


7 months, 29 days ago



A strong Shivari who works in a mercenary guild with a painful past.


A bulky 47 year old barbarian Shivari with amazing strength. He is very friendly and easygoing and possesses a laugh so powerful that it can be heard from across the building. He is a very expressive and fiery man and his reactions can be a bit over the top. He is very protective of the people in the guild, whom he considers his family, and it saddens him when they argue with each other. He gets along very well with children and enjoys playing with them, although some sadness can also be glimpsed in his eyes. His joy and optimism always surprise people when they find out about his past. He tends to hide his sadness, as he does not want them to feel sorry for him.


Born in a Shivari village, Ryouga had a normal and peaceful childhood with his family. As he grew up, he began to help with general chores such as hunting and village security. When he was about 20 years old, he started seeing another girl from the village named Reika. They eventually fell in love, married, and had two healthy sons. Ryouga couldn't feel happier, he had everything he needed.

But that happiness wouldn't last long. 12 years ago, Ryouga was returning from hunting with several companions. They had managed to get a good catch and couldn't wait to share it with everyone. But when they arrived... they discovered that the place was under attack. Bandits were rampaging through the place, and the villagers were doing their best to defend it. Ryouga and his companions quickly came to the rescue, and somehow managed to wipe them out. But... the damage was already done. They had lost many people, and among them... was Ryouga's family. Shattered, the man had completely lost the will to go on.

The Shivari left the village, wandering aimlessly. He spent days hardly eating or sleeping, just walking forward, ignoring everything around him. One day, he came across a dark-haired elf named Nordock. He had a serious and penetrating gaze, it seemed as if he could see right through him. He invited him to eat, the smell of the cooked meat reminded him of how ravenously hungry he really was. The elf watched him silently as he devoured his ration. Once he finished, Nordock approached him and mentioned that he was in charge of a mercenary guild, and invited him to come to him for a while. Ryouga, with nothing more to lose, decided to accept the offer of the kind man who had reached out to him.

Many years have passed since then, and the bulky Shivari has regained the brightness of his gaze, more cheerful and positive than ever. He works hard for the guild he considers his new family, and is determined to protect with his life the man who rescued him at his lowest moment. After climbing the ranks of the guild, he is currently one of the highest ranking people helping to run the place.


  • Hair Color Ash Blond
  • Eye Color Orange
  • Skin Color Tan
  • Height 192 cm | 6'20"
  • Clothing Style Comfortable

Ryouga is a middle-aged Shivari with tanned skin, orange eyes and short ash-blond hair. He has a bulky, muscular body and is very tall.

He dresses in comfortable clothes that he can wear to work and tends to wear a large part of his chest exposed, he is not very concerned about maintaining a well-groomed appearance.

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