Jaime Peterson



5 years, 8 months ago



Name Jaime Peterson
Age 22
Build soft-but-athletic
Height 168cm / 5′6
Gender female
Orient. pan-but-mostly-into-women
Pronouns she/her
Occupation magical law enforcement
Demeanor confident and intense
Creator Guardy

"Let's do this!"

Jaime Peterson, a random non-magical person who figured out she can do magic by means of accidentally setting a lecture hall on fire. No harm done, except to 30-year-old rickety folding-down-chair-things, and those actually deserved it. Merrily continues her setting-things-on-fire-y ways; was hired for a magical crime fighting squad just so that somebody could keep an eye on her.

That someone is Augustus von Langenstein, the Worst Vampire Ever. Mayhem ensues.

Around 22 years old. Cocky, headstrong, direct, and actually kind of a jerk, sometimes, but a well-meaning one. You ever had one of those kids in your elementary school who always decided what to play, and when, and who'd do what, and was completely baffled when somebody said "that idea sucks"? Yeah, one of those kids probably grew up to become Jaime.


Slightly pear-shaped and generally a tad soft around the edges, but actually quite athletic. Her face is still soft in a very youthful way, and she's pretty much the kind of person who'll still be carded when they're in their thirties. Has dark brown hair and brown eyes - the hair is something between wavy and curly and usually held back in a ponytail that's constantly falling apart. The eyes are big and round with voluminous lashes, and she has a small beauty mark near her left eye. She looks cute, generally speaking, but don't be fooled - she can and will kick your ass.

Fashion-wise, Jaime apparently aspires to become a palette-swapped Buster Keaton. A palette-swapped Buster Keaton who can throw fireballs and is a terrifying force of nature, albeit an adorable one.

Jaime thinks she's a perfectly nice person; basically a saint, really, patient and non-judgmental.

In reality, she's a bit of a hothead, really quite opinionated, actually quite judgmental, definitely not patient, and pretty much a nice person as long as she likes you and you agree with her on most issues. She always means well, but she's also quite willing to do whatever it takes to get results, and she's really, really good at accidentally offending people, because she frequently thinks she's got a much better grasp on a situation than she really does. She also used to be quite bossy and self-absorbed as a kid, and she still can be, occasionally.

Jaime is fiercely loyal, but also quite ruthless; it's Gus who usually keeps her in check, and she eventually mellows out a bit.

Generally, Jaime is a decent person, but she's also always one step away from accidentally turning Lawful Evil.

You know how small terriers always seem to think they could take on an angry, hungry T-Rex? Jaime’s the human version of that - she’s just an ordinary mortal (albeit one with magic powers) - no superhuman strength or agility, very squishy. Would also fight a vampire. Or a horde of zombies. Or a demi-god. No big deal. And somehow, somehow, she pulls it off, precisely because nobody takes the squishy barely-an-adult human seriously. She’s also highly creative and great at improvising, which probably helps.

Most of this doesn't really show, though, because Jaime is the first-person-narrator of her story.

Behind all of this, though - and that's the part the reader is most likely to see - she's pretty much your average just-over-20-year-old: a fan of slow weekends and too much coffee, prone to slacking off occasionally, super into a variety of TV shows, occasionally quite snarky, and with a not particularly mature sense of humor. Friendly to animals and small kids, but frequently a bit foul-mouthed, and never quite got out of her rebellious phase.

Jaime's childhood was happy, but not particularly remarkable. The third of five children, born to competent and supportive parents, grew up on the outskirts of a medium-sized city. They never moved, were hit by any family tragedies, or got into any kind of trouble; her dad's a teacher, her mom's a professor at a university one city over, and they usually did pretty decent, financially... though they stopped going on family vacations as much since the twins were born, because traveling with five kids (and a dog, potentially) is expensive and very, very difficult.

Her parents are both humongous Star Trek nerds, they met at a convention both cosplaying Spock, and they're still ridiculously in love even after all those years.

Jaime's education was pretty much standard; she never particularly excelled in school because she'd have had to work for that, but she was always reasonably interested in learning new things. Her dad was a teacher at the same secondary school she went to, which was a bit of a pain, but she was generally reasonably well-liked among her classmates (and too scary to cross, anyway).

She was always pretty fond of sports and tried out a variety of them as a kid, but never really stuck with them; she ended up playing soccer for a few years, but nowadays mostly just goes running a few times a week.

Jaime always had a small handful of friends, but was never one to accumulate a lot of them; superficial interpersonal relationships really aren't Jaime's thing. Speaking of relationships, she had one boyfriend in 7th grade, two girlfriends from 8th to 12th grade, but the former relationships didn't last (though luckily the break-up was pretty amicable on both occasions), and the last one kinda fell apart when they went to universities in different countries, and there were also a few dates throughout college, as one does, but it never quite clicked... and nowadays she's frankly too busy. Besides, as long as Jaime has a healthy social life, she doesn't particularly need to be in a relationship.

Jaime always got along really well with her family, especially her second-oldest brother, and they all remain very close. Except for the oldest, who's been a bit busy with his own little family of late, but he still checks in with his siblings once a month or so, and the whole family usually gets together for birthdays and holidays and pretty much a dozen other occasions.

  • Jaime is pretty good at baking, especially all manners of muffins, brownies and cookies - her mom would have her bake things as an apology to the neighbors whenever Jaime fucked up and annoyed the crap out of them again.
  • Named after James T. Kirk because her parents are nerds and terrible at names.
  • At home, Jaime usually lounges around in a hugely oversized t-shirt (preferably in some sort of muddy green or related neutral color, but anything goes. Bonus points for witty, coffee-related prints) and boxers.
  • Drives her dad's ancient VW Beetle (in a color that probably used to be red once), which pretty much got handed down among the extended family for ages until it ended up with Jaime, who got it from her uncle, to her dad's endless amusement. The thing is barely still roadworthy, and Gus hates the thing as much as Jaime loves it. Eventually, he convinces Jaime to give the old rustbucket a complete and probably-slightly-supernatural overhaul, after which it's a good deal better than new.
  • Gestures a lot.
  • Very huggy when appropriate, but invade her personal space without permission and you'll suffer.
  • NOT a morning person.
  • Really, really loves coffee.
  • Not With Them For The Money: A purely platonic variant. Steadfastly ignores the fact that her best friend/roommate/co-worker is actually Rich As Fuck and will not allow him to gift her things accordingly. Not even for Christmas. Gus is fairly annoyed by this, since most of his proposed presents would actually be necessary and useful. Like a new waistcoat that actually fits. Or a complete overhaul of her dangerously decrepit old car. Or a laptop that doesn’t take half an hour to boot and still runs on Windows Vista. 
  • Sophisticated As Hell: Studied English and Latin at university  - also happens to be in her early twenties. 
  • Bad Dreams: Frequently - turns out humans really aren’t mentally equipped to deal with undead bullcrap. Many other MaSCIU officers have the same problem, including Gus. 
  • Determinator: doesn’t even know the meaning of “giving up”.
  • Amazingly Embarrassing Parents: They are absolutely lovely people and usually jut plain amazing parents... they are also MASSIVE SciFi geeks, especially with regards to Star Trek. They met at a con, even - both of them cosplaying Spock. Also have a tendency to wear matching Starfleet Uniform-patterned PJ’s and showing up to breakfast wearing them, which made Jaime very reluctant to have sleepovers as a teen.
  • Curtains Match The Window: brown hair, brown eyes.


Jaime's best friend, roommate, co-worker, and very favorite vampire. Basically a honorary family member. Their relationship is very, very close, but also completely platonic.

Maybe don't write a book here. You can but it might look a lil funky. Quisque quis sagittis dui. Sed sed pellentesque ex. Aliquam quis metus ac ligula gravida mattis ultricies non dolor. Nam augue velit, ultrices vitae vestibulum sed, dignissim eu tortor.

Maybe don't write a book here. You can but it might look a lil funky. Quisque quis sagittis dui. Sed sed pellentesque ex. Aliquam quis metus ac ligula gravida mattis ultricies non dolor. Nam augue velit, ultrices vitae vestibulum sed, dignissim eu tortor.

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