Henry Haznau Neim's Literatures

1 month, 30 days ago
792 1

Summary: This is written from Henry's perspective, shortly before he transferred Betty to the psych ward. It is recommanded to read this while listening to "Works and Ways Unseen", as I found this would encapture perfectly the atmosphere surrounding the writing. Though you can read it in silence too, if you can't have music around.

(Written on April 23rd, 2024.)

austin loves to make goofy nicknames! if he likes you, he'll give you a nice and silly nickname. if he doesn't like you, he'll give you a nickname you hate! if you're older than him/of an older generation then he probably won't give you a nickname out of respect. here's a comprehensive list!

2 months, 18 days ago
1101 1

Henry and Betty's first arrival to Ocean City. I guess it's where he shows his true colors, too. (Written: April 1st, 2024)(It's not an april fool's joke, though.)