's teammates. Both remained silent for a few minutes, as if the other did not exist. Markus decided to break the silence after placing his mug on the bar.

“You loved that man, didn't you?”

Nordock's glass, which was again approaching his lips, stopped short. With a surprised look, he turned to look at the human beside him. He was so used to being the one to read people and not the other way around, let alone expecting Markus to be the one to figure it out. The man was more perceptive than he looked. He couldn't help but let out a defeated chuckle. If his people were able to see through him so easily, he was losing faculties. Tomorrow there would be no trace of that depressed Nordock left, but until then, he would enjoy a drink and a chat with the man at his side. He had flipped open the lock that had been closed for so long, so now it was up to him to suck it up and listen to him.

Present Day

Since then, Nordock has focused on guild work. As the years passed, some of his older companions retired. But Narael, who is like a son to him, remains by his side and he is more and more convinced that he will one day become his successor. He is sure that wherever he is, Othorien is as proud of Narael as he is. So he will take care of him and the guild until the day he decides to retire... or is killed, whichever comes first.


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