Character offers's Comments

Heyo! Sorry to bother but I figured I'd try my shot. Quite a few of your kiddos caught my eye Would you be willing to tell me if any of them are for sale, and maybe a price range as I suck at offering lol?


No worries! I'd consider offers; Their original prices:
Jessamine was 40$? It was 40 or 50 so i'd lean on the lower end since i dont remember for sure lol
Nyoka was 80$
Seneca was 30$
Fairuza was I think 10$, but I'd prefer to trade her for something I liked more than sell outright since 10 wouldn't be enough for me to really want to get rid of her yet 

Oof! I love Nyoka but I can't do 80 dollars right now xp I'll just have to hope she doesn't get yoinked before I can come bother you for her again lol.

If you're cool with it, I'd love to buy Seneca out right. As for Fairuza, I can offer a character or two? Everyone who is NFS should be marked, I think. I could also offer art though I have a feeling you're not super interested xD I also have some species MYO items from the Shivan species, if you're interested I could explain it further.

Sorry on the delayed response! Tbh i was dead all weekend so I didnt want to reply to anything No worries tho ! She's not going anywhere right now anyway lol

If still interested, that's fine for Seneca, if so you can send to (And lmk once sent) and i'll send over the transfer

as for characters, the only one I saw there that i'd vibe with was this one! I'm not super interested in myos/new species that im not already a part of at the moment (Mostly i have no ideas for designs i want anyway lol)

Hi six!! A little bird told me to check this out. there are quite a few characters of yours that intrigue me - i can offer usd, art, customs and possibly characters, so just let me know which of those categories you'd consider for each (if any!), and i can make a more specific offer if you'd like (:






Eggsly and Octea lol



Niniah (almost made it to favorites)




Ataraxia (also almost made it to favorites)

Cressidia <3

I wouldn't be interested on offers for Sparrow, Hunapo (already pending to someone else); Octea, Faustine, Ataraxia, or Cressidia
(Sparrow and Ataraxia are a species I'm most active in right now, Octea is an art fight special/nostalgic character, Faustine is beloved, and Cressidia has sentimental value between me and my wife)  

I would be most open to offers on Eggsley, Iancu, Niniah, Falcate
Eggsley was bought for 25$ (not including extra art)
Iancu was 80$
Niniah was 30$
Falcate was art trade/trade only

I may consider offers on Kazuya, Smoke, and Fairuza but I would be more picky (Kazuya was pricey, Smoke and Fairuza I have ideas for/are fairly new so I haven't had the chance yet to really use them the way I want

Awesome, thank you! Going to bed in a moment now so I'll have a think on it until tomorrow. I know I'll at least definitely want to try to offer on Kazuya - I see her original price was at 150, is there any additional art now that adds value?:) 

She has two extra art pieces, one was a trade piece and the other is my own art so it wasn't purchased

Alright, so you're free to look through my characters to see if any interest you. I'll be most interested in trying to trade for Kazuya, Iancu and Niniah:) 

You can also check out my kias, I have some MYO potions (one VR that I'm waiting for in a trade) that I could either give or design for you if you have something in mind:

I don't see anyone there that I'd really use!
I'm not terribly interested in any kia MYOs at this time, I have plenty + dont have any ideas for a design/custom for them 

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Heya! I really like this character Just wondering what you'd be looking for valuewise if you'd wanna part with them? :>

And just out of curiousity im just wondering if youd part with her/what you'd be looking at for this character? i am well aware of the loads of artpieces that would def bring up her value, but im just curious :>

Kelpie was 50$! I'd consider usd or trades; I'm not terriiiibly connected to her, though I do like her design.

I'd look at things for Jo, if only because I don't have a personality set in stone for her/a story I really vibe with; but only because you're someone I know so I'd still be kinda picky.  I don't have a specific USD value set in stone for her or anything since I did trade art for her originally; but I'd consider trading for a character(s) I really vibe/connect with on a story level more

Ill be intereted in taking kelpie for usd then! I can send over the money rn if you'd like :> Whats your paypal?

And thanks for responding in regards to Jo! Sadly i dont think i have any characters that i myself would deem comparable value/trade wise for her, that id be willing to part with. Youre still free to take a look at my profile, however i am picky with parting with mains. I have a sales user as well with some characters uploaded to a lot of them have additional art as well that isnt uploaded if you'd happen to be interested in any of them :>

You can send to (And lmk once sent!) And ill transfer them over

I don't see anyone I'd really use! So I'd have to pass on trading Jo atm qvq/ 

Its been sent over <3

And no worries on that! thanks for looking anyway!:>

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They're not a cs! Just a one off

I didn't see anyone there I'd really use; and I probably wouldn't sell them yet (I havent owned them long enough to do much with em and I still like them more than the like...12$ i paid for em lol, at that rate i'd keep em)

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I love this character! How attached are you to them? What's their worth/is there anything in particular you would like for them? (Just asking these so I can make a more specific and fair offer)

I likely cannot do USD due to not having Paypal, but I would love to offer art and characters. Thanks for the opportunity!

I'm not very attached! They were purchased for 20$; so not that pricey. I don't have anything specific in mind but it wouldn't be that hard to convince me to trade them

Awesome! Thank you so much for the info :D

I don't have many characters to offer, but feel free to look here and here. If no one interests you, I could do an art offer. Maybe halfbodies of two characters together? It can be ship art or just two characters hanging out together. Whatever you prefer. Here's some art examples.

I can increase this offer if needed as well! Thanks again!

Hi there! These guys really caught my interest!;

Does anyone in these link interest you? if not i'd love to know what the value/amount$ you would accept for them (if able to)!;

Link 1

Link 2

I don't see anyone in those folders i'd use!

I'm not that interested in selling Macgowan, Amarillo was a trade so i'd prefer to trade in return, and Presley was 15 (Without her additional art); but a lot of it was trade or art fight; I wouldn't resell her for 15 outright but I might consider a voucher/3 way trade or something for Amarillo/;Presley  

hey!! i'm interested in these four

anyone here interest you?

i can also offer usd if you're willing to part with any of them! just lmk values, esp bennies bc i couldn't see the ownership tab

Hiyo! I'd be willing to trade any of those. Bennie was purchased for 25 (Without his extra art); Hunapo was 10$ (Without his extra art), Bellflower I traded art for, and eggsly was 25$ (Without his extra art)

Of the ones you had there; I'd be interested in this one!

would you be willing to do bennie and hunapo for brooks? i do love the other two but bennie and hunapo i was eying the most. i can also add usd if needed!

Sure i'd be fine with that! Sorry on my delayed response, I was sick with covid this weekend and i'm still recovering/trying to catch up on work lol, brain frazzled no thinky

no worries!! let me send brooks your way, tyt!

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I already agreed to a different trade for rosette! (Also I made her myself so there is no,,, specific value, she's my own design lol)

I'd be willing to sell Sybilla for the 50$ ! Since I like her but never really connected with any kind of story or personality. Marise would be trade only.

Of the characters there for trade, I'd be interested in these one! (and willing to lower the cost on sybilla/trade marise accordingly)

I wouldn't really be that interested in selling Arcade outright, as while 30$ was the price I purchased them they are fully developed/have a partner that I also own; for 30 i'd just keep them instead of selling them since I still love their design

I also had interest in this one, but obviously the price skew wouldn't be reasonable for these ones specifically; I just figured i'd mention it as I may trade bulk to equate within reason if that was ever enough on my end you were interested in

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No worries! Tbh im surprised so many people seem interested in her, I wasn't all that fond of my designwork for her haha

I'd accept that for sybilla! if you only wanted to do that trade;

Otherwise for the other one-
I'd be willing to trade all of those + sybilla for the other dude EXCEPT for North, because I literally just got him back like...5 minutes ago lol, I'm not gonna throw him that quick y'know
But if you don't want to do that I'm fine with just the first option too! 

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Sure i'd be fine with that! Sorry on my delayed response, I was sick with covid this weekend and i'm still recovering/trying to catch up on work lol, brain frazzled no thinky

No worries it happens! Better to realize now than later though lol; I'd be fine with the trade for Sybilla 

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It just depends what ones you're interested in!
Of the ones you have listed there, Adrihan and Day/dawn/dusk would be a hard no, I love them both and they're important to their plots (Adrihan was in my mains for a long time, and the only reason he isn't anymore is cause his world's storyline isn't my main canon lol) Day/dawn/dusk is integral to my character world

Sielu and Renato I would be extremely picky for, I'd only really want to part with them for USD or a character I can't resist - I wouldn't be willing to take a shot in the dark with customs; art I might consider but it'd depend on the specific offer

Vez'garon I'd be the most lenient/openminded to trading of that set 

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It would depend on the amount of art offered! As you didn't specify that, type of art doesn't mean anything if I don't know how much of it you're offering lol
I'm not that interested in art for any of those couples right now though, I have other characters/ships in mind I want art of 

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Sorry on the delayed response! I was pretty dead all weekend and didn't really feel up for going through messages

I'd probably decline, that just isn't really enough to bribe me out of him, though thankyou for interest! 

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No worries!
Coffee and rosette I'd be willing to part with, neither I have very set-in-stone stories for and aren't terribly connected to anyone

Of the characters you have there; I have some interest in these ones:
(They are in vague order of preference, but obs I wouldn't ask for all of them; I'd just be willing to work something out to trade the two for some amount of them that's fair to both of us) I'd also be fine with art depending on the character side offer (An old familiar face! I'd be interested in trying to use him again)

Gemini is actually the daughter of one of my main characters and I also own her girlfriend, so I don't really want to rehome her; and I'd need a character I really love to consider Sosthenes (as I adore his design, he's just hard for me to draw lol)

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Sure, those are fine with me!
I'll go ahead and transfer them over

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Are we allowed to ask about any characters? Outside of mains obviously lol

You can ask about anyone! Mains are 99% likely to be a no, but I don't mind any inquiries

I'm interested in these ^^

Do I have anyone you'd trade for in my sales? I'm open to trading multiple

I could also offer usd, although I don't get paid until this weekend

Possibly I could trade someone from in here it just depends who you pick, some I could part with but others not

I'll apologise since there's a decent chunk of characters to look through, I do try to organise it at least though

No worries!
I cant trade itzal due to ARPG rules/restrictions; I'd be interested in trading for this one!
I actually have the squirtle one by the same designer, so I think they'd be cute buddies haha
(Gotta figure out if there's a charmander one somewhere,,,)

I'd definitely trade clue for them (with it, technically, it'd also include this one since I hadn't gotten around to finishing the other yet and at that point you'd own both parents so no need to hold on til I finished anyway lol)

I'd consider lake, but i'd be a little more hesitant cause I traded a decent amount of art for them and they're still fairly new so I haven't experimented with them too much

I could trade Bulby for Clue and the offspring!
Gator never did a charmander furret but that would have been so cute to complete the trio for sure. I'm in his discord so can see all the things he's made and I just checked

That's fair about Lake, if you ever did want to trade them I'd be happy to trade multiple because they've been in my favorites for a pretty long time. No pressure of course just letting you know

Sure i'd be fine with that!
And no worries haha, I'll just have to keep an eye out

Tbh, boodle just mentioned she likes Salem- so for the sake of us developing them together, I'd trade Clue (with obligatory free child) + lake for Bulby and Salem if you wanted? (The quickest way to win me over is my wife snooping and going  "OH THEYRE CUTE" because wifey)

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